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Resistance 2 Review

Replay Value:
Online Gameplay:
Overall Rating:
Insomniac Games
Number Of Players:
1-2 (60 Online)

When the PlayStation 3 first launched back in late 2006, the one game that caught everyone’s eye was Resistance: Fall of Man . It officially ushered in the new generation for Sony and quickly became a major selling point of the console still in its infancy stages. Ever since that time, we’ve all been anxiously awaiting the sequel, which finally launched two days ago to widespread critical acclaim. We have had sufficient time to dive into Resistance 2 , and after immersing ourselves in some finely tuned FPS goodness, we’ve come to a very simple conclusion: it’s a must-play for all PS3 owners. It hits us directly between the eyes from the get-go, like the crack of a bat on a poorly placed fastball, after which we follow the flight of the ball with anticipatory pleasure. When the ball finally lands, it’s not only over the fence; it’s out of the entire damn ballpark, bouncing gleefully down the street. This game isn’t flawless, but it specializes in a singular form of fun that has the distinction of beautiful, uninterrupted longevity. In short- you’ll love it from start to finish.

Perhaps you won’t be surprised to learn that R2 doesn’t necessarily overwhelm you with its technical achievements, although there are glimpses of visual brilliance throughout the single-player campaign. Perhaps the best part of this particular presentation is that the gameplay graphics actually outshine the non-interactive cut-scenes. We’ve seen better than the latter (‘cough’ MGS4 ‘cough’), as the textures aren’t exactly spectacular, and the character features and detailing lack the kind of brilliance we’re used to seeing in select elite titles. However, Insomniac most certainly overhauled the gameplay graphics as they’re significantly superior to what we saw in the original title. Everything is sharper and more detailed; the enemies are excellently portrayed and the environments are loaded with both artistic diversity and even several, “oh, wow” moments. We explain one of the more impressive moments below, but for now, let’s just say that the gameplay graphics, from the numerous combat effects to the exquisitely designed backdrops, help to solidify R2’s atmospheric experience.

The sound resonates with crisp weapon fire, shocking and in-your-face explosions, the intimidating roars and grunts of the Chimera, and the frightened screams of the humans. It’s difficult to find a flaw in the effects, although one could argue they tend to drown out the stimulating soundtrack. Perhaps the music isn’t a highlight, but it certainly works in the bigger scheme of things, as the tracks always fit the situation on screen. The voiceover talent falls just shy of top-notch and certain portions of the game were a little too quiet (setting the mood isn’t always necessary), but beyond that, the sound helps to vault this sequel into the elite stratosphere. Those battle effects are so good, from the weapon and projectile effects to any and all appreciated ambient additions, that you can’t help but be absorbed into the action. The music kicks up a notch when battling a boss or faced with a particularly harrowing situation, and we’re rarely so affected when facing the oncoming evil hordes in a game. Inomniac went out of their way to deliver on every possible level in this category, and that effort is duly noted.

We will start the analysis of the gameplay on what may be considered an odd note: after playing through the introductory portion of Resistance 2 , I was immediately reminded of God of War . Of course, we’re talking about two completely different games, but bear with me. What made GoW so compelling from the start was its emphasis on nailing the player in the first five minutes; grabbing them with a hectic set of sequences and never letting go. In R2, they cap off the first hectic sequence with a glorious view of San Francisco- the sky obscured by gigantic and terrifying alien ships and illuminated orange from the glow of fires below. Even the legendary Golden Gate bridge seems to be threatened as all we can see is rubble and ruin, and the invading forces clearly have the upper hand. Instantly, we thought of that part at the start of GoW, where Kratos first sees Athens, suffering under the attack of the colossal Ares. All we wanted to do is just stand there and watch, and that’s exactly what we wanted to do when faced with that memorable scene in R2.

That was the first of the aforementioned “oh, wow” visual moments, even though it can be considered to be the most impressive of the entire game. After this, the gameplay opened up and sucked us in, which caused us to play fervently for three hours without even thinking of a break. This is one of the most important aspects of any game in our minds, which is why we mention it first. The control is fluid and responsive, although we’re still not the biggest fans of one aspect: you tap the L2 button to crouch and hold it to run, and without any further explanation, you can figure out the possible difficulties for yourself. Why they insist on doing this again is confusing, but then again, the other buttons all have their jobs: R1 fires, R2 fires the alternate round, L1 toggles the aim/zoom mode, Triangle switches weapons, Circle tosses the equipped grenade, Square reloads, X jumps, right on the d-pad turns the flashlight on and off, up and down on the d-pad changes the selected grenade, and of course, the two analog sticks have their jobs. So, uh, it looks like they didn’t have any buttons left . Everything works extremely well, and there are no complaints from us on this end.

Now, on to the changes. There are two significant alterations to the gameplay foundation that will be unfamiliar to fans of the original Resistance . The first is – evidently – a nod towards realism and an attempt at implementing more strategy into a relatively straightforward FPS. This time, you can only carry two weapons at once, so you can’t keep accumulating guns in an expanding inventory. However, you’re not restricted to weapon classes in this respect; in other words, you don’t have to always carry a sidearm, rifle, or heavy/special firearm. You can carry two of whatever you like, and if you want the full experience, you should switch things up on a frequent basis. If you’re not careful, though, you can get stuck with a rocket-less LAARK and a Fareye with three shots left. We liked this change of pace and found ourselves thinking about the best possible combo for the next area. Chameleons in the area? You’ll want the Rossmore Shotgun. Got some cover and a lot of enemies in the distance? Give the Marksman a try. Nothing wrong with experimentation, right?

The only issue we had with picking up new weapons is that for some strange reason, you have to press the Square button really hard to snag it. …why, we have no idea. But anyway, the second significant change is how we handle our health. In the original, there were four bars of health, each of which can regenerate provided they’re not depleted entirely. If they do disappear, you had to find a yellow canister to get that health back, but this system disappears in the sequel. Now, it’s more like a Call of Duty health mechanic, where the screen blinks red when you’re hit, and the marker pops up telling you where the attack is coming from. Find some cover if the screen gets redder and your heartbeat increases, and you can recover. We like this better, too, because it streamlines the gameplay and places the emphasis firmly on the action. However, we can see how both changes may influence a player one way or another, and there’s a great deal of subjectivity involved. For me, because I thought these changes made the game better, I came away completely satisfied with the new, faster gameplay.

Speaking of “faster gameplay,” that’s the last major change: R2 may not technically be twice as fast as its predecessor, but it feels twice as fast. That’s exactly the kind of feature that will entice new players to play this sequel, just because it adopts a quicker speed; many will say the original moved too slowly. Well, Insomniac did address that complaint to some extent, even though just moving normally still feels fully under control. And in reality, perhaps R2 doesn’t move faster from a character motion standpoint, but more from a pacing standpoint. Due to the excellent pacing in the game, it always feels as if you’re involved in a fast-paced, hectic confrontation, because…well, because you usually are. At no point will you feel as if things are dragging; there’s always a huge battle just lurking around every corner and amazingly enough, each one feels relatively fresh. You’ll move from battling the massive Kraken to hordes of Chimera in the vast out-of-doors, then you’ll be underground waiting for the slightest indication that those Spitters (at least, I think that’s what they’re called) will hatch. Then, you’ll be in the woods, spinning around in circles searching for the next Chameleon.

Other small changes include the flashlight feature, commonly found in survival/horror titles but recently instituted in FPSs like Doom III . It did add another semblance of freakiness to the darker environments, but it’s not a truly significant addition. Now, as for the Chimera, one thing fans of the original will notice is that these enemies are more aggressive than ever before. What they lack in strategy and military tactics they make up for with sheer brutality; they’ll run right at you – and we’re relatively convinced they move faster than they once did – and even the big dudes will rush you at a moment’s notice. Oh, and there are way more types of Chimera that have invaded the North American landscape, which is more good news. This includes everything from the two new creatures just mentioned (Spitters and Chameleons) to underwater nasties called Furies that mean instant death, big, intimidating thugs with special guns and shields, and awesome bosses that are huge, beautifully designed and detailed, and fully capable of making you exclaim, “holy sh**!”

As for how one goes about playing, it’s rarely a good idea to try the run ‘n gun tactic, primarily because aiming before firing is almost always a good idea. By holding down the L1 button, you can more accurately aim with any weapon, and although you can’t move very well, your bullets hit their mark on a far more frequent basis. You will waste a whole lot more ammo if you don’t utilize the L1 aim feature, but if you do, you will be satisfied with your skills as a soldier. The Normal difficulty level feels plenty challenging enough and you will probably die more often in R2 than you did in the original, but again, that’s a testament to the constant speed and immersion factor. Sometimes, you just get so caught up in things, you can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner…and that’s when things can go very, very badly. You need to play with a controlled enthusiasm, and if you can manage this mindset, you will reap the rewards of this stellar FPS. Just don’t get too frustrated when facing particularly tough obstacles; you can usually find a very useful weapon lying somewhere nearby. “Hey, that thing’s huge! …oh, there’s the LAARK.”

Lastly, let’s not forget about the new weapons. The Carbine and Bullseye return as the default weapons for the humans and Chimera respectively, although the Bullseye received a major cosmetic overhaul. The Fareye is basically the same (slow-mo as the alternate fire included), the Auger is actually much better, and the Rossmore (shotgun) also seems better (slightly more accurate and more powerful). New weapons include the Magnum with a special detonating fire, the Wraith, which is a powerful minigun that lets you engage a shield that moves with you, and let’s not forget a personal favorite, the Marksman. It’s the Chimeran sniper rifle that lets you zoom in like the Fareye, but also fires a semi-automatic burst that makes it semi-effective in the field. Oh, and the alternate fire is a electric ball that flies out and damages any enemies in its path. Sometimes, it can be very difficult to choose which two weapons to take with you, but then again, that’s half the fun. We do recommend picking up a gun the developers leave lying around; they probably left it there for a reason…

The online multiplayer, which we’ve already sampled in the beta, features 8-player Cooperative and up to 60-player Competitive, and both are fun as hell. Given the multiple classes available in the Co-Op, you can spend a great deal of time leveling them up and seeing the action from a new perspective. And if you thought the single-player campaign was fast, wait until you play some super intense 60-player Team Deathmatches online. At the end of the day, Resistance 2 is exactly what we were hoping for. We get those gargantuan Chimeran enemies and vehicles we saw in early trailers and gameplay previews, the seamless action and endlessly changing environments always kept us happy and hungry for more, a few of the visual scenes are breathtaking, and we’re big fans of the new enhancements and additions. We suppose the story could’ve been better, though, and we did come across a few technical glitches here and there (for example, our character once got caught in between a pile of debris and a stone column, rendering us helpless), but for the most part, we really couldn’t ask for a better FPS experience. Perhaps it’s not a good idea to say this, but this game is what Halo 3 should’ve been.

Resistance 2 is a sweeping, grand epic of a masterpiece issued in staccato bursts of ceaselessly entertaining action, which ultimately provide the gamer with a wonderfully paced and satisfying adventure. It’s a must for any PS3 owner, and continues the 2008 trend of unbelievably accomplished PS3 exclusives. Get it, and get it now.

P.S. Stay tuned for Arnold's review, coming soon!  You get two perspectives on this blockbuster, friends. 🙂

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15 years ago

I have not had the chance to play Resistance 2 yet, but from it says here, it seems to have done justice to its name once more. I may pick this one up, however, what is more important to me though is that it is another AAA game for the PS3, adding to its pedigree as a superb entertainment machine across the board. Another quality product from Insomniac!


"i Am HomE"

* HOME Beta Tester *

Last edited by Qubex on 11/5/2008 11:19:15 PM

15 years ago

Real rating, from real game reviewers. Seriously, thank you.

John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
15 years ago

I don't like the new health/life system in the game. It's one of only a few complaints I have against it. The life bar from the first game worked perfectly.
Something about just standing still and regaining life seems wrong to me in a game. Almost makes it too easy.

15 years ago

i actually really missed the old health system myself, at least i knew when i needed to get some health, but sitting there to recover is ok for me since so many other fps games do it…

15 years ago

what da fu*k Ben Dutka?How come u give it 9.2 for gfx?It's completely pale wen u compare it with MGS4,LBP N GEARS2,r2 deserves 8.5 for gfx.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

…if you think so.

15 years ago


stupid XBOT

go play Gears 1.1

15 years ago

OH MY GOD! he mentioned gears of war in a positive light! GET HIM! calm down. If you honestly believe that Gears 2 isn't one of the best looking games around then you have no brain.

15 years ago

Great reveiw. With all these damn AAA titles to choose from, it's getting hard deciding which ones to buy…

15 years ago

Get em all…muahahahahah!

15 years ago

I'm really really really intrigued by the 60 player online multiplayer matches. I remember playing Tribes 2 back then for the PC which had like 64 players max I believe. Can't wait to pick this one up. Is it possible to invite a guest to play online and have a split screen on the same TV in this game like Halo 3?

15 years ago

yeah, you can have guests, at least it did with the beta..

15 years ago

What's wrong with me? I played the first 30 mins of the game, and didn't really enjoy it much. I was even yawning at some points.

Hopefully it picks up.

I guess maybe the graphics have something to do with it. They usually don't, but I expected more. While the enemies look great, everything else looks like crap.

Really makes me wish it looked as good as Gears 2.

It's kinda sad.

I'm sure I'll love it the more I play it, I loved the beta.

15 years ago

i guess its all subjective. I can't see anything looking like crap on my hdtv, sure it doesn't look like Gears 2, but that doesn't make it look like crap.

different strokes for different folks i guess. When you go into a game not really liking it, chances are you won't. In your case, you really should wait for Gears 2, its obviously the game you are feeling right now for your graphical fix so go ahead, no one will kill you

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I personally like the look MORE than Gears 2, again like he said its all subjective.

15 years ago

I've only played the beta, but I thought the graphics were pretty sweet. I must just play a lot of crappy looking games or something because so many people here are saying they aren't bad but not the greatest. But don't worry, I got bored with it after like a minute. I really liked the first one but I couldn't get into this one. I won most of the matches I was in and still couldn't have fun. I blame that on just being sick of FPS's though. Soooo many other great games to choose instead for PS3.

15 years ago

This is a kick in the balls!!! My PS3 just died!!! Im gonna cry…

15 years ago

How did it die? Did it eff up on the update? My update went fine and I downloaded the Mirror's Edge Demo right after it. I didn't try the demo yet though.

15 years ago

Ben you know im a loyal fan of this site but i do go to others as well….. did anyone really think they would rate this game on par with with Gears 2? a lot of people on gamefaqs were shocked and tend to not hate them…for now haha

15 years ago

For now, right lol.

the new pic makes me think of kratos even more.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

…not sure what you mean. Heh.

15 years ago

Well I cant say its directly from the update but exactly after that I turned it off came home and got the Yellow Light of Death. Might be an EVIL coincidence but its gone….just in time for freakin RESISTANCE!!!

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 11/6/2008 12:10:14 AM

15 years ago

Awesome score for an awesome game

15 years ago

Wasim i'm not an xbot.i've been playin games since ma childhood n i've got 11 gaming consoles n almost 250+ games,every month i spend around 250 bucks on vdo games,so i know very well how to play a game n how to judge a ma comment i never said r2 is bad n don't buy it.i just said dat it's not on par with MGS4,lbp,gears2 in terms of gfx.dat's it.if i'm an xbot than why i included mgs4 there?
Ben Dutka if i said anything wrong than u can ban me frm ur site.

15 years ago

Oh wow is exactly what I said when I saw the San Francisco scene. Also when I saw the goliath and the leviathan. I love the game, single player and online are equally great. I had been waiting for this game for a long time and it simply blows my mind. I wish I could still carry all the weapons, but it does make you think a little more and add changes your strategy a little bit. It is absolutely a must buy.

And the special edition is awesome, definitely worth the extra $

I just saw a commercial for it while I was writing this

Last edited by Jed on 11/6/2008 12:24:25 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

SABIT: Nothing's wrong, I just don't think much of your eye. Resistance 2 is visually spectacular in some respects, and the reason it got that score is because there are VERY few PS3 games that look better. Yes, MGS4 is one of them and maybe even LBP, but why does a game that looks better than 99% of all other PS3 titles deserve a 8.5 in graphics?

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/6/2008 12:50:24 AM

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

I gotta side with you on this one, Ben. I thought the graphics on the beta were disappointing, and didn't expect more from the real game. Then, before I played my copy, I read a lot of people on the playstation forums complaining about the graphics. Then when I fired up my copy I thought, "What the hell are they talking about?!!?" Given, I still haven't played it online (kept getting disconnects), so maybe the online graphics are worse and on par with the beta, but the graphics in the campaign mode are sweet.

15 years ago

Great idea for the double review!!! I respect both of your opinions. You already made my mind for me Ben just waitin on Arnold's perspective and apparently a new PS3…

15 years ago

Very good review Ben. Just sitting here at work itching to get home and check my mail to see if its come. some of you know how i feel about the graphics should of got 8.5-9.0.imho.

im out and does anyone like cake MMMMMMMmmmmmm

15 years ago

Hey,Ben u mean r2 looks better than Uncharted?better than quest for booty,better than deadspace?so how u r calling it 99%?
I was too harsh actually atfirst cuz i had high hopes with r2,though da gameplay is outstanding but visuals r so,so.Frankly u should've been give it 8.5 for gfx & btw wat's wrong with da controls?u gave it 9.3 but imo it'really smooth n it deserves 9.8 atleast[ONLY L2 ISSUE]

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yes, 99%. Even if you wanted to put Uncharted and Dead Space ahead of R2 visually, you're still only at about 4 or 5 games that look better. Heck, say there are 10 (even though I don't think there are).

Given the hundreds upon hundreds of games that have released for the PS3, how EXACTLY – mathematically speaking – can you give R2 a 8.5? Think about it.

15 years ago

Ok,Ben i quit,i can't keep up with u.
But still i think it shouldn't cross 9 atleast n wat bout da controls?

15 years ago

This stupid argument is exactly my I prefer straight up ten (actually 5) point sacles with no decimals. People wanna nitpick over half of a point? are you kidding me?

15 years ago

I think it does deserve to get judged differently because Insomniac is a first party dev and this is their third game for the PS3.

@aaron – I have a 42 inch plasma, that's not the problem. The game isn't great looking. I also don't own a 360 so I wont be playing GOW2 anytime soon. I just can't help but think of all these comments about the PS3 being so powerful but then see Gears 2 deliver more visually.

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

Gears 2 is also like a what 5th generation title? and R2 is a 3rd

15 years ago

i never said you didnt own a hdtv, all im saying is all subjective. the game looks amazing to me, if it looks like crap to you, thats an opinion not shared by many.

Bottom line for now is if you wanna play a game that looks like Gears 2, play gears 2.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 11/6/2008 6:18:16 AM

15 years ago

Insomniac isn't a first-party developer, unless Sony has bought the company recently. Granted, Insomniac is an exlusive second-party developer; so for all intents and purposes, Insomniac is as close to being a first-party developer as can be without being owned by Sony.

15 years ago

You play games on a plasma? I heard that can mess the TV up. Is that just a myth?

15 years ago

What you are noticing in the graphics is a reduction in textures. I would say they are reduced even compared to Fall of Man, and this was done on purpose, to optimise framerate, on screen activity, number of objects, and consistency of online gameplay. So it is rather unfair to compare it to Gears2, which is game that is high in texture quality, but only chugs along as compared to the on screen activity of R2.. A fairer standard to use is a game like COD4 or Halo3, as done in the review…

15 years ago

Hey everyone I just signed up to this site and I would just like to say hello to everyone here. I finally decided to register here after following this site for a while, but to get back on topic great review Ben. I feel that every site I go to offers a slightly negative review to any PS3 game, so I am glad that we have you here Ben.

15 years ago

Oh, and Ben, you don't have to press square hard…You just have to hold it for a bit longer. I think this was done as a safe-guard, so that in the middle of battle, one doesn't accidentally discard or swap one's weapon with something on the playfield, accidentally.

15 years ago

just off subject but did anyone have trouble logging online after downloading the new update? i cant sign onto Socom and its freakin frustrating that i cant get any headshots in today!!!

15 years ago

I had a hard time too. I updated last night and was on-line temporarily while playing Pacific Rift. Then in the middle of the game I got a message that I was booted out right in the middle of a race. I then tried to get back on-line and wasn't successful until my third or fourth try. It will be interesting to see what happens tonight.

15 years ago

Fabi!u just said the word which was running to n fro in ma mind.This is Insomniac's 3rd game for ps3,so they should've made da gfx look awesome,but instead it looks like an average joe.We don't want 60 players online,what we want:pure single player HD experience.

Last edited by n/a on 11/6/2008 3:43:19 AM

15 years ago

oh please, let this game have only a single player experience and you would be amongst the many players stating " no multiplayer, no good "

Seems to me that some will never be happy, because superior graphics is all that matters nowadays and not gameplay…sigh…

Last edited by aaronisbla on 11/6/2008 6:26:45 AM

15 years ago

y can't we have both good Gfx and good gameplay. honestly, when i bought a ps3 i was expecting both, but graphically i wasn't quite blown away by most games. must be coz i was moving to the ps3 from PC gaming, or were my expectations too high ?

15 years ago

Huso: I think the graphics will keep getting better with time. PS3 is still young. And yea you were probably spoiled by pc games lol.

15 years ago

Just beat kraken im loving it dudes great review ben

15 years ago

WTF??? I think graphics aren't that important! Why is there so much emphasis on looks??? I know a game can't be butt ugly but come on now. My only problem Ben wit your review is you gripe with the controller layout. I was a lil irritated with it but guess what I did, I paused , went to options, and u can change any button that u want or make the layout the way u want it to be. So if you are a Call of duty Fan male your custom layout that. Other than that I agree with the review score.

15 years ago

if u were playing Tetris, would u play the one with just boxes or the one with pretty colours and 3d effects on the boxes with weird sound effects?

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