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Ben’s Week In Review: November 4

No slowdown! No slowdown! Keep working! Aaaaahhhh!!! Uh…I'm okay. I swear.

My thoughts on the PS4? See pic to the right

I really have no freakin' idea. Every time I come up with what I think is a decent theory, it disintegrates in less than a day. I'm second-guessing myself on a consistent basis and I've decided to stop. So when I read about those rumored PS4 details , I did precisely what that woman is doing in the picture. Same hand gesture, same look on the face. I am not a tech person, so I can't contribute to all those intricate discussions in the comments (I just let Highlander, the resident guru, and others go at it) and in truth, I don't want to. Over the years, power has meant less and less to me. At the same time, I have noticed that my favorite gaming experiences often have cutting-edge graphics that boggle the mind. So maybe I don't know what I want.

All I know is that the traditional RPG is dead and buried for home consoles, so I'm not going to be looking at the PS4 or Xbox 720 for that fix. I have to go backward to get that sort of fix. Another Uncharted ? Sure, gimme. New IPs that might tackle more complex subject matter? Yep. Some cool unique stuff on the PSN? I'm good with that. Really, I don't know what else to say on the matter. Either I'm getting easier to please or oddly stricter in terms of standards, even if I don't know it…can't say.

Capcom would team up with a Western team for any project, huh?

Sorry, but this is another 'shrug' for me. I could go back and forth on this subject, too. On the one hand, there's no denying that the technical prowess of Western developers often trumps that of Japanese designers, and I don't see why collaborating with great programmers for Mega Man or something would be a bad idea. On the other hand, one could argue Capcom has lost faith in themselves and they simply don't trust their own teams to deliver titles that appeal to a worldwide audience. On top of which, shouldn't there be a little pride involved, too? I mean, we're talking about some seriously iconic franchises; games that helped build this industry. If I owned those revolutionary names, I would do everything I could to prove that my company remains worthy of those names. Wouldn't you?

Now, a new IP like Remember Me , I sorta get. You're trying to adapt to an increasingly global market and you could use some outside influences to assist. Besides, you'll still have creative control, as Ninja Theory continually reminds us when discussing DMC (Capcom seems plenty involved in the making of that reboot). But in my estimation, nobody should help Capcom with Resident Evil . Capcom should continue to prove their relevance by keeping RE's legend alive with quality releases. …it's just too bad that RE6 was so controversial. Makes things a little hazy.

Personal gaming update

So after playing to what I thought was the very end of Dishonored , I discovered I wasn't even close. So that has delayed my return to the excellent Assassin's Creed III (but only temporarily, of course). And I have to say, Need for Speed: Most Wanted is mad fun. I like to toss that in if I've only got an hour or so. Reviews incoming for The Unfinished Swan , LittleBigPlanet Karting , and Sports Champions 2 , all of which I have right now. So yeah, it seems ACIII will have to wait even longer…

I'm hoping I explained myself clearly in that ACIII review, by the way. At PSXE, we've discussed before the importance of becoming attached to an environment in an open-world adventure. If it resonates with you, everything is instantly better. If it doesn't, the flaws become more glaring. That being said, I do believe (all personal opinion aside) that the technical mishaps in that game have been over-exaggerated to the point of being insulting. I will always maintain that. Anyway, here's to another busy week!

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12 years ago

Wrong on all accounts. Playstation has always excelled toward the end of its generational cycle moreso than other consoles because it was always pushing technology that had more power to tap than developers could manage at the start.

The meager advancements in games for other consoles like xbox, 360, DC, Saturn, Gamecube, Wii, N64 were always due to a better understanding of how to run software on an already fully understood platform, not on actually drawing more power from the hardware as has been the case with Playstation.

In short, if PS4 goes x86 it can be weighed and measured on day 1 as the 360 was… instead of having its boundaries continually pushed 6 years into its life cycle as PS3 is.

12 years ago

I see beamboom is still trolling about the cell. Dude, when are you going to uncloak and admit that you're actually the Norwegian incarnation of Mr Underline? I mean seriously, you're so pro x86 and PC and have to carp on about Cell all the time despite the simple fact that you're generally speaking dead wrong about it.

12 years ago

Highlander, sorry but your blinding hate for the x86 architecture far surpasses my acceptance of the technology any day of the week.

I am talking about the PRACTICAL consequences of this shift. And I have so many times now said to you that I do not CARE what is inside the box as long as it works. But you just pretend you never heard and instead begin with these idiotic remarks about what and who I am. Who was the troll, again?

When Lawless points out the look and performance of Warfighter on both platforms, backed by a analytical site who did the technical analysis, he makes his point from a PRACTICAL perspective. When I say that a x86 based console has in all practical means pretty well kept up with the Cell based console for almost an entire lifespan now, I say so from a PRACTICAL perspective.

You can fire up all the benchmark tests in the world, deliver an hour long speech about gigaflops and bus speeds and parallel processes, it doesn't change the fact that White Knight Chronicles or any other favourite game of ours just as well could have been played on a x86 based console. That is the *reality*. THAT is what we talk about.

Again, Sony can make their next console based on a thousand Casio wristwatches for all I care, as long as it *works* and deliver top of the line gaming experiences to me. That is my stance on the x86 architecture. I really don't C.A.R.E.

But there *are* advantages of choosing a standardized route. There are very good reasons why not every manufacturer in the world today are working on their own architecture like they did in the eighties. But you are TOTALLY ignoring this.

Now please, PLEASE try to grasp what I am saying here. I appreciate your opinions, always has, but please stop trolling my posts. I don't do that to you, all I ask is the same in return.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/5/2012 2:17:24 PM

12 years ago

Need for Speed: MW has taken up all my gaming time. Yea I havnt even put in AC3 yet and I'm still not ready too. Shoot it might be until after I get my CoD fix in at this point. Anyways NFS is just awesome fun. Especially online.

I truly believe that the technical mishaps in MoH were overly exaggerated. Can't say for AC3 as I havnt played it yet. But I'm sure it's gonna be fine and it is fine. I don't expect any game to be perfect but I also believe that Ubisoft delivered on AC3, so I'll take your word for it Ben!

PGU: NFS:MW! Havnt touched anything else in a week! Well since it released!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/4/2012 2:56:44 AM

12 years ago

In regards to NFS:MW online, how many can hook up in total, and are the online challenges much like they were in Burnout Paradise?

12 years ago


8 people total I believe. The other night I had 3 friends in a part (including myself) then 5 others just in our lobby.

The challenges are similar to Burnout (aside from tricks). The challenges vary, and it's set up so when you start challenges there will be 5 and whoever has the most points after those 5 challenges wins and gets a bonus, and then there's an intermission (free roam) then another session of challenges start.

The challenges vary: there's racing; see who can reachthe highest speed; drifting; jumping, and other various challenges.

There's a couple ways to play either free roam or in challenges and it's just fun!

12 years ago

Aha, so the players/host don't initiate each challenge individually, but it follows a predefined path?

I really look forward to this game!

12 years ago

In regards to the PS4, the objective fact of the matter is that we do not know enough yet. So from that perspective your approach is the most rational one Ben: None of us – NONE – know enough to pass any final judgement yet.

I am optimistic, and put an optimistic spin on the little we know. Highlander fronts the negative bunch, with his pessimistic spin on the same facts. That's where the case stands today.

But since the pessimistic view is the dominating one I would like to suggest to you all that you read the last post on the PS4 article, the post from "PS9". He offers a different view on what the little we do know might mean, from a different perspective than my software-focused arguments.

It is worth a read, highly recommended, if not for anything else than as an illustration of how wide the horizon is in these regards are right now.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/4/2012 4:10:49 AM

12 years ago


Finally I got something more exciting than mobile games to talk about! 😀

Amnesia – The Dark Descent:
As far as I can remember this is the first true survival game I've played. Yup.
Earlier, when you guys say you miss survival games on the PS3, I've thought, "well wtf, most games are about survival and resources are often scarse, so…". But NOW I get it.

In Amnesia, at least for as far as I've gotten so far, you don't even have weapons. And the atmosphere is almost choking me, the exploration is thrilling, the story that unfolds makes me curious for more. This is good shit!

It's also the first ever first person view game I've played on Linux, so this is a first in many respects.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/4/2012 5:57:24 AM

12 years ago


Check out also the game "Slender: The Eight Pages", it's also a minimalist horror game. You might also like it.

12 years ago

Cool, Homura. I'll keep that title in mind should I stumble across it. Is it released by an indie dev? Cause Amnesia is, and I bought it as part of a "Humble Bundle" along with seven other indie games – Think I paid around 10 dollars for the whole bundle. Crazy good deal.

It must be said that I am quite the chicken when it comes to scary stuff, so it may get to a point in Amnesia where I simply can't play further. But so far so good. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/4/2012 10:05:00 AM

12 years ago

I have been watching console wars since Nintendo and Sega. It seems to me that it is not going to matter what Sony does, Microsoft will get top billing whether deserved or not. Am I off in that respect?

I say let Capcom do their on thing on the games produced. There will always be someone who gripes about them.

Still working on Darksidersll. When you are limited to only short play times, its hard to get through anything. Dang I'm slow…

12 years ago

ALL i want from this next generation of consoles: the ability for multiple psn logins at the same time. if my wife is on the couch playing ratchet and clank all 4 one, I want to be able to pick up controller #2, press the PS button, login with my PSN id, earn a trophy or 2 with her at the same time, turn my controller off, and go about my business.

12 years ago

I agree with Lawless and Beanboom in regards to the PS4. I do hope they have B/C though for obvious reasons. Otherwise, I'm sure it will be great and exciting as usual!

12 years ago

I want Sony to stick to the cell architecture for next gen. Compatibility with my bluray collection of games will cause me to buy a new system sooner. Another thing that's been on my mind is nobody hacked the ps3, the keys were stolen and released. I don't believe for one minute that developers would choose an easily hackable system over a steeper learning curve, which said curve should be non existent now. We hear developers complaining all the time about used game sales, so yeah go ahead and throw piracy in the mix too.

PC architecture just sounds like an excuse to push all digital formats, which I don't want.

12 years ago

PC architecture is a cheap ass gamer's way of making a console. browse through NewEgg, find the cheapeast decent performing mainstream processor AMD, pair it up with a semi-decnet, but not ground breaking AMD GPU, stamp out some worthless POS cheapo motherboard with a standard low end chipset from Biostar and fling commodity RAM, HDD and BluRay at it and what have you got? A PS4 Orbis Dev system.

It makes me want to cry. A company that prided itself on innovation seems reduced to shipping out a bog standard commodity PC in a closed box, and talking it up like it's something wonderful. Just horrible.

12 years ago

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to a text about The Last Story for $8, I snapped it up on the spot. Looking forward to playing a game from the Final Fantasy master again.

12 years ago

I'm even less interested in next gen software given my decline in play these days. On a better note PGU! I got my hands on AC3 this weekend and I most certainly enjoyed it. The combat and other controls did take awhile to get a handle of. The voice acting is what has really standed out after a couple hours of gameplay. Even seemingly negligible characters are not left behind.

12 years ago

I finally started playing NFS:MW last night and it's amazing. I spent a good 6 to 8 hours on the single player alone. It's so hard to put down.

12 years ago

I just hope Sony continues trying to be the best there is, that they don't lose their Japanese essence of taking pride on their product for almost being perfect.

If they go for the PC architecture, I will be disappointed. Just remember the physics of water and sand effects in Uncharted 3, the algorithm to do that, I think it can only be achieved in cell architecture. If there's a game that can match that in PC, let me know about it.


Still in Condemned 2, it's f*ucking creepy, and the finishing move where you put the head of the lollipop girl in some kind of a machine and watch it being squashed, it's f*ucking brutal.

Last edited by homura on 11/4/2012 7:47:01 PM

12 years ago

Condemned is insane creepy! Omg, I could not even get past the tutorial.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/5/2012 2:29:06 PM