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Ben’s Week In Review: September 4

Well, after nearly five full days without power, I'm back in business. But even without power, nobody noticed any drop-off in content, now did they? 😉

If Capcom and Ninja Theory are buddy-buddy…

Look, I was one of the first to come forward and say, "that is not Dante." I love the Devil May Cry franchise and that Emo junkie they've got as a young main character in the DMC reboot just irritates me. But there's one thing we all have to remember: DMC has always been all about the gameplay. The in-depth, satisfying combat that fulfills the hardcore action aficionados is Dante's calling card. And although many believed the combat in Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was a touch too simple, Ninja Theory has it in them to create an unbelievable battle mechanic that is both fluid and deep.

And besides, we shouldn't downplay the fact that Capcom is working closely with the developer on this project. Although the publisher seems dead-set on expanding westward (which many veterans frown upon), I refuse to believe they'd let an outside designer ruin one of their iconic franchises. That just isn't possible, is it?

Sledgehammer plagued by foot in mouth disease

I think everybody is aware that Sledgehammer's Michael Condrey didn't mean to say his team's third-person Call of Duty project will outstrip the Uncharted franchise in terms of quality. By saying the Drake fans would benefit from a "world class franchise," I'm sure Condrey meant to say… Well, something that isn't as stupid as it sounded. Basically, they're creating a multiplatform product with the CoD brand, which means it's almost guaranteed to be popular around the globe. And yes, it has the potential to sell more copies than the unbelievably stellar Uncharted titles, just because the latter are only available on the PlayStation 3.

But even so, I hope Condrey and Co. step up and clarify that statement this week. Yes, this week. Soon. That's the type of comment that can spread like wildfire – and in fact, already has – and will follow you throughout the promotion process of your game. Really, we think we know what you meant, Michael, but you gotta clarify. And if you meant it the way it sounded, well…you're a bona fide moron.

Personal gaming update

Because I was without power, I was unable to do much of anything besides work at a remote location this past week. So I'd like to get back to Deus Ex: Human Revolution ; sadly, though, I won't be able to finish it before Resistance 3 and Dead Island get here in couple days. By the way, the roundtable discussion with Techland concerning their zombie-slaying survival game was interesting; it really did sound a lot like a full-fledged RPG . I mean, it's not , but the major elements are there.

While I'm on the subject, a few updates- I'm going to badger the Square Enix PR lady to get going on our Final Fantasy XIII-2 questions, although I'm pretty sure it isn't her fault. Also, expect interviews with Boris Salchow, the composer for Resistance 3 , Ian Bogost regarding his views and recent book , and a chat with someone from Level-5 about White Knight Chronicles II . The latter isn't confirmed just yet but I'm working on it.

And of course, reviews for the big games are coming, along with Episode #6 of the PSXE Show in PlayStation Home. Again, we were delayed a week because of the storm and couldn't have the party in the Theater for Ep. 5, but we'll do it again for the next show. See y'all there. 🙂

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13 years ago

yo i haven't payed much attention lately when is the next home party ? or is it still TBA ?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

TBA. But it'll be a Thursday, I'm pretty sure.

13 years ago

k thanks

13 years ago

It sucks about the power thing. I hope it goes back on for you guys. I think I'd be getting a lot more art time in if I didn't have power. Perhaps that wouldn't be such a bad thing. I have been doing some art, though. I've been conceptualizing ideas for a mobile phone game. I think I have a good idea, so as I get real programming skills I'll put my art and tech skills to the test.

I haven't totally dismissed the new DmC. I just don't like what I'm seeing. But I can't say much because I haven't been a big DMC fan to begin with. I played through DMC, DMC2, some of DMC3, and some of DMC4. I'm hopeful that maybe NT will put there best foot forward with this game, but it's hard for me to come to terms with that considering that they abandoned their custom PS3-tech and embraced the UT3 engine (lol what?) Yeah, so.. yeah

I'm curious about the new CoD. Wait and see there. It can't surpass Uncharted 2 or 3 for several reasons. Man, did anyone see that U3 airport trailer footage? Some pretty hot stuff there. It all looks like a worthy successor to their last goty-worthy hit.

PGU: I finally finished Fallout 3. Great game. I don't have money for the DLC just yet, so it'll have to sit on the shelf. But I have every intention of revisiting the post apocalyptic world down the road. The DLC has too much of a good rep to pass up.
I also finished Crysis Warhead. After the novelty of the great tech/visuals began to wane the game itself boils down to just pretty cool. Like 8.5'ish cool. Nothing bad there. Aside from the awesome jungle shoot outs, I think I liked Crysis 2 more. It's deeper.

I've moved onto Far Cry 2. Hot dang! I love that game. I think I'm growing a fetish for open world design. I've been overly attracted to them types as of late.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/3/2011 10:14:03 PM

13 years ago

Man, I loved FarCry 2!

Although I didn't get all the trophies, my proudest trophy was for covering every square kilometer of FC2.

13 years ago

I loved Far Cry 2 too, it's a game that really allows you to get "in character". A quality shooter in my book and a good advocate for open world games.
If they polish away the flaws in FC2 and pump up what's good then next years Far Cry is already a guaranteed winner. Anything they add to that formula can only be good.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/4/2011 3:45:37 AM

13 years ago

Ben do you guys think you will have Uncharted 3 early for review?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I should.

13 years ago

<evil grin>
Seeing how hard he works for it, yeah he should. 😉

13 years ago

PGU: Got my PS3 back a week ago and got back into the swing finally in the playoffs in NBA 2k11, 30 something games left in NHL. Joined blockbuster for their free 30 days and got "Medal of Honor" and "L.A. Noire". And I'm waiting for "Dead Island" from gamefly they shipped it out today.

13 years ago

How can you possibly get a new game day 1 from GF?!?!?! I've tried so many times. I'm reverting to redbox.

13 years ago

It would be nice if Capcom would explain why they have chosen to reboot DMC. Capcom have made some odd choices with their popular series. Will we ever see Monster Hunter on the PS3. I do look forward to Dragon's Dogma and Asura's Wrath.

Ive been playing Deus Ex my only complaint is too much damn hacking. I've been replaying Xenogears. Im so ready TGS.

Ben you didnt miss a beat considering you were without power! I dont always comment but I do check in everyday.

Last edited by bebestorm on 9/4/2011 12:59:28 AM

13 years ago

no, its not possible.
it just happened to DMC4, lost planet 2, bionic commando, and RE5.
the thought of NT creating DMC is just sickening!
the combat systems in NTs games have always been their weak point.
they have always been so simple, basic, the complete opposite to DMC!
NT making a DMC game makes just about as much sense as blizzard developing KZ4!

im really trying to get driver and bodycount done by thursday.
bodycount is a buggy piece of sh*t!
no, seriously how the f*ck did this game get past QA?
the sound keeps cutting out, the game keeps freezing, i have fallen through the world a few times, i have got stuck in walls, my god this has got to be THE buggiest game i have ever played!
no wonder it was only 60 bucks!
drivers allot better, allot of fun when it wants to be, but EXTREMELY frustrating all the time!
the game gives you NO WHERE near enough time to complete the missions.
1 mission for example your in a RUF and have to shift to disable 10 truck bombs.
you have to shift, raise up, find a truck, find the closest car that can fit under it, shift to it, get it under the truck and keep it there for a few seconds to disable the bomb.
rinse and repeat 9 more times.
so you would think they would give you 1 minute per car?
maybe 30 seconds per car?
nope, 3 minutes!
you have to do all that in 3 f*cking minutes!!!!!
why dont you ask me to drive to the moon in 3 minutes that would be a whole lot easier!

other problem is its gotta be the most repetitive game i have ever played!
all the side missions you have to do to unlock a story mission are the same!
whether its a race, "stunt", or cop mission each chapter there the same.
so you basically do the same thing for a hour, then do a new refreshing story mission, then do the same thing for a hour, then do a new refreshing story mission, rinse and repeat.
gets extremely boring doing the same sh*t over and over and over and over and over again!

they need to have new powers or new modes, something to break the pace of the game up.
they need the over the top crash mechanics
of need for speed shift.
its far too hard to take enemies out, i mean if you shift to a semi trailer and slam head on into a enemy at 160KMs/h you would think his car would be totalled right?
the cars are far too strong, just gets really annoying having to shift into 30 different cars, having 30 head ons, just to destroy one freaking enemy!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Y'all know that I'm cool with DmC, but I really do wonder at Capcom. They're farming out all of their old, loved franchises, and I'm beginning to wonder what they're up to. Surely they have more than Asura's Wrath and Dragon's Dogma coming from their internal studios. More importantly, if they're farming out their franchises, why in the hell are they not capable of giving the rights to the MT Framework to their partners, rather than have them rely on middleware crap like Unreal? On the other hand, I do believe that NT can do a DmC that will blow everyone away (in a good way), but I'm not so sure about /6 with RE. Sony has had a great deal of support for them in the past, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, even if I really hate the direction that the series seems to be going.

Clarification on the CoD/Uncharted statement is essential, followed by Sledgehammer spokescritters shutting the hell up.

Working through Resistance 2 and R:R in preparation for R3. Also picked up Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Darksiders and Vanquish for $20 a piece today. Yup, adding to the already inconquerable backlog…
About a third of the way through Mansfield Park, but picked up Truman Capote's In Cold Blood and Cormac McCarthy's The Road today as well.

Can't wait to see al those interviews and whatnot Ben, I do always enjoy reading them, and it's good to know that everything is getting back on track for all of you that were affected by that big blow-hard.

13 years ago

DmC is gonna rock out with its caulk out.

CoD TPS is gonna scare CoD fans because the controls will have to change a little.

I haven't been playing much lately, I'm burnt out. Packed too much in this summer.

13 years ago

I doubt it. CoD already features a tps option in mp and it's rather popular.

13 years ago

I think it's a little different if they plan to have an SP mode that doesn't suck balls. But then maybe they do.

13 years ago

Regarding the Sledgehammer comment: What I read into it is that he means that COD is currently the worlds best known and most played games (ergo "world class") and that the tps genre will now get a game from that brand with their new title that they are working on. And that Uncharted is a example of a good game within that genre.
Nothing more than that.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/4/2011 6:24:19 AM

13 years ago

I mean, it's all hype gibberish anyway, isn't it? To be mentioned in these circumstances should be taken as flatter, just like when an artist is impersonated. Nevermind how good or bad that impersonator is it means you as an artist has reached a certain level.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/4/2011 7:24:41 AM

13 years ago

i don't have much faith in nt's coding abilities using the unreal 3 engine to be honest. that, and the lack of depth in their previous games is more of a concern than their design choices.

speaking of the dmc series…i recenetly replayed dmc4 and let's just say it was not very good imo. too much backtracking and fighting the same bosses over and over. you have to fight some 3 to 4 times. that's just poor game design. i loved all the past dmc games except for maybe dmc2. so i guess dmc4 was somewhat of a letdown.

that got me thinking about how it seems like most of my favorite japanese made series have taken a hit in quality this gen. re5, gt5, ff13, and dmc4 were all somewhat dissapointing to me. i see a lot of poor design choices made in those games. the premium/non premium split in gt5 was a terrible idea, same goes for all the backtracking in dmc4 and the killtubes in ff13. removing all the re atmosphere from re5 and turning it into some kind of gears clone was also an awful idea. there was more atmoshpere and tension in the one hour long lost in nightmares dlc than the entire re5 game. i don't know but there just seems to be some puzzling moves made in those sequels that just leaves one scratching their head. there is no doubt that the japanese gaming industry has struggled on the hd consoles. the only series that has not taken a hit in quality is mgs and street fighter.

i only have to look at my ps2 collection to see how dramatic the decline of the japanese gaming industry has been. it's a shame too. that's what happens when companies ditch proven ideas in favor of the quest for universal market appeal. there is still a market for the games japan USED to good at making. if only they would realize that give up on this farming out of franchises and get back to making the games that made them great in the first place. a lot of these companies have very poor leadership and they seem to take an eternity to make games. we still don't know squat about the last guardian and ffvs13 and those games were announced 5 years ago. wtf is about all i can say about that.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 9/4/2011 8:58:10 AM

13 years ago

Pgu. Im pretty.burnt out on brotherhood. I love the online, but people have completely forgot what the goal of the game is. I c people jumping around, going nuts. Oh and that guy running right at me? That's my killer. People in general don't have the patience for that game. Revelations sounds like online play will force players to be grounded and stealthy. That's what I'm excited for.

Resistance 3 I think I wanna get this d1. It'll have coop so ill have something great 2 play with friends. I'll likely wait for bens review just in case. With this school and a design portfolio to work on, I can't really fit anything else in.

Oh and sledgehammer has some 'splainin' to do

Last edited by BIGRED15 on 9/4/2011 9:50:26 AM

13 years ago

Michael would be a fool to try and "clarify" his statement like some kind of dog with his tail between his legs.

Wasn't it just the other day that Activision mentioned how it's a tactic of marketing to get your game mentioned along with other greats? You think this statement that has both CoD AND Uncharted in it and is being spread around like wildfire giving them free advertising about a tps CoD is going to be reneged? I doubt it.

13 years ago

Hey Ben there something I wanna email that I think will make for an interesting Discussion, but I don't know the email address to send it to.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

You can send it to me at bd****@te**.com. Just bear in mind that I'm pretty busy this week.

13 years ago

pgu i've been playing resistance 3 beta…not exactly blown away by it. i see a lot of blurry texture work that i don't like. another gripe is nobody on psn uses a freaking headset. i try to get my friends that do have a headset to join but they won't becuase they say it "sucks".i think that's a little harsh becuase it's not as bad as i thought it would be. oh well. if there are any resistance 3 beta players out there that use a headset please add me as a friend. my ps id is jamiecolts. anyways back to resistance 3 quest to find another player who has a headset. online play is 10x better if people use headsets. that's one thing the 360 gets right.

13 years ago

Is it at least a better online setup than r2 (not that it was bad, but small online matches are just more fun)

13 years ago


yes i think it's better than r2's set up. there is something about its look that makes it feel dated but it plays okay enough. it's free to download off of psn. what's weird is i encountered way more people using headsets in homefront's multiplayer demo than r3's. over 2hrs playing r3's demo and i encountered 1 freaking person using a headset. matches are way more lively if there are people using headsets is all i got to say besides i see nothing going on r3's demo that makes me want to run out and buy it. just feels and looks average which is a little dissapointing considering it's a ps3 exclusive. i will try to keep an open mind about it but i predict a metacritic average around 78 based on what i have seen. i would be very happy if i am wrong becuase i am itching to branch out from kz3 and crysis 2 multiplayer.

13 years ago

Makes me nervous ur saying it looks dated. I hope it turns out, but like I said ill probably wait for bens review

13 years ago


it looks dated when compared to the graphics found in kz3 and crysis 2. that's a prretty high standard to meet. crysis 2 had a lot of motion blur i did not like but it's still a great looking game for a multiplat.

you also have to remember this is just a beta. the final game COULD look better. i guess we will have to wait and see. also the game could have a stellar sp campign and other qualities that make up for its looks. i too am nervous about it becuase of that lackluster sp demo and just avrerage multiplayer experience. my opinions could be wrong becuase i am basing them on old builds of the game. after spending more time with mp i revise my metacritic prediction to 82. psxe prediction of 84.

13 years ago

im loving the beta, but definitely not for its graphics, hoping its something thats improved on for the final game. single player looks great graphically wise as long as its not put up against the likes of uncharted 3, crysis 2 or kz3. i think we've been spoiled lol.

aaronisbla is my psn, if you wanna add me for some games for the beta or when it releases, go for it, i use a bluetooth

13 years ago

It *definitely* looks dated. The R3 mp beta is the most underwhelming mp I've played so far this year – no experienced mp player out there will be impressed with this at all.
There's nothing really *wrong* about it, it's just nothing out of the ordinary, and visually it's so average it hurts. It's so "been there done that" over the entire thing.
Looks like the devs were bored when they created this. There's no… "excitement" from the devs to be found here. Nothing that separates it from the massive amount of already released mp games.

My prediction is that the R3 are found in the bargain bin before we reach October.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/5/2011 5:29:24 AM

13 years ago

PGU: Playing Deus Ex:HR on "give me deus ex difficulty now, and getting some more trophies, looking foward to wkc2 but not nearly as enthusiastic for this tuesday…school… 🙁

13 years ago

me too 🙁

13 years ago

Been playing the Resistance 3 Beta and having a blast, the graphics are good, but not UC3 quality although It doesn't need to be, it still looks really good the way it is, but if they can polish it more I say why not it will be welcomed.

Had one guy snipe me and miss on train yard and I charge the sniper and poke out and got a head shot, he must of been pissed. xD He went to our spawn just to kill me. Oh and one bit, leapers exploded out of my body and killed him. Lol

Last edited by Clamedeus on 9/4/2011 8:54:23 PM

13 years ago

Here's what to do:

1.Depending on where your shipping center is at send the game back at least a week or two before the game's drop date. Timing is important because big AAA games can go from coming soon to now available to very low in a heartbeat.

2.Another thing you want to do is clear out your Q and leave the game you want alone. Granted you might have other games that has the status of low or very low but those status can change fast depending on the game and you would want to avoid gamefly shipping you whatever game that becomes available in your Q because the game you want on day one isn't ready to ship yet.

So to summarize say you want Gamefly to ship you "Uncharted 3" on Monday Oct 31 you have to send whatever game you got back on October 17 or no later then Tuesday October 25.