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How Many BF3 Lovers Are Just MW3 Haters?

EA says they'll steal away a good percentage of the established Call of Duty franchise when the highly anticipated Battlefield 3 hits. And in general, the popularity war between these two shooters often seems to hinge on something obvious: the widespread – and seemingly growing – hate for Activision's record-breaking franchise.

And therefore, a question springs to mind. This may sound extremely childish in tone but then again, based on what I've seen, there's plenty of childishness encircling the aforementioned debate. How many BF3 supporters are simply supporters because they despise CoD for whatever reason? How many are so dead-set against the reigning king (the fact that CoD is king is enough; kings are often roundly hated) they'll side with the opponent…any opponent? How many are just happy to be giving their money to any title that dares to challenge the almighty Call of Duty ?

While it's true that what we've seen of BF3 is impressive, I wouldn't say the MW3 footage is un impressive. And considering the spreading CoD – and Activision – hate, it almost appears as if gamers are getting downright vindictive. We have plenty of readers who aren't big fans of CoD and they seem bitter…is vindictive that much of a stretch? I almost get the feeling that gamers who never play shooters will buy BF3 simply to say they "fought the good fight" against the evil Modern Warfare 3 . Maybe somebody should do a poll. I actually think gamers would be honest, too.

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13 years ago

I'm all about BF3 and i dont care at all about MW3, however these feeling arent caused by each other.

I dont care about MW3 because there hasnt been a good COD since COD4, and i like what i see about BF3 because it looks like Dice is putting a good bit of effort into every aspect of the game, from story to online.

I'll definitely get both games, but i'll be getting MW3 when it is in the bargain bin. To me its not one game vs another, its just one of many great games this fall and one of many mediocre games that i'll be passing on.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Ah, if only we could all think as you do. It'd be so refreshing.

13 years ago

Haha, thanks.

If MW3 looked good i'd be getting both games. It *is* possible to buy both big shooters this fall, despite what EA, Activision, and idiots will tell us.

Its like saying you wont buy NFS Shift because GT is better. Both are great, go buy both!
Except MW3 doesnt look great. Or good. Just kind of meh.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

I don't understand.

You don't care about MW3 at all, yet you still plan to get it in the future (when it's at a low price)?

13 years ago

Whjen MW3 is "in the bargain bin"? I have news for you bandit-COD4 STILL isn't in the bargain binm and that game released in 2007! Sure, it's cheaper than a new game at around £20 in my local Game but for any other 2007 game £20 is EXPENSIVE!! MW2 is currently £27 at the same store so unless you're just hoping for a game at $50 rather than $60 I'd say you'll have to wait at least a couple of years mate!

I usually find the VEST deals for COD games(in the Uk anyway) are the opening week deals where the supermarkets use it as a "loss leader" just to get people in their store. I bought the last two COD releases for about £25 each on day one from Tesco and Asda-and I don't even play the game much and only have to buy them because it amuses my wife(with her November birthday and early Xmas wishes)to make me buy Activision games for her even though she knows I won't support them myself. She's so committed to her apathy it's amazing.

My issue with the series has nothing to do with this being MW3, really, and I just prefer team shooters to lone wolfers so BF3 was always more MY kind of game but I avoid anything to do with BK like the plague if left to my own devic es and feel COD should really not release in the way it does every year.I think a fairer way would be more progressive, even episodic, DLC for the games to be released every OTHER year. It woulsd allow the full games to be more of a jump from the last and make gamers feel they got more value from them too and so many wopuld buy the DLC compared to now that I'd reckon profits would actually go up(I think the same for Fifa and Madden with a roster update on the "off" year with player changes and kit changeas etc) at about £20 per episodic DLC add on. They could add the maps for MP/Zombies or more missions for Spec ops alongside a few chapters of occasional SP to dig into interesting side and back story from the main game. Anything as long as it doesn't alter the ending of the game itself.

I also think this would make people care more about their community online. As it is, sadly, I feel all the emphasis in COD is in tricking us into thinking they did just enough to warrant calling the next game a full, new , retail disc release.

I don't think it's best creatively and definitely not for value and eventually they WILL over do this and kill this golden egg laying goosey. As it stands I would NEVER buy COD map packs even if the missus BEGS and cosplays as Ada Wong for a month(well, maybe, some of the Zombie maps would be swe…NO! Stop it! Bad woman!)but am i aslone in thinking a more open and prgressive, even episodic DLC approach could lead them away from yearly full releases adn also allow more , proper R&D for the next full release and keep us all more invested in the last game and more expectant for the nmext full game AND the next DLC.

Yes, a full game is more expensive to buy but they're also more expensive to make, package and store, keep the middle retailers happy, haul about the World and so on while some better and more involving DLC would be quicker, cheaper(to make, no storage costs and no packaging and no haulage costs at all AND cheaper for us to buy while spicing up the current game's online and keeping us a strong community)and as a result possibly more profitable both short and long term for Activision and leave them less open to accusations of milking.

I think this would be a great, more gamer friendly and sustainable way of making this series and a lot of the annual EA sports titles too-it'[s REALLY annoying with PES/Fifa when, every year, you have to relearn how to play a game you only just got fluent in after having to do the exact same switch around the year before, and the year before that and…I LOVE Fifa these days but it doesn't merit a yearly update at full retail and I think there's just better ways and ways to be just as profitable while pleasing everyone out there to be used of they just take the bloody blinkers off and stop being short sighted and greedy.

Soz for the "wall "o" text".

13 years ago

MW3 in the bargain bin? You will be waiting a while, MW2 just recently went down to $39.99 and it's still 59 at some retailers. COD games don't generally drop in price until the new version comes out.

13 years ago

MW2 is £6 in the UK, we know its rubbish
Black ops is £18

Last edited by PAKINIPS on 8/21/2011 5:19:37 PM

13 years ago

I loved the BF series before I ever hated the CD/MW series.

I'm sure there are quite a few that simply jumped on the bandwagon that is BF3 but if only a few of them try the game out I consider it a-okay in my book.

Kinda funny how my least "hardcore"/worst gamer friends flock to the MW series while the friends I love gaming with were there with me during BF2/Tribes/TFC/CSS/SC.

13 years ago

I feel similarly… I mean I bought the early COD's, but after I played BF2, I thought to myself this is far better and enjoyed it more.

Anyway, I expect BF3 to be huge and very enjoyable as well 🙂



Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'll admit this: the main reason I latched onto BF3 was because it seemed like a great alternative to CoD, but as I wrote in the other article, I'm tiring of all the BS. I'd be willing to say that it was a severe dislike for the CoD franchise that led me to that decision, but I realise now that I was wrong. BF3 may look better, be a bit better, but EA has killed my enthusiasm for the game. I'll likely end up playing both, but I can't see myself buying either anymore.

13 years ago

If you get it for PC I promise to let you fly the helicopter.

13 years ago


Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I don't think this PC could even run it, but I couldn't be bothered to buy a new one. I prefer console gaming. Sorry LV.

13 years ago

Don't worry LV, I'll be PC gaming it up with you if you'd like 😉 Also whats your steam id?

13 years ago

SteamID: LimitedVertigo

13 years ago

Haha, yeah. That should have been obvious to me.

13 years ago

Just in case you guys forgot bf3 isnt coming to steam. EA says "When a download service forbids publishers from contacting players with patches, new levels, items and other services—it disrupts our ability to provide the ongoing support players expect from us,"

13 years ago


WTF!? Are you serious!?

13 years ago

I'm not anti-COD nor Anti-BF but I am anti-Kotek, therefore that makes me quite anti-vision too.

13 years ago

That makes you anti-anti-vision :O

13 years ago

I really dont hate cod, its great in its own way. I like the modern warfare series more then most anything made by treyarch. My only problem with COD is Activision. You can tell they couldn't be less interested in the customer or the product as an art form.
After playing the alpha trial for BF3 i can tell you that that game is going to kick ass becasue its 1.) So damn pretty with FB2 engine. 2.)They are actually doing outside testing
and 3.) Feedback with the game is always listened to by DICE/ EA .

13 years ago

I'm not locked in here with CoD, CoD is locked in here with ME!

13 years ago

lol nice one

13 years ago

sorry for straying off…..but boy,I love Rorschach 🙂

13 years ago

I can't imagine anybody who doesn't like shooters buying BF3 just out of spite, but I may be giving some gamers too much credit.

I, for one though, don't have anything especially against either CoD or BF (or even Activision), and as a guy who doesn't really like shooters, I'll pass on both of them.

13 years ago

I had a blast with battlefield bad company 2 I have rarely enjoyed cod. the multiplayer in cod just doesn't fit my playstyle in the slightest. I'm a very patient and calculated player. Cod irritates me only because it blinds could be hardcore gamers from greater games. The last thing this industry needs is someone sucking the blood out of its consumers, and continue to get away with forcing another outdated installment. Even worse than that, people are brainwashed into thinking this is the best gaming has to offer and that couldnt b further from the truth. I have reason to dislike only because this is all based on first hand experience. I've played every cod since cod 4 and I've stopped trying to enjoy it because I just can't.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

Honestly, that is a very good question, Ben. I've never looked at it that way but it makes a LOT of sense.

13 years ago

i dont hate/dislike neither, and i'll definitely will enjoy both CoD:Mw3(up-in-your-face gamestyle) and BF3(Anti-solo/rushn, all about teamwork). Two shooters but two very different style to play…

13 years ago

If I want to get into a war game, i think i'd want to be closer to a simulator (though I know it's still way off) than a Hollywood war movie. So it would be BF3 for me. The fact that I hate CoD is just icing on the cake.

13 years ago

I can't wait for Tekken Tag 2.

13 years ago

I can

13 years ago

There's a Tekken Tag 1? 😉

13 years ago

Well you obviously suck. =P

Last edited by kokoro on 8/19/2011 11:52:46 PM

13 years ago

yeah I suck…great games! Oh never mind…

13 years ago

I do hate COD, but am by no means a BF fan.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I played every CoD up till Black Ops. Im not a fanboy. Im getting tired. Nuff said.

13 years ago

Show your tits.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago


13 years ago

Less talky, more dooey

13 years ago

Yes… haha!



13 years ago

tits or gtfo? Woops i'm in the wrong place..

13 years ago

tig ole bitties 🙂

13 years ago

Ha ha… In a good mood today LV?

13 years ago

Well, I hate neither, so I'll be buying both 🙂 Yay for me, games non-stop all year, LOL. NEed to get back to playing From Dust, Civ V, and TF2 soon.

13 years ago

How is Dust? I assume you're playing it on PC? I'm waiting for the PS3 version.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

From Dust LV… There's a difference there.

13 years ago

Yep, PC version. It's…not what I expected. I thought there would be more freedom, only played the first parts of the story mode though, maybe more later. But it's a lot of taking care of the tribe, honestly I've have been happy with just a world sandbox than a story with this one. lol But it controls relatively easy, though with slight, frustration with say, how you want sand to be shaped or places when you're putting it down.

13 years ago

And the occasional AI problems the tribe people experience from time to time that will screw a mission up beyond repair sometimes. It's an okay game, just not quite what I was hoping for.

13 years ago

COD it's just not worth the 60 bucks + the optional DLC is going to be the same/overpriced. I rathar support a game developer that really cares about their customers.

13 years ago

For me, I simply don't like Activision. They seem ignorant of their past mistakes and they're just outright greedy. It's important to run a business correctly, but Bobby-boy just doesn't care about the company's public image with games (based on many of his past comments.) Now I'm not jumping on the BF3 wagon just yet. It looks impressive, but it's going to need to absorb me in ways that many recent FPSs have failed to do. (I discount Portal 2, since that's more of a puzzler than it is an FPS.) I'll side with BF3 if I'm truly impressed with it, but we've got some time before it releases yet.