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Ben’s Week In Review: June 19

Well, obviously, it was the start of a new era for PSXE this week. We're happy it has begun. 🙂

Of COURSE you lost fans with DAII

I still say Dragon Age II is a great game, but the fact that it was sub-elite bugged me, and the fact that it lacked standard hardcore role-playing elements bugged me even more. One town, a complete lack of exploration, and we can only fully equip the lead character, which we also can't build from the ground up. The thing that confuses the hell out of me is why it was ever done in the first place. Why ? BioWare knows RPGs. They know what the fans want. I'm sure they do. I'm just desperately trying to figure out how these design ideas succeeded…how in God's name did all these new features – or lack thereof – get approved?

How could they not know they'll be irritating their fans ? It's just too bizarre. I can't figure it out at all. One could make the argument that they wanted to make a more "mainstream" game, but Dragon Age is very clearly for the hardcore, for the niche RPG lovers. Nobody in the mainstream/casual group will touch it, and a few more "action-y" elements won't change their minds. So why compromise the winning formula? I don't get it.

Yeah, you better keep Gears on the 360

Because it may be the last Xbox exclusive left that I care about. CliffyB says PlayStation 3 fans have "zero chance" of getting Gears of War and I'm just fine with that. If it went multiplatform, I'd probably ditch the 360 entirely. Well, I would if we found out the next Alan Wake would be on the PS3. As it is, the 360 gathers a sh** ton of dust; I have little to no reason to touch it, so by all means, let Microsoft keep Gears . As time goes on this generation, I have to question the reason to even own a 360; it seems so…superfluous at this point. Gears is enough of a reason for me to keep it, but other than that…

That being said, I'm sure I'll end up with the next Xbox, just because I really like having two platforms each generation. Eventually, one platform typically ends up being the dominant one in my entertainment center; a long time ago, that used to be something with "Nintendo" on the box. But for the past three generations, it has never been Nintendo and really, it has never really been close…

Personal gaming update

People can bi*** and whine all they want; Duke Nukem Forever blew. I wasn't about to torture myself any further. Dungeon Siege III was good, though, and I'm glad to finally have a decent old-school dungeon-crawler this generation. I also have to get going on F.E.A.R. 3 for next week and I have high expectations for that one. However, that's all work-related; I really just want to get back to inFamous 2 . That game rules and it's painful to be away from it for so long!

And yes, the PSX Home Show is here and we hope you've seen it. Don't worry, more are coming – Episode 2 might be up for this Thursday – and as I said earlier , we're making that PSXE party a routine thing for every debut of a new show. We'll be sure to keep you informed right here, and don't forget about the possibility of more giveaways. Maybe a "bring a friend to the PSXE Show, and be entered to win" deal…

But anyway, hope everyone is satisfied and at least a little excited for the future. 🙂

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I'm not sure how we'll do it yet, actually.

13 years ago

I was really hoping Duke would be good but I always had the feeling it would bomb. I never planned on getting it day 1 because I have an enormous backlog. I'm not getting very far on it either. I haven't finished a game since April and really haven't been playing. All I've been doing is remodeling my house which is the reason I haven't been contributing to the site lately either. But I think I'm finally getting done with everything thaat is keeping me from my games. So hopefully by resistance 3 ill finish up AC:B, Borderlands,LA Noire, Dead Space 2 and Alpha Protocol which I'm playing now. Even though it has a lot of technical issues and the voice acting is horrible I am really enjoying it.

I also missed the Homw show but I plan on being there next week.

13 years ago

Bioware should of called it DA The Champion. It felt like a side story instead of main entry. At least we know Bioware won't screw up ME3!

13 years ago

PGU: I'm making good progress on DA:O. Orzammare sure is big though. Wipe Out HD shines brightly. I refuse to play LBP until I'm done with DA:O.

And I met someone, had a good time, only to be let down the following day. So now I'm really bitter. Can't have nice things I guess

13 years ago

we don't need gears of war

Last edited by GHOST67 on 6/19/2011 12:53:54 AM

13 years ago

Sony should just invest in a first party Gears killer. Sh*t wouldn't be hard to do.

13 years ago

Using the God of War 3 engine with shooting mechanics like like Uncharted. drool…If Gears wasn't made with Unreal, had better character designs and ditched the clunky tank like controls, I could dig it. But…yea.

13 years ago

A Gears killer? lolwut? Can you elaborate? Because nothing is going to kill Gears as a first party Sony IP.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Alright… first party company suggestions: GO!
Sony Bend – If they can do Resistance Retribution, create Syphon Filter and now work on UC:GA, I think that they can do a solid, pure TPS.
Zipper – SOCOM really doesn't seem to be as relevant as it used to be, so give them a five year break before the next one to allow them to take on this as a side project.
BigBig – They've done only PSP/Vita games, so why not introduce them to the bigtime with this?
Guerilla – Their Halo killer was anything but, though who knows what they can manage with a TPS.
Outsourcing – when all else fails.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 6/19/2011 1:33:57 AM

13 years ago

"Guerilla – Their Halo killer was anything but"

I hope you mean in sales. In which case, whatever.. I'm not a shareholder so I'll side with the better game.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Yeah, I meant in sales, but also the original KZ got ripped apart by the critics, and they were, in general, none too kind on the third either. The series has simply not managed to bring the beast to its knees. KZ2 was sublime.

13 years ago

Better idea: Sony keeps making original games and leaves Gears clones to less talented development teams.

I see no point in "[insert title here]-killers".

13 years ago

I'm with Radioheader, sales and biased reviews aside, it's not hard to see which is the better game. Halo is dated.

13 years ago

Competition is good, even if you have no real interest in the Gears series you have to admit a first party Sony studio could make a far better game out of a constant action TPS than anybody alive today.

Not that quality ever beats out popularity, but even patient, level-headed, old school World likes a mindless shootout now and then 🙂

13 years ago

Then you should have gotten Vanquish a long time ago. 😉 There really is no other game that is best described by what you just said.

13 years ago

The Mobile Suit Gundam games by Capcom (I think) are better than the silly covering shooters, thats just a opinion but its true its getting old…..

Man we really need a Armored Core killar

13 years ago

I'll get Vanquish when it's cheaper, but I was actually thinking of something with multiplayer I might enjoy. FPS multiplayer is boo.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/19/2011 5:36:35 PM

13 years ago

PGU: Still working through "InFamous 2", clinch home court advantage throughout the playoffs in NBA 2k11 and I'm almost at the All-Star break in NHL. Still holding onto "Mass Effect 2" to pick up the remaining trophies might get MLB 11 as my next game from GameFly. I was thinking about getting Duke Nukem but something told me not to.

As for "Gears of War" never coming over to the PS3 can't say I'm broken up over it. It looks fun and all but with games like InFamous 1-2, Uncharted 1-3 and KillZone I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

13 years ago

Duke is only worth it for the nostalgia, and it even doesn't do that well in that department.

13 years ago

Is there a way for me to find out how many shards I have in infamous 1? Can I find out how many shards I collected in each district ? Can I free roam when I beat the game?

Last edited by Pandacastro on 6/19/2011 2:06:08 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The total shard count is displayed on your save file. Just quit out of the game and look it up, but there's no way to tell how many you've got on each island. And yes, you can free roam after you've completed the story to get the rest of the shards, dead drops and territories.

mk ultra
mk ultra
13 years ago

Beat me to it. But there's no need to quit the game, you can access the save file from the pause menu.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Aww yeah… I just never leave it long enough to let the info load 😛

13 years ago

Best way to find all the Blast Shards is to grind the train tracks, cables and run up and down the outer edges of the islands and main streets while constantly clicking L3. It took me a bit but it's defiantly doable in a reasonable amount of time. I already found all the Blast Shards in 2. Was easier this time around.

13 years ago

no, no and yes

13 years ago

I haven't played a single video game in over 5 months… I'm practically dying. I no longer have a PSP or PS3. I need a get rich quick scheme and make use of this damn summer vacation. The last "new" game I've played is Uncharted 2. SMH. I need help!!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Egads…. someone ship this guy an unused GameBoy STAT!

13 years ago

No wonder you look bored and disconsolate.

p.s. the pun was unintentional but pretty sweet IMO

13 years ago

dude what the hell happened to your game systems?

13 years ago

And people said me changing my avatar was annoying, it really does help get my point across. But anyways World to address your question, The PSP went out on me around November I have no idea what happened it just wouldn't hold a charge and I tried all of the 6 batteries I had for the thing and no luck, so I just scrapped it for parts. My PS3 was stolen during a nasty break up between my mom and her now Ex-Bf. The douchebag's son took it during the process of us kicking them out of our house along with other items and we have since then filed a lawsuit against him, but we all know how our legal system is now-a-days. Chances are I'll never see it again. On top of all that I really would hate to get a new PlayStation of any sort as my account was personally hacked around January and I haven't had it straightened out with SONY to change my password just yet. The way I see it I'll just let the idiot rack up points and Trophies for me, then take it back.

13 years ago

well, that was to be expected when you turn a beloved series on its head of course your going to loose fans!
my 2nd biggest gripe this gen is exactly that so many series this gen are totally different to there predecessors.
RE5, DMC4, lost planet 2, FFXIII, are nothing like what there predecessors were!
……….. hey, theres a pattern developing!
i wonder why………..

i dont want gears on the ps3 simply because its nice to have a game exclusive to a system no matter what system it is.
im sure they would do a fantastic job of it, but there would always be the thought this could of been so much better if it was exclusive, bringing it to the ps3 has held it back.
when your making a exclusive all your time and money is on that one system, making it MP splits the time and money.
not to mention making a game for a console you can make the game on the consoles strengths, but if your making it on 2 different systems it makes it allot harder to bring the best out of both, you would end up half and half.
im glad i got my 360 again, simply put PSN just does not offer the games XBLA does!
PSN has one game i love joe danger thats about it!
XBLA has so many, i could spend weeks playing super meat boy, limbo, shadow complex, both dishwasher games.
its got a oldschool portal PSN does not offer!
gotta try ilomilo when i get a change, seen allot of reviews and heard allot of good things about it.
so many games not enough time to play them all!

just finished infamous 2.
really enjoyed it except the story, why oh why sucker punch?
i have not been this disappointed in a games ending since, well…….. EVER!
the original infamous had such a good ending!
had so many cool twists, and had such a cool ending you will remember forever!
infamous 2 though had few twists, bad twists that make you say thats just stupid!
makes no sense either!
then the ending your left in disbelief, banging your head on the wall screaming WHY!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????
and i thought DNF had a sh*t ending!

dunno what it is with developers lately and these stupid crappy endings!
so many games this year have had decent stories, but then had them destroyed by silly stupid endings.
so disappointing!
to be frank i expected SO much more from sucker punch!
you know what this game feels like?
it feels like sony went up to them and said hey guys this is the last infamous game were funding, so make sure anything you want to do you do now.
just feels like they were in a muddled mess trying to add everything they can, and sealed it with such a stupid ending!
ill be having nightmares for the rest of my life screaming that!

13 years ago

How DO you live with yourself being this negative all the time?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Negativity is easy to deal with. You just have to keep thinking of all the things that you like and want to achieve. That being said, I'm actually really glad that I'm past my most negative.

The difference is, DA had one game, while the others are all well established. Bioware thought themselves safe in changing things around, as they assumed people would adapt to it, but they were wrong. People are fickle, and they forgot that DA was primarily an RPG with action elements, turning that into the inversion.

As for the inFamous 2 story, I'm up to the 35th mission and rather enjoying the story so far. The twists are no more farfetched than they were in the original, and they certainly aren't bad. The identity of The Beast really threw me for six, but it does make sense, and Bertrand… well. I love the way that they've really branching out with the Conduits. And the game makes perfect sense with itself. Anyway, I really hope that I'm not in agreeance with you about the ending. I mean, to feel like that would just be the ultimate betrayal after such an awesome ride between the two games.

As for it feeling as though a real conclusion, that falls directly on the heads of Sucker Punch. Sony never commissioned them for the games. SP took inFamous to Sony as they wanted to do something other than Sly and Sony took the IP for them. The heads of SP said that they'd like to move onto a new IP after inFamous 2, but that they would also go back to it if the demand was there, and I firmly believe that it should be. Either way, I can't wait to see what they've got coming next. Here's hoping it's a further evolution of the style they've created with Sly and Cole.

13 years ago

Maybe your talking about the infamous ending cause I thought the hero ending was excellent, not to mention the little twist they made at the end with the karmic choices was cool. Also really they both had about the same amount of worthwhile plot twists. I know why your upset, (can't reveal cause it's a major spoiler) but the events in no way make the ending poor. I actually found the final battles themselves a tad underwhelming – but that would be a design/gameplay issue. Nonetheless I was greatly satisfied.

Last edited by Teddie9 on 6/19/2011 10:40:38 AM

13 years ago

The question should be "how do others who know this guy live with themselves?"

Your negitivity and unhappiness is no one elses problem No Name. You're probably making your friends and family miserable and you don't even know it.

13 years ago

but why change it?
i dont see ferrari saying ok lads were world wide famous for making exotic supercars, so now lets go make exotic hatchbacks!
im sick to death of developers taking my favorite franchises and turning them on their heads!
if you want to change the game so much why not create a new IP?
ill tell you why, they wont create a new IP because they know it wont sell well.
its the greediness of publishers thats causing the problem.
the millions of fans we have with the series is not enough we have to change it so we can bring in more.

how does it make sense?
ill leave it at that, i still remember last time i spoke about things like this……..
the ending is so self destructive!
the original had such a fantastic story, this though has to go down as one of the worst endings in history!
LA Noire i could understand, it fitted the tone of the game, and the choices made……. but this?

its does not feel like that, it feels like sp wanted to do so much more with the series but sony said no more so they had to finish it all up with this.
GT5 i think is the best way to describe this game.
a million things in one package, but sadly like GT5 all of those things are below satisfactory.
the only twist in infamous 2 was the beast, thats it!
the original had way more then that, they made sense, and they were intriguing.
this one though just destroys the game completely!

theres allot of plots brought up in the story that are not fully explored either.
what bertrand is doing, who hes selling them to, why, was john right about the first sons?
so many cards are brought to the table and only one pair is turned!
HATE it when games do that, just leave things up in the air.
the boss battles, the powers, the controls, the story, EVERYTHING feels rushed!

i was really worried this would happen.
ive said this time and time again and every game seems to be suffering from it.
developers are so freaking heffed up on graphics these days the gameplay, story, everything else goes down the drain!
infamous had poor graphics, but fantastic level design, fantastic boss battles, fantastic story.
infamous 2 has great graphics, but poor everything else.

O Jawknee and JMO_INDY.
do me a favor, if your not going to add anything constructive to the conversation dont post!
otherwise ill reply to every of your posts and insult you, how would you like that?
god yous are acting like my freaking 8 year old nephew!

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

'How do you live with yourself?'

lmao, reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where the fireman asks George that very same question (after trampling women and children while running out of an apartment he thought was on fire). hee hee =)

Last edited by Claire C on 6/19/2011 12:04:04 PM

13 years ago

LOL! Going forward, I am changing CowPatty's name to George Costanza.

13 years ago

Out of curiosity which ending did you take?

Also they do explain what Betrand is doing, selling to and why.

Also what are you talking about with John and the First Sons?

Last edited by sirbob6 on 6/19/2011 1:43:25 PM

13 years ago

Anyone else notice the irony when he said if you're not going to post anything constructive don't post at all? All you say George C. is destructive. BTW Claire and Jawknee I laughed so hard when I read your guys' posts hahaha

13 years ago

George Costanza is *the* character from Seinfeld – I love that guy!

I saw Seinfeld live btw, just two weeks ago here in Norway!
An insane display: One tiiiny man alone on the stage in front of 25.000 crazy Seinfeld fans. That was quite an experience.
I'd prefer a small club of course, but this was all I could eveer hope for so I'm happy…

13 years ago

"a little excited for the future" -> Oh I am, but not because of Home. 🙂
I actually wish PSXE were not built on Microsoft technology but technology I knew, cause then I'd offer to help out writing some code to add features. And I really mean that.

I really look forward to the FEAR3 review.
I've played FEAR2 a lot lately and I gotta say, that game is just super fun.
I'm such a coward when it comes to scary stuff so I am in no way able to handle stuff like Dead Space. FEAR2 is un-scary enough for me to dare keep playing. And I *love* the handling in that game, feels so natural.

13 years ago

Loved the PSHome set up. Looks great, glad to be apart of something that cares about their readers. = ) Only thing i think you might need to work on is the video cliping, but that comes with time/getting someone who knows how to edit video well. Other then that looks great Ben

13 years ago

Still have to get around to buying DS3, Duke Nukem never interested me, and to be honest I'm not even all too crazy about the original DA.

PGU: Finished I2 good ending a little while ago and playing through some UGC when I'm bored. Fantastic game.

13 years ago

Great Week in Review, Ben.

I'm wondering if you've heard anything from Level 5 recently for any PS3 games. Perhaps I just missed a thing or two, but I was playing Dragon Quest 8 again (amazing, amazing jRPG) and got to wondering what Level 5 is working on right now.

13 years ago

I am eagerly awaiting for news about Another World(Ni No Kuni). That game looks brilliant. Level 5 needs to give us something to chew on.

And agreed. DQVIII is great. My number 2 favorie JRPG of all time. Right behind FFVII. The voice acting is great for a Japanese game as well.

13 years ago

Where's Highlander? He said he would try DQ8 out. I plan on holding him to it. It's 100% his kinda game.

13 years ago

@Underdog Level 5 just announced their developing a Gundam rpg.

@Jawknee Another World is a game I look forward to as well but its going to be a looong wait considering the ps3 version doesnt have a release date in japan. The DS version came out in december there.

13 years ago

Good to know the DS version is out. At least they are making steady progress.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Not sure, actually. Loved DQVIII, btw.

I am trying to get an interview for when WKC2 arrives, though.