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Is Red Dead Redemption A GotY Contender?

It's usually a bad idea to make predictions concerning annual awards, especially when the game in question hasn't even arrived on store shelves just yet. Even so, given the early critical acclaim Rocktar's Red Dead Redemption has received, it doesn't seem too silly to consider it as one of 2010's best.

Granted, the competition for such a lofty award will be stiff – as it is most every year – as we've already seen legitimate contenders in God of War III , Heavy Rain , and Mass Effect 2 , and looking down the road, we have to look at LittleBigPlanet 2 , Halo: Reach and Gran Turismo 5 . But even so, concerning RDR, we've seen a 9.75 from Gamer Informer, a 9 from a UK publication, and a perfect 10 from OPM, so if scores from major websites are as high, we really do have to say this hotly anticipated Western-themed adventure will rightly claim its spot amongst the 2010 elites. The official trailer was enough to give me goosebumps; it looks great, it sounds great and apparently, it plays great, too. I've often compared it to last year's Assassin's Creed II (and I may or may not be accurate) and if RDR has that level of polish, it's going to be one hell of an achievement.

While we've had Red Dead Revolver , Gun and the Call of Juarez titles, we've never really had a defining Western shooter, you know? I almost want to give RDR a nod at the end of the year simply for being the first landmark title to feature a true-blue Old West setting and premise. I think I'll always have a special place in my heart for Heavy Rain and what it did for the industry, but there are other titles this year that can also have a big impact. And you know, here's what does it for me: I really don't like Westerns. I've never liked those movies; I think just about every last one of them is overrated (with the possible exception of "Tombstone," just because Val Kilmer saying "I'm your huckleberry" still gets a grin out of me). And yet, Red Dead Redemption is one of my most anticipated games of the entire generation. …how can that be? I couldn't possibly care less about cowboys and junk like that.

Well, it's because I really love and appreciate fantastic efforts in gaming, regardless of the concept, and RDR appears to be something well worth my time. The only question left is if it can stand with the other 2010 heavyweights come December 31…

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14 years ago

For GOTY ill put my votes on heavy rain / FFXIII.

14 years ago

Game Of The Year: Lego Harry Potter

14 years ago

Mmm I don't think Final XIII can land a GOTY XD. It was a pretty game with a somewhat good story but nothing that made me go WOW SO NICE like something like Demon's Souls or UC2 did. It was just way too linear and I felt that whatever I did did not have any kind of small impact on the story.

In comparison let's say that UC2 is also linear but its gameplay makes up for it with alot of variety. FFXIII's combat system was very decent but also had it's annoying flaws. (like not being able to move/group or spread your party in combat and always get hit by AoE attacks) And in the end it was just always the same thing… After playing FFXIII, even if it is pretty and I nearly unlocked all trophies… I'd give it a 6. There was no real challenge and I don't ever feel like playing it again lol

Last edited by VicTheMighty on 5/15/2010 10:56:19 AM

14 years ago

I don't like westerns either(except for 3:10 to Yuma) but this game has me excited. I think Heavy Rain is going to take Game of the Year imo.

14 years ago

I don't think i'll be playing this, but since you guys are going all over for it, then why not?

14 years ago

I think the Metacritic score for this one should probably be 93% to 97%.

14 years ago

Tombstone ftmfw.

I think this will be one of the biggest contenders along with GOWIII, but if we are going by Spike VGA's I think they learned that giving GOTY to a PS3 exclusive pisses off too many xbots so they may not do it again. A multiplat is likely and no multiplat this year is as big as RDR. I can't wait to play it.

14 years ago

Well Spike TV's GOTY Awards last year was all voted by the people. If we are allowed to vote again this year it might be another PS3 exclusive. It depends on the games that are nominees.

14 years ago

I still think arm twisting and stat-tweaking can go on.

14 years ago

I think GT5 or Halo Reach will probly nip it for GOTY but you are totally right Ben, I dont give a hoot about western themed entertainment but RDR has got me boiling with anticipation!!R* FTW!

14 years ago

cmon, Reach? Halo is over.

14 years ago

…nooooowww clappp your hands and reeeeaaachhh out and touch the heavens…. 🙂



Last edited by Qubex on 5/14/2010 10:39:29 PM

14 years ago

I was gonna say the same thing world, people have all the expectations every time a halo game is about to be released, but for years now it has never failed, instead of the halo you get home and get the horns.

14 years ago

I think Halo is too much overused…

14 years ago

I think that is a "reach" to think that reach will get GOTY.

14 years ago

RDR will definitely in the running for goty, but it will face some strong competitions.

14 years ago

Hmm, "most anticipated of this generation"? I'm psyched, but you must be stir-crazy restless! I'm expecting something like GTA4 with some AC2, as you put it, because of the horseback riding. I played through Episodes of Liberty City, and now I'm replaying GTA4 to get me some trophies. I'm expecting great story, characters, and immersive settings, but I'm actually more psyched about inFamous 2 for core gameplay.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

ONE of my most anticipated…hardly my most anticipated.

14 years ago

Ah, gotcha. I have to admit, one of my major addictions of GTA4 was collecting my favorite cars (w/o cheat codes), and just racing about. However, if the story is engrossing enough, I think I'll enjoy it.

TLAD had less emphasis on vehicular variety, since you had to ride your bike to complete most of the missions, but the pacing of the story was good enough (even with the abysmal character development). In many ways, it was very much a western (besides the midwestern accents), but I'm expecting more emphasis on item collection, exploration, presentation, and character and story. The visuals are supposedly bar-raising for the open-world sandbox genre. So, I'm expecting at the very least an excellent cinematic experience, even though I'm not exactly a fan of cowboy films, let alone cowboy games.

14 years ago

GOWIII or Gran Turismo is taking that cake. RDR looks good but it is multi-plat. Not saying that ruins it, I will still be buying this, but Gran Turismo has too big a following and GOWIII was too great.

14 years ago

Al Gore: "It's ManBearPig!"

14 years ago

they like to pick multiplats tho

14 years ago

racing games rarely if ever win a lot of GOTY awards from sites and mags

14 years ago

By that same argument, Modern Warfare 2 should have won GOTY last year. Yes, GT is more accessible title to a wider audience but that doesn't make the game the best.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

always liked rockstar games.

14 years ago

This is a definite purchase… Can't agree more Ben, I think this game will no doubt do a lot for the industry too and bring fond memories back of the efforts made on games like Uncharted 2…

Its going to be a Red Dead year…



14 years ago

I cannot agree with FFXIII even being nominated for GOTY, I did enjoy it but not as much as I expected. Not as much as I did with FFXII.

Off Topic,

Castle Crashers is coming to the PSN!! Epic news!!

14 years ago

yeah, FFXIII was like a half a great game, but missing too many elements to make it fantastic goty material.

14 years ago

I traded God of War III to pre-order Red Dead Redemption so I'm hoping it's worth it. Fingers crossed.

I loved God of War III but was left slightly disappointed with it. Wonderful graphics and use of technology but in my opinion it had old fashioned gameplay and a pretty ordinary story.

My first playthrough of Heavy Rain on the other hand, was the best 10 hours of video game experience ever. It immersed you in the story and the lack of a game over was a stroke of genius.

So personally, Heavy Rain for game of the year. You need to reward innovation and enterprise.

Though with Heavy Rain, GOWIII, FFXIII, GT5 and every thing 2010 has turned out to be an excellent year.

14 years ago

I agree on GOWIII, I was let down. While a sweet title, after that first half hour of epicness it was just drab environs and bad puzzles lit up by wonderful graphics.

14 years ago

While I don't completely agree GOW 3 was amazing, however my favorite PS3 exclusives that isn't MGS4, is still Uncharted 2.

14 years ago

GoW3 ending was like "WTF, did the game just end??!" Heavy rain for the best foot forward in gaming. deserves GoTY.

14 years ago

Cannot wait for this game. I love westerns and have been waiting for a game that does the setting justice. I was worried at first because there really hasn't been a great western experience (Red Dead Revolver wasn't the best game) but the more I see of this game the more hyped I get.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly ftw.

14 years ago

guess westerns aren't everybody's cup of tea…
u said u hope RDR has the same level of polish as AC2…
GOD i hope not.
still, this game looks promising.

14 years ago

screen tearing FTL

14 years ago

gonna be a new IP franchise for rockstar deffo, this content is pretty unexplored, if rockstar pull it of it could be a landmark game, only other decent current gen western is Juarez bound in blood which I enjoyed immensly if this game has none western fans turning heads and getting excited, imagine what western buffs are feeling so yh GOTY for me
(also the MP is looking awesome to give the game even more longevity it gonna pull me away from BFBC2 lol)

14 years ago

I'm really really excited for rdr and while I think it will easily grab best multiplat of the year I don't think it will be goty, too many ps3 exclusives that just do everything right.

One thing I know for sure tho, is that coming this tuesday, I'll be killing townsfolk right and left! Killing poor innocent civilians should be an excellent way to make a name for myself and get the sheriff after me. Can't wait!

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
14 years ago

Like most games nowadays, especially multiplats, I'll wait for a sale. Within a month or so, you see prices around $40-45.
Should be a great game though. I'll wait to see if the 360 or PS3 version is better before I buy. Surprisingly, I actually preferred GTA4 with the 360 controller.
I think this game will be in the running for GOTY. There's a long way left though. So many games left to be announced.

14 years ago

Preorder from amazon for 20 bucks giftcard, plus another DLC goodies.

14 years ago

The X Factor 9

<<<<<Within a month or so, you see prices around $40-45.>>>>>

I'm a games collector & I'm always watching for lowered prices, so I seriously doubt that it will drop in 1 or 2 months. Usually it's a much lesser titled game that might wind up going that route once all the hype has already been deflated(like "The Saboteur", but it was still a great game in my book).

But not such a hugely anticipated game such as RDR and from Rockstar, who puts out hits after hits.

At the very least, maybe after 4 to 6 months, would be a more of a realistic thinking for a RDR price drop.

This is just my own opinion, of course

Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/15/2010 5:37:22 PM

14 years ago

yeah, ur chances of finding it at $40 range a month or 2 later is gonna be really small, you'd be better off preordering it and getting the $20 giftcard, same price range but on the day of release

14 years ago

I think since it has multiplat appeal, and it seems to be living up to all the early praise it's definitely a contender. I would love for Heavy Rain to be considered but it's a tough call maybe amongst certain categories, but RDR could win overall awards.

14 years ago

First off Ben why would you want RDR to play like ACII. Assassin Creed had a great story, but the action/combat was less than desirable in my opinion. I know you are a fan of ACII and I am too, but I definitely don't want RDR to play like ACII when it comes to combat. Also for people screaming GOWIII should win GOTY, in my opinion is not going to win game of the year, of course it will win best action game of the year, but GOTY will go to something else more 'deserving'. God of War III was great (though the story should have been better) and one of my top PS3 exclusives, but GOWIII doesn't fit the criterea most gaming websites use to choose their GOTY. I wouldn't choose GOWIII and after dissecting how sites choose a game of the year, Heavy Rain and Mass Effect 2 are two games that clearly fit the criteria and RDR looks even more deserving from what I have heard about it from its authentic western theme right down to its 'innovative' multiplayer. PS3 has some great exclusives this year, but Rockstar makes outstandings games and this game seems like it already stands above the rest and it hasn't even landed on store shelves yet.

Last edited by FM23 on 5/15/2010 1:21:42 AM

14 years ago

The freakin' thumbs down bandit(s) is/are on the lose!

14 years ago

I lost interest in this article when you said that you thought most westerns are over rated.


Check out the westerns of John Ford, if you think those are over rated then you have no soul.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

They suck.

14 years ago

You should not be allowed to watch movies anymore.

14 years ago

Hard to say if it will win GOTY need to play it first but GOW3 and heavy rain have set the bar high this year, this game is goin to have to nail everything that makes a game great but good luck to rockstar they do some pretty good stuff.

14 years ago

I loved AC2 but i hope RDR plays nothing like that game

14 years ago

I really hope it doesn't either. And man was the auto jumping horrible! I don't know how many times I just leaped to my death or didn't grab onto the ledge I was jumping right for. lol