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Is FFXIII A Casualty Of Twitch-Gaming?

Over the years, I've noticed a disturbing trend: the increasing ADD-like behavior of gamers. They can't sit through a cut-scene longer than two minutes without having a nervous breakdown, they have to be mashing buttons 99% of the time, and they require the constant flashing and rapid-fire animations and cinematics throughout. I find this annoying trend hitting movies as well; the camera can't sit still for half a second and we're shifting at lightning speed between scenes. Obviously, this is a direct result of a generation that values speed of communication over substance and quality, and I think it's beginning to have a detrimental effect on games that are supposed to be deep and strategic.

Take Final Fantasy XIII , for instance. While it can easily be argued that we left turn-based behind because we now have the technology to make combat feel more "realistic and involved," I also think it's because people quite honestly can't sit still long enough, anymore. Have you noticed the almost complete termination of the RTS genre? Sure, it still exists, but the days of Command & Conquer and Age of Empires are long gone; it used to be an insanely popular genre and now, only the select hardcore play these games. Same goes for flight sims (even though they've always been few and far between) and really, many RPGs and strategy-based titles. I'm not necessarily saying the depth is gone or even less obvious…that would be inaccurate. But it seems developers want to hide it more; they want most of that to happen automatically and behind the scenes.

In FFXIII – you'll have to wait a bit for our review, as Arnold and I intend to dive in fully – we've heard the same thing time and time again: the battle is extremely fast and actually encourages you to use the Auto-Battle function. Read a few of the reviews that have already hit; you'll see what I mean. Yes, you have to make strategic decisions, but they have to be lightning fast and the existing stratagems are used automatically and manually selecting abilities is not recommended. That's just too slow. The bottom line is that it appears we're thinking a lot less during combat. Furthermore, as you really never talk to NPCs and the exploration is cut way down due to the linear progression, all we can really do is keep moving forward. In other words, the pacing is pretty damn fast; taking time to stop and smell the roses likely isn't in the cards.

Bear in mind that I'm not providing you with any personal commentary prior to our review. I'm not saying the game is good or bad. I fully expect it to be beautiful and entertaining, as all FFs have been. I'm a huge FF fan and always have been; the idea of passing on FFXIII is so foreign to me, it's not even worth mentioning. However, the distinct – and relatively abrupt – change in the style of this franchise is worrisome; the "twitch-gaming" boom that apparently wishes to leave calm, enjoyable pacing behind and continues to assault our senses at faster and faster speeds is beginning to chafe. It's one thing to have this in games that might actually benefit (action titles and shooters, for instance), but a role-playing game is something very different to me. Maybe others will feel differently, but I believe the disturbing "can't-sit-still" trend is having a profoundly negative impact on the industry.

At the same time, we still do have games like Heavy Rain , which are wonderfully mature and promote real storytelling, character development and actual thought . And it's doing well, too, so that's great. But shouldn't FFXIII be a little closer to Heavy Rain than to God of War ?

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14 years ago

You tell'em, Jawknee 😉

14 years ago

I was talking to you my friend. 🙂 don't let what we think bother you. People everyday say things that are offensive. It's up to you how you let that affect you. No hard feelings.

14 years ago

Yes, Jawknee, I did understand that.

And believe me, I'm all for discussion. But, talking trash, and friendly intellectual discourse are two entirely different things, based on two entirely different intentions. Some are unable, or rather, unwilling to make the distinction, which is why Ben thought it necessary to close down a certain forum for good, and forbid it for good.

I'm sure you understand. Isn't it why you refused to answer a certain question I had asked you?

14 years ago


Shams, you should lighten up. This place is big enough for us all. I believe in God, but I don't believe it is productive to get offended over someone else's opinion or jokes for that matter. LV made a joke and you brought religion into it by showing offense to it.

14 years ago

Nah, Tes. LV wasn't just telling a joke, as I'm sure he will agree. He wasn't just telling you what he 'believes'. He was rediculing a belief. But I wasn't just talking about that comment, in particular, and I'm sure your memory isn't that short.

When your ancestor, or loved one, is falsely called a pedophile, and that you are a supporter for terrorism, or an apologist for it, perhaps you can take that lightly. But, I doubt it, especially if it continues to no end. You would complain at first, then probably ignore it as well as the person for as long as he continues that 'humor'.

So, if you tell me to lighten up, please pardon me for taking that advice as a little disingenuous.

Last edited by Shams on 3/5/2010 9:34:55 PM

14 years ago

Oh, I forgot to add, "lol".

14 years ago

Take your eyes and your mind off of his words if they offend you. You only do yourself an injustice when you let something as meaningless as this bother you.

14 years ago

OK people. You have made it clear that my request was unreasonable.

And once again, Tes, thanks for the advice. I tell myself that QUITE often.

14 years ago

Oh, and just for you, Jawknee boy, I should probably clarify that I was being sarcastic in my last comment.

And LV, uh, formulaic response was only expected from you, so my response was in the comment you were responding to.

I'm glad to see the people who were 'unnamed' identified themselves by responding to the request, even if they entirely ignored it.

14 years ago


Are you going to stop bashing JRPGs or not? I'm tired of your hurtful comments regarding my beliefs.

14 years ago

You actually have could've fooled me.

14 years ago

Typical ignorant assumption. You assume that a person lacking a spiritual mindset must lack beliefs. I believe your comments hold zero credibility. There's one belief for you.

14 years ago

Lol,hahaha ah poor baby.Are your fellings hurt?

14 years ago

Of course not. My correcting your ignorance is not a sign of my feelings being hurt. Another ignorant assumption on your part.

I've noticed this has become a trend with your posts as of late. The internet is great when it comes to commenting. You have plenty of time to think about what you're going to type. I suggest you use this time more wisely in the future.

14 years ago

Besides the little spat that occurred during Christmas of last year, when and where did I 'bash' anything regarding JRPG's, or what your likings are, what you hold dear, or what you believe in? Please, inform me.

See, LV, unlike some, I don't feel the need to bash or ridicule someone else's personal beliefs in order to validate my own, or under the guise of 'entertainment'. No. But as you can very well understand, if some one else does, I won't always keep quiet.

Are my feelings hurt? Well, yes, I am disappointed, LV. I gave you simple request. And rather than saying, "Fair enough, Shams/Aftab, I acknowledge your request, and I as an adult will stop leaving deliberately inflammatory remarks, especially regarding certain things that you promise not to bring up, and that have been banned from discussion anywhere on this site", you, instead, chose to further ridicule that request.

14 years ago


My original comments and all my comments on this thread have had ZERO to do with your faith or your god. My original comment regarding corncobs and depths of 6feet was a joke, an obvious one too. You're the type of person that tries to find offense at anything and everything.

I make a generalized joke about the "2nd coming" which could very well have been in regards to Keanu Reeves character from the Matrix and you jump on it and spam this thread with your typical "me me me, my faith is being ridiculed".

It's not about you, never has been stop trying to play the victim, it's annoying as hell and the last time you pulled this crap you got banned for a week.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 3/6/2010 1:58:47 PM

14 years ago

Of course, it is not just about me. It's about you. It's about everyone. It's about mutual respect that promotes healthy atmosphere. And ridiculing (or 'joking' as you put it) about other people's beliefs, which is off-topic and banned, there by not allowing others to defend themselves, does not promote that. More over, it is cowardly act.

I know whistle-blowing is 'annoying'. I don't enjoy doing it either, which is why I made the request for an agreement: You stop, and so will I. Simple. But apparently, you take it as an infringement of your right to be clown. So, then never mind. Carry on.

14 years ago

And for the future, please, don't bullsh*t me. Maybe you figure with your dissembling you can at least fool some hypothetical audience who could possibly be interested enough in this annoying thread, but you can't fool me.


14 years ago

I didn't joke about anyone's beliefs. You're attempting to make a big deal out of nothing. I can't be more clear about it, if you're going to choose to be narrow minded and act like a big baby than so be it.

You took a comment made by me which was completely unrelated to religion and have flooded this thread with your typical outpouring for religious tolerance.

If you can't even handle some random comments on a videogame site I suggest you move to Antarctica.

14 years ago

Your commentary is anything but random, and won't be missed anymore than my whistle-blowing. Off-topic, yes. Random, no.

But, ha, I like the Antarctic joke. I get it, where there's no internet. See, your funny (sometimes), which is the only reason I can think of why Ben & Arnold keep you around.

14 years ago

I thought you said goodbye. As ALWAYS you keep coming back for more.

I wasn't joking about Antarctica. I strongly suggest you move there so you can live in perfect harmony with nothing but yourself since you've proven anything else is intolerable.

I imagine they keep me around like quite a few others because I offer an interesting discussion on videogames. Seems you're far more interested in continuously hijacking threads for your own social/religious agenda.

So are you going to finally mean that goodbye or should I expect yet another reply from you showcasing your strong lack of ability when it comes to GETTING THE POINT.

14 years ago

For a guy who insults everything under the sun, you take yourself WAY too seriously.

14 years ago

For a guy that said goodbye hours ago you're still here whining.

Oh and just a heads up, there is no correlation between insulting and seriousness. Don't worry, given your comment history on here I would never have assumed you'd know this.

14 years ago

Sure, LV. Whatever floats your boat.

14 years ago

Reality and Logic for me.

Your boat,(a rather small one I might add) seems to barely stay afloat on restrictions and wishful thinking.

14 years ago

Now, that's what I'd call a little wishful thinking on your part. But it's a good wish, nonetheless.

14 years ago

Since you've given up attempting to come across as intelligent a long time ago I'm going to actually do what you said you'd do but never did.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 3/7/2010 1:12:49 AM

14 years ago

shams , i think you need to find a hobby or something

seriously, the guy said " the second coming of god" as a joke as a way to say that people's expectations with this game were a wee bit too high, yet you seem to think that anything containing the word "god" in it its automatically challenging your religious views and beliefs..

please, if you need validation for your faith or beliefs , then thats cool, but you cant expect other people to be so …shall we say, uptight? ….about it like you are…

your beliefs are your beliefs and i will respect them, but please, stop acting like a spoiled brat craving for attention, those comments had NOTHING to do with YOUR,OR ANYONE ELSE'S religion, stop trying to act all important and hurt, no one cares if you worship god, alah , or circus monkeys, i personally couldnt care less, no one took a crack at your religion, jsut you seem to act like we did….

w/e your request is NOT unreasonable, but you exploded as if people were openly insulting your religion and/or God , you sir, need to CHILL!

14 years ago

You're a little late to the 'party', and have evidently missed the past few months of hate-spamming that I'm actually referring to, so I'm not gonna blame you.

14 years ago

On a side note, the only television advertisement I've seen for this game would lead the average viewer to think that it's only available on the Xbox 360. Hey, good job with that Sony!

14 years ago

Sony knows this is an average game

They're rather be advertising a masterpiece like GOWIII

14 years ago

Glad to see that I'm not the only one who has seen "twitch" gaming taking over. I've felt that way for some time, and the Xbox has made things worse by catering to these players. That's why I can't get people to try Heavy Rain or Uncharted 2. One guy actually told me he was bored by Uncharted because he had to jump and climb around. Apparently the average male gamer in the U.S. only cares about constant killing, which is why so many of them got hung up on MW2. I will give some of my coworkers a bit of credit, a couple of them have moved on to MAG now. Though they both seem to think Killzone 2 sucks. But mostly all they care about is online shooters, they actually feel that any game without online multiplayer is not worth their time.

14 years ago

Haha Edge gave FFXIII a 5, bloody nutters!

14 years ago

I love twitch gaming. It sells well.

14 years ago

I gave you a thumbs up because you're Bobby Kotick and well hell if I don't do it you'll never get one. Now go back to destroying good franchises.

BTW are you and Wada somehow related?

14 years ago

I couldn't stayed focused long enough to read all of this. Anyone want to paraphrase?

I'm Kidding!

The way things are going, soon all you'll have to do is go to a store, slap down your money for a game, take it home, open the case and you'll see a note that says:

"Congratulations, Achievement unlocked, you've beat the game 100%. Thank you for your money, you A.D.D riddled monkey."

I guess we should have seen this coming though. What do you expect from an entire generation raised with the concept of "We want it all and we want it now? Screw the costs!"

That's the reason when you go and buy an EA game on release day, you can get home and download all the unlockables. I mean really, who wants to actually play the game? Who wants the challenge of having to start out at the bottom and work your way up? That's ridiculous, that's like life or something!

Myself? I'm going to look into investing in Ridalin, Athritis medication and Carpal Tunnel. Because in 15 years or so when I'm looking to retire, all the ADD affected button masher are going to make me rich!

I just wish there was a way I could invest some money and get rich now….does EA have a download for that?

Last edited by CH1N00K on 3/5/2010 12:02:49 PM

14 years ago

Ben, you owe me a quarter for the ADD comment.
or I'll just settle for that Blue PS3. XD

14 years ago

Good luck, no such thing exists.

14 years ago

lol, i know.
Also Ben, keep your quarter, I feel like I should be paying you for guys for this great site.

14 years ago

As well as being interested in your review, I think it would be interesting to see rebuttals on a few of the other reviews that are already out there.

14 years ago

Seeing as how they already said that FPSs where an influence I would say, Yeah.

On another note, Why are so many news site not covering the story of the 360 version leak over the internet?

14 years ago

they might as well remove the copy protection that eats up half the DVD, it's freakin useless.

14 years ago

Has anyone seen the latest FF 13 advertisement? F**king ridiculous. If anything why wouldn't Square enix just advertise it as a multiplat game? I think Microsoft is getting anxious because they're starting to see that its getting harder to keep there promise to Square enix of having more FF13 games sold on the xbox 360 than on the Playstation 3.

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 3/5/2010 7:27:43 PM

14 years ago

I pre-ordered FFXIII, then canceled it, and then pre-ordered it again. Amazon loves it when I do that, so I may fix em' up in a month or so with another fit of uncertainty.

I'm going to give SE a chance and I hope they don't disappoint.

Last edited by tes37 on 3/5/2010 9:05:17 PM

14 years ago

X-play just gave the 360 version a 4/5

14 years ago

Yeah, what's up with these mixed FF13 reviews. Perfect scores from some sites, then atrociously low scores from other sites. Maybe the twitchers gave this game a perfect score because there is no way in h*** this game would get a perfect score from a FF franchise lover. I am in complete awe at this entire FF13 situation.

All I know is that I pre-ordered GOW3 and I'm getting Resonance of Fate because so far, the only negative thing people have pointed out about the game is that the gameplay is very complex and challenging. IMO, that's good news! So while all the other FF13 hopefuls purchase FF13 in a frozen state of anxiety, I'll collect my JRPG the following week with my head held high…along with GOW3 of course.

14 years ago

Personally, from all I've heard I'm going to rent this one. I'm pretty sure I won't get it. I feel like an idiot for getting X and X Part II based on my past history with the series. I tried playing X three or four times but I just couldn't get into it. The plot was a letdown and the linearity of the story was very discouraging. To hear that XIII will be even more linear… it would be like playing Dragon Quest Swords for the Wii.

Although I'm an old-school gamer, I still love games like Dragon Age, Fallout, Oblivion. The main issues I have with the real-time aspect of these games is when the actual interface gets in the way of controlling the game. With the turn-based games of old, a small bug can remain a small irritation. In a real-time game a small bug can make a game unplayable , especially when its in the combat interface. I can't wait to see FF XIII, but I'm ready to be disappointed.

The return to a more linear interface is what concerns me the most. I always thought the point of role playing was defining your own role. Once you're hand-fed a storyline and personality (a la FF X) it becomes more like a graphical adventure with combat and leveling (like the old Quest For Glory games). The great thing about Fallout and Dragon age and other WRPGs is that you decide who you want to be: good, bad, neutral. Just like in the old paper and pencil RPGs.

The other aspect of classic RPGs that we lose with the linear gameplay is the exploration aspect that appeals to completist gamers with a touch of OCD. I want to get that whole map. I want to find that hidden area. Check out this cool easter egg!

I hear a lot of you saying that buying FF XIII is an imperative because of your tie to the series. I've gone through every FF (through IX) at least twice. I must have played through the original FF at least 5 times. Before the American versions of the "missing" FFs were ported I played the translated ROMs. Then I played them again when they were brought over by Square. But I think there was more to that series than great graphics (which the originals didn't really have). It was the world, the characters, the creatures, that you could interact with. I think the more recent forays into the FF universe have not been up to the standards set in their predecessors.

On a side-note, I think the FFX plot was a half-hearted attempt to recreate Cloud's story in FF VII. The whole "who am I" aspect seemed too familiar, even a bit contrived.

14 years ago

Absolutely Right On Ben !!!
To rebut D1g1tal5torm's comment:
Since SE began converting from True Turn Based, way before FF VII, they have been determined to make these Action games. I was talking with the SE Developers at the E3, and they were totally adamant that this game was Turn Based. Yeah Right !!!
Okay, I'm getting off the subject… D1g1talStrom would be right if the amount of gamers never increased over the years, but it has, and the original customer base, plus many newbie's have stayed true to Turn Based Gaming. So his idea is sadly incorrect.
How many people won't buy this version he asks… Way more then you can possibly imagine. If you read all the articles SE has been publishing you will see they are extremely nervous.
I personally own every FF game, including imports, prior to FF XI, and plan to never buy another one. And I know for a fact of many others that have been turned off as well.
Can't see anyone wasting their hard earned money for something they won't play.
FF X (International was a little better), was still enough Turned Based to be Fun…
FYI, Vandal Hearts #3 DLC on the PS3 is a True Turned Based game, and although extremely "old school" and easy, it's a whole lot of fun.
The PS 1 Vandal Hearts was probably my favorite all time Turned Based RPG. This is "not" the same game…