Oh look. Another "wintry mix." Translation- crap. Oh well…we gots games. 🙂
Gran Turismo 5 in November? Sure. Fine.
I'm not being sarcastic. I'm a patient person. All I know is that between February and March, there are so many games I want, it's downright infuriating. Although I won't be able to play them all, I would like to have the opportunity to play White Knight Chronicles , Dante's Inferno , Heavy Rain , Bioshock 2 , Final Fantasy XIII , Splinter Cell: Conviction , God of War III , Lost Planet 2 , and others, but I know I'll have to limit myself. And if Gran Turismo 5 came out anywhere near this mess, in all honesty, I woulda been annoyed. I pump 100 hours into every GT without blinking an eye and I tend to do the same thing with every Final Fantasy , so those two games should be as far apart as humanly possible, in my eyes. And I really do like the idea of a 3D version ; I'm considering getting a 3D-enabled HDTV this summer when they become available; at the very least, I'll need it for work, anyway. But GT5 in 3D…? Could be a dream come true…
I know we've all been waiting a while for GT5 but it's one thing if we had nothing to play in the meantime. We've got plenty and there's no real way of knowing when GT5 shows up; I'm only going by the GameStop date, which is definitely a placeholder. But it certainly won't be anywhere near March or April and that's just fine by me. I'm taking the practical approach on this; I'm not going to get on a soapbox and rant. There are too many games coming out that I want to play…I can wait.
Assassin's Creed III coming way sooner than expected?
So they're saying the third entry will be out before March 2011 and the common theory is that Ubisoft will try for a holiday 2010 release. That's only a one year gap, people. Not that I'm complaining; I absolutely adored ACII and the idea that Ezio will return in the upcoming follow-up is icing on the cake; he's an awesome character and let's face it, his story – and Desmond's – really isn't finished. I just hope they're not rushing this project…I know they do the Call of Duty series every year and one of the big reasons is because it's such a giant cash cow. Well, ACII has already sold over 6 million copies and they expect it to break 8 million before the end of March, so a rush-job on the third entry wouldn't be surprising. At the same time, ACII was of such a high quality, I really wouldn't care if they used that very same gameplay format. I just want more cities and I'm good to go (I'll definitely be getting those big DLC packs).
Personal gaming update
I'm at the end of Resident Evil 5 and while I maintain that the tank mechanics have got to go, I will say that the partner AI is maybe the best ever. I mean, Elika in Prince of Persia was flawless but she was more of a supporting character; she did everything she was supposed to do, but she didn't have to do everything. Sheva has to contribute in the same way Chris does, and it works extremely well. She doesn't miss often, she dodges when she's supposed to, she heals at the right times, and for the most part, I'm glad to have her along. The only thing that bugs me is that enemies don't always trigger her; she'll stand there like a dope when an enemy is right near her…but nothing's perfect. Usually, I hate having a partner or teammates of any kind in real-time games, just because I always feel as if I have to babysit them. But that's not necessary here, and I'm very grateful for it. I'm not the biggest fan of the story and ammo seems to be a constant problem (even when I'm almost always getting "S" ranking for Accuracy and Enemies Routed), but it's still fun. It's getting annoying right here at the end, though…
After this, it's back to finish Halo 3: ODST and Bayonetta , both of which I'm hoping to finish before Bioshock 2 in early February. I might get WKC but an RPG in the midst of so many games that month will be tough. I'll have to see what Arnold says; he should be getting a build soon. Heavy Rain on the 23rd will definitely be mine and as I've played every single Splinter Cell – and loved them all – I must get Conviction at some point, too. Just too many to count, almost. LOL
And um…guess that's all.
Must be fun having all that free time to enjoy. Between work,school and my suspiciously bipolar girl;getting time to play games is a tight squeeze.Enjoy it while you still can.
I'm only 16 and still mooching off my parents! (And friends lol)
I also fit school into my schedule… Somehow.
So, in a way, I guess you could say… I have no life! But, I'm milking it for all its got and putting off getting a job as long as possible… (Sighs) Responsibility vs. Irresponsibility…
I've payed off Heavy Rain CE, Read Dead Redemption and put down $10 for GT5 (I have the money but ill wait till i get a solid release date). I have to say that i was dissapointed about the exclusivity of Splinter Cell Conviction as its a game I really want because I have played every SC and this one is going in a fresh (and might i say awesome) direction, but I am not going to shell out for a 360 because it is probably the only game I want on 360. When there are more i might think about it.
List of games i need to get this year:
Bioshock 2
3d Dot game heroes
Probably GOWIII
Games i might get:
Modnation racers
uncharted 2
assassin's creed 2
I gotta say, 3D Dotgame Heroes looks awesome! I really miss old school action/adventure games. I hope it's longer than those old-school games, though, for a fully-priced (I think) PS3 game on Blu-Ray it should be.
you can just get a Zelda game because from what I've seen and heard is that the 3D dot is EXACTLY like a Zelda game.
actually I think 3D dot is going to be $40 but I also hope it has a decent length it looks like a lot of fun
3D Dot Game Heroes is 39.99 MSRP and 36.99 over at Amazon dot com and expected to release around May 10, 2010.
I want to pre-order Heavy Rain from Amazon and get the free episode but looking at that sweet CE that will come out in Europe makes me want to wait for the "what if" possibility of getting a hold of that thing since it will come with the episode, the soundtrack on a disc and a dynamic theme. Sounds tasty.
that list lacks Yakuza 3
Not into GTA-type games.
Yakuza 3 isn't like GTA.
Yakuza 3 = Shenmue .
and theres no way in hell Shenmue is like GTA.
Last edited by Oxvial on 1/17/2010 5:39:10 PM
I should have said not really into realistic games.
but…uncharted 2 and assassin's creed 2 are far more realistic than Yakuza 3 .
Whoa, looks cool. I'll put it under the might's..
Maybe GT5 in November is cool but it woulda been cooler between June-September.
I knew RE5 wouldn't disappoint you, it can't be flawless but its still a good game.
Even if I can't get all of those numerous games in Q1. FFXIII & Heavy Rain is for sure!
I think Polyphony got scared after seeing what the competition has, now they want to jump leagues ahead of the competition.On a side note, does anyone know where i can find a current list of games with custom soundtrack support?
I've been playing Need for Speed Shift this week. Great game! If you turn off all the driving assists and put it on professional mode, it's actually a fairly decent driving sim. It's taking me a long time to learn how to drive again, after spending a month with Grid, where you barely needed to use the brakes. NFS has a lot of great cars, a huge amount of upgrades and customization, quite a few great tracks, and the driving physics are pretty good now that I'm getting used to it. Lots and lots of loading time though. Considering how many races you have to compete in to make some money, the load times can really wear on you.
As far as GT5, I'm so damned disgusted with the delays I don't even want to think about that game any more. I can't understand why everyone defends the delays. Why is this game – and only this game – in need of so much perfecting? Imagine how much better Uncharted 2 would have been if they worked on it for another 3 years. Or how about if they pushed Final Fantasy XIII into 2011? Or how about a never ending series of delays for GOW III? What-ever.
i just finished bioshock, it was quite a good game, although it was as thrilling as uncharted 2, it had some depth with a real surprise twist. hmmm rather than saying it wasn't as thrilling as uncharted 2 i'd say it was thrilling in a different way and for different reasons
At any rate its got me looking forward to bioshock 2. As for Dante's inferno, i'm more than willing to wait after playing the Demo, i definitely feel as though it would be worthwhile and entertaining, but I feel as though i could play it later on, it isn't a 'must have right now' game if you know what I mean?
Heavy rain looks interesting i'd like to try it out before I buy, as i haven't played indigo prophecy or any other similar games. God of war, i want fairly badly but I can also wait a while. same with FFXIII to be honest. I've still got quite a few games to finish that i bought last year. I bough dead space in last christmas or so, and I still haven't opened the box, same with far cry 2, but that'll change today,its amazing how graduating changes your life.
they need to fix the free running in assassins creed, but i loved the idea of the villa and how you upgrade it. it gives more of an incentive to 100% complete the book.
Nothing wrong with free running in Assassins 2 and nothing wrong with ammo supply on RE5.
Having said that, RE5 is some cheesy shit. That cut scene with Wesker doing the Matrix was absolutely laughable and chris is an absolute cheese fest…Resi has always been cheesy but, RE5 takes the mic. Its nothing on 4 nor 2 for that matter and thats perhaps because the main creator had left the project.
you know ben, its the same thing i was saying about GT5, i don't mind the delay, i've got my hands full now and march isn't even here yet. my wallet is gonna be sucked dry, even worse cause i live in jamaica, games tend to be very expensive here especially new ones when they arrive….
I have decided.
My decision being: I shall only get the God of War Ultimate Trilogy Edition, in the coming 5-6 months, seeing as I am very low on cash and have no job…
Will get all other games as soon as I win the lottery or if someone randomly gives me a couple o' thousand bucks or more, from which I will then also buy a 3D TV.
Surely GT5 will be done by the upcoming E3, if the 90% from the interview holds true. I don't think PD is changing plans so much to hold off months longer (Sony and their 3D tech..).
Anyway, we should expect a big showing and revelation for GT5 in E3 this year. My bet is the summer or whenever 3DTV is first released to the public.
@ JackC8
are you seemingly getting frustrated because of developers wanting to give us a better game? You'd rather an incomplete game, with a sequel that gets released in a year, to make you drop another $60?
I think people are frustrated because last year they said they could release it at any time.Then forza and the other car sims come out and its suddenly 60% done
I will take all the Assassin's Creed Ubisoft can dish out. I love that stuff. Maybe in the next game Ezio will be the Assassin leader training a bunch of n00bs. That'd open the door for some multiplayer mayhem. Can't wait.
WKC looks like the jrpg for me. I'm sure FFXIII will be good, but WKC just looks a lot better in terms of gameplay and story. Besides, I can make my own character and have him tag along for the ride? Online missions? Level-5? That's all I need to know. It beats guy with a bird's nest in his hair any day of the week.
sad thing that the guy with the chocobo in da afro is the most likable character I find on FFXIII.
And he's a horribly designed character, imo.
Just a head's up for Ben, but Splinter Cell: Conviction was pushed back to April. That's one less game to have to worry about in the crowded two months ahead.
I'm highly anticipating Heavy Rain, should keep me occupied till GOWIII.Is nice though that GT has so many fans that will keep making excuses for it; they should try to reward these fanatics.
A little off topic here but have anybody seen ign's 2009 game of the year video? Very funny, and very deserving!
Yeah, I saw it. Good stuff.
Vikings win 34-3, take that Dallas!
Now Favre will really be insufferable….
TOO true.
Another day another delay.
I'm cool with the GT5 delay but Kazu shouldn't have made most of us excited by saying stuff like "We could release it anytime" or "90% done".
Why lie to us when the game is far from finish.
Last edited by Snaaaake on 1/17/2010 6:00:37 PM
To use it to push their 3D tvs.
As of now, I wouldn't be surprised if GT5 release date is in 2011.
I hope GT5 releases before October, as I plan to get it for my Birthday. It will replace the need for getting a car, as I won't be getting one when I turn 17 this year (T.T) lol
I'll get Infamous, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Yakuza 3 and Ratchet and Calnk tools of destruction on the next 6 months
And also Starcraft II
thats going to be a badass semester.
Beat RE5 last night. Thing is, Japanese developers sometimes don't know when to end things. They still have this somewhat adolescent belief that more is always better. As unbelievable as MGS4 was, it was evident there, too. The drama needs to climax and end at an appropriate point…let's not beat the dead Wesker horse.
Other than that, as I've said, I play and enjoy all the REs. I got a little more annoyed at this one due to lack of ammo and that archaic movement mechanic, but I still enjoyed myself. And like I said, Sheva really is a very capable partner, which is one of the big things that kept me playing.
If it were up to me, I'd probably give it a low or mid-8. I agree with Arnold's review but I'm not as hung up on the movement issue. But remember, he hated RE4 and I loved it, so…
Are you going to give the Gold Edition a try?
No time at all for that.
@ Ben: UBI said they were making another Assassin's Creed. Nowhere did they say it would be ACIII. And most likely it won't be.
Whatever. If it's a direct follow-up to ACII featuring Ezio – which they certainly did confirm – they can call it whatever they want. It'll still be Assassin's Creed to me and most others.
Yeah but just like Altair's Chronicles on PSP featured Altair I'm expecting something along that line. So no need to sweat about them releasing something like that so soon. As that obviously wouldnt require as much time as a full sequel.
So, not a gaming question, but…
The Australian Open started yesterday! Whoo hoo! You excited, Ben?
Sorry, so few people share my love for tennis…
Always excited at the start of the new tennis season. 🙂