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Ben’s Week In Review: January 3

It's tough for me to believe that it's already 2010 but all we can do is soldier forth. It's like when Apollo Creed says to Rocky at the end of "Rocky III;" "it's a shame we gotta get old," and Rocky replies, "just keep punchin', Apollo."

Do we already know what next year's GotY nominees will be?

Now that last year's Game of the Year Awards are in the books, we're already looking down the road to see what titles might be vying for ultimate supremacy at the end of 2010. Does anyone else think it's going to come down to God of War III , Gran Turismo 5 and Final Fantasy XIII ? I mean, I have difficulty thinking of any other games I want more this year, although I suppose I have to include Heavy Rain , The Last Guardian and Alan Wake on my "most anticipated" list. However, i have little faith that any of the previous three will be in the running, and I do have my reasons for that. GT5, FFXIII, GoWIII…what's stopping these games from being totally awesome? Well, I suppose there are skeptics out there for just about every hyped title but even so, the way things are shaping up now, it's almost as if we have three nominees for GotY 2010 already. Okay, we're not about to jump the gun like this (and we never would) but it's fun to think about, isn't it? 😉

So what if GT5 won't come out until November?

I'm well aware that GameStop never has the final say when it comes to release dates, although I was – initially – disappointed to hear they had moved their date for Gran Turismo 5 from May to November 2, 2010 . It could be a placeholder date but for the sake of argument, let's say it's true: well, so what? Look, there are some games that really drain a big chunk of my time, and Gran Turismo 5 will most definitely be one of them. The only other title in 2010 that's almost guaranteed to suck up an equal amount of time is FFXIII; the likes of God of War III , Heavy Rain and others I will certainly play, but they won't take anywhere near as long. Therefore, I'd want FFXIII and GT5 to be as far apart this year as possible; with the RPG coming on March 9, I honestly don't know what I'd do if GT5 came out that same month, or even in April. I need time to fully take care of both games and I'd hate to have to choose between the two.

Sometimes, it's all about timing. We have more than enough promising titles landing in the first quarter alone so if GT5 wants to come out for the holidays, fine. Frees me up a bit, you know?

Personal gaming update

So after trading in Left 4 Dead 2 , which I absolutely despised (yes, yes, I know it's mostly for multiplayer but that's no reason to give the LAME-ASS single-player a free pass), I started in on Halo 3: ODST . See, I own all the Halo s and I've found them all enjoyable, although I'm not quite siding with the fans who deem them to be the best FPSs around. The only reason I didn't get ODST when it came out is because I knew it was basically just an expansion, and I wasn't about to drop $60 for it. But if someone wanted to give it to me for Christmas… They did, so now I'm playing it. It's fun, and I really like Nathan Fillion as Buck. Fillion just rules in anything he does, and that's a nice touch for this game. I've never been the biggest fan of the weaponry or level design in these titles, and ODST doesn't really change this belief, but it's still entertaining. When I'm done, it's on to Resident Evil 5 .

I'm still debating on whether or not to pick up Bayonetta this week. I really love the idea and style but…well, I'm just not sure if I can handle the chore of beating that game. We'll see. February will be huge, though, what with Dante's Inferno , Bioshock 2 , White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain . Good Lord. LOL Outside of gaming, I have nothing to add. It's like 15 degrees out with a crazy wind…it's nights like these that make me want a big house with a roaring fire and stuff. Sadly, I ain't rich yet, nor have I met a rich girl. 😉

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15 years ago

2009 was the only year that I had to drop many games that I wanted to play because I didn't have the money or time. Sadly, it looks like 2010 is going to be another one 🙁

Last edited by AStiffyIffy on 1/2/2010 10:06:18 PM

15 years ago

You ain't the only one

When it came to getting ps3 games this year, it was hard to pass up on some of them. So many good games came out for it.

15 years ago

Cool pic Sypho

15 years ago

Haha thanks. I love Kingdom Hearts and didn't know what other pic to use so I just went with this.

15 years ago

Alien is my favorite movie so I went with Veggie Alien.

15 years ago

I've never seen Alien but what's a Veggie Alien?

15 years ago

An alien made of veggies? Haha, it's just a picture of the creature from the movie made out of vegtables. I suggest you watch it, it's considered a classic.

15 years ago

I hope MAG lives up to its potential along with WKC and Heavy Rain. Next year is going to be great for all gamers, with great 360 exclusives like Mass Effect 2(exclusive for the moment) and splinter cell; PS3 instant hits such as GOWIII and hopefully Resistance 3; and wii games like Other M and The new Mario. It feels good to be a gamer, and better being a PS3 owner.

15 years ago

Lion is that you? (the leader of BST)

15 years ago

Yes it is, who is this?

15 years ago

J-sal….small world huh?

15 years ago

I don't think any of the Q1 games will be nominated for GOTY mainly because they get forgotten by the time the GOTY awards do come around. I mean why wasn't Killzone 2 nominated for GOTY or any other award. I mean that game was amazing and everyone was saying it would be GOTY when it came out. And then when the VGA's came out where was it?

Same with inFAMOUS in some ways.(But inFamous should not have been for GOTY but been nominated at least in another category.)

I really hope that doesn't happen this year again. With Heavy Rain, and MAG coming out those games should be nominated in one area at least for being extremely innovative. MAG for the 256 players and Heavy Rain for the first game to have multiple endings and multiple choices.

Last edited by Allelujah00 on 1/3/2010 7:36:31 PM

15 years ago

Wow, It sure is J-sal. How long you been a member of this site?

15 years ago

I hear ya Benster, it's been a decent year but I think 2010 will be even better for us RPG fans. I mean c'mon FFXIII, WKC, Resonance, SO4. And hopefully we will get info on Nier and some others (What was the deal with that "What goes around comes around teaser"?)

I just have to find a way around the fact that I have to get 3 games in feb (Dante, HR, and WKC) and 2 in March (GoWIII and FFXIII) Dunno how I'll afford it. But yeah GT5 can wait I guess, I might just pass on it altogether now.

15 years ago

I suggest you rent GOW3 like me and buy it later for 30 dollars.

15 years ago

Actually based on how long it takes me to finish FFXIII I might just wait until I can get it at that price, or 40. It's not like I care about the trophies or anything I need straight away and Inferno should hold me for a bit on action. We will see.

15 years ago

I'm putting at least 100hrs into FF13…then replaying it again. I only suggest you rent GOW3 first because I doub't you get a ton of hrs out of it and $60 for under 20hrs of gameplay IMO is outrageous. I often wait for games of that genre to be out several months than I pick them up.

15 years ago

i know both of you are rpg fans, more so than maybe the action title but a video game with 12 hours of play is still worthy purchase. Think of it this way movies blu ray in particular since the PS3 games are on BR discs (obviously), are average 2 hours long and run a hefty $19.99 and up price tag on new releases. Thats 10 bucks an hour. Video games running 12 hours long at $60, is $5 an hour (i know not all vids are that long but…), thats a decent amount of entertainment for the price, all things considered.

The only reason i point that out is video games are cheap entertainment in the world of entertainment! I know these are tough times for alot of people, im one of them! And when you have to choose one game over another or settle with renting one its not fun, i know that feeling! I agree the price of games is a lil' outrageous but its still cheap entertainment considering you dont just throw the game away! Shoot you take care of them they will last forever, and if you play each game twice (considering its good) like i do, its well worth it! Unless in your guys' scenario where you have to pick an rpg over an action title or what have you! I feel you! But i dont suggest renting GOW 3 that is a must buy title day one if you have the funds!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/2/2010 11:44:18 PM

15 years ago

If there are 2 games coming out close to each other and one offers me over 100hrs of gameplay and the other less than 20hrs than It doesn't make sense to spend $120 on both games. While I'm enjoying the 100hr+ game for $60 the 20hr- game can be reducing in price until it comes time to enjoy that game weeks/months later.

BTW I think buying dvd/blu-ray movies on day1 is crazy as well. I won't lie, I download a ton of movies and buy the ones I like months later for a cheaper price.

15 years ago

whell Limited what if the game that offers 20 hours of gameplay is the game thats more fun than the game that offers 100 hours id much rather sit through a 20 hour game that offers more fun than 100 hours of a game that less boring

15 years ago

Since I've clearly been pointing out my intentions on buying both games it's understood that both offer an entertaining play through. Thus 100hrs gets my $60 and the 20hrs get's a rental at most upfront and my $30 down the road.

15 years ago

*High fives Kr3sn1k*

15 years ago

With all due respect to GOWIII, it will not be the more fun game going up against FFXIII in my opinion. It just isn't possible under any circumstances.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Then, I must be crazy because I buy a lot of movies on release day and they end up being a lot cheaper than going to the movies to view them.

15 years ago

After popcorn and drinks it can cost a pretty penny.

15 years ago

with respect to limited vertigo and worldendswithme, i understand you choosing FF13 (sorry no roman numerals) over GOW3. But GOW 3 is absolutely amazing! I have played the demo and it honestly is the most awe inspiring game ive played! Uncharted 2 raised the bar and is one of the best games ive played, and FF13 no doubt will be great. But just the time i spent in the GOW3 demo I seen to many things never done in video games to ignore! Not to mention its the most action packed game ive played! There was never a dull moment in the whole 20 min. or so i played. i was either fighting or interacting, absolutely brilliant the way they used the time playing the game actually doing something, rather than just running around! And the scale of this game is huge, its just an awesome thing to witness.

So as i said i know you two are huge rpg fans and yeah it makes sense to go with the game that may offer more hours of gameplay. But as Kr3snik even said, what would you prefer a game with 100+ hours that WILL be fun, or a game that may offer 10-15 hours but be absolutely off the wall fun! I guess the best thing to do is just make sure you got $120 handy, i know im gonna try!

and about the movies, i found its actually cheaper to buy them day one sometimes, but yea still a pointless purchase day one. Movies are tough because it has to be really good for me to get the urge to watch it again. Like last night i rented district 9, and even though it was a good movie, ill probably never watch it again!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/3/2010 2:10:50 PM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeah I love RPG's as much as you guys but God of War is insane!

15 years ago

Buying a meatball sandwich and a full course turkey dinner both at full price at the same time is crazy. I don't care how hungry you are.

15 years ago

in all honesty GOW 3 is as much of a full meal as FF13 will be. It just depends on how you look at it and what you prefer!

As i said the demo sold me on a day one purcahse (as if i needed it) so its a no brainer for me! As for you LV, and Worldendswithme, obviously you crave the rpg genre more so.

15 years ago

You have a habit of entering an ongoing conversation and missing the point.

During this entire conversation from beginning to end it's been about the scenario in which someone intends to purchase BOTH games. This being the case I then explained that buying a game with 100+hrs of gameplay first THEN buying the game with 20hr gameplay is the cheapest thing to do since after completion of the first game the 2nd game will be at a reduced price.

I understand there are people that want to play GOW3 over FF13, that scenario has NOTHING to do with this conversation.

15 years ago

I understand what this conversation was about. All i was doing was justifying a day one purchase for both is a must. If someone doesnt have the money to do that, i dont think they would be upset with purchasing either regardless the length. I think you missed my point.

The reason i was justifying that is because you kept throwing out analogies and such trying to prove ff13 is a better buy. Well maybe for you…

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/4/2010 4:37:29 AM

15 years ago

how can you even slightly concider FF to be the "funner game?"
lets see.
ripping off gods heads, or walking around trying exploring the open world with turn based combat.
yea, i think i know which one im choosing.
watching some of the videos of FFX III put me to sleep, watching some of the GOW 3 vids puts a massive smile on my face and makes me fall of the bed.

15 years ago

2010 will be the best year yet, so many huge and long franchise.

Now I got a question, will the price of all consoles drop even further?

15 years ago

I would expect the 360 to take a dip this year, probably not the PS3 yet.

15 years ago

I'm hoping the PS3 starts to take some of the wii crowd. I have several friends that have great TVs and amazing setups but they only have a wii and they often bring up their desires to get something worthy of their setup.

15 years ago

Vertigo – That's funny, because I created my setup because I got a PS3. When I bought my PS3 at launch I was playing it on a 30' standard def TV, and my only thought was "this ain't right…" – what a difference a TV makes.

15 years ago

I've been playing L4D2 just about everyday since mid November and I didn't realize it even had a single player option 🙂

15 years ago

Same here. Only played the single player option so I could get a brief layout of the boards and learn what the new infected and weapons can do before taking it online.

15 years ago

Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, and Dante's Inferno? Seriously…overkill

March FFXIII, and April GOWIII….insane

Anyway, I have a feeling GOWIII or GT5 will take Game of the Year.

By the way, we might get Resistance 3 this year, don't forget!

I still think GT5 should come out in time for the Summer…..just like GT1 did (beautiful summer)

It gives us time to actually PLAY the game. Fall is a busy time. Summer is better overall for a racing game.

I hope it comes out in between May-July

15 years ago

Have you heard anything concrete on Resistance 3?, because that is a lock for me.

15 years ago

I personally love GT best during the Spring. I still have my first car (Camaro Z28) and something about the first of Spring makes me get it out and play some GT on the open road away from the cops.

I'm picking GT5 to win GOTY at least on PSXE. My GOTY will be FF13, I just know it.

15 years ago

Is it possible for a driving simulator to win GOTY?

15 years ago

ODST sold for 60 dollars to millions of people, I'm pretty sure a driving game can win GOTY.

15 years ago

Heres hoping to resistance 3 i absolutely loved the first and second especially the online of the second one it was just crazy

15 years ago

I'm with Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaake on this one. I think GT5 might get nominated for GOTY – but I don't see it winning with the rest of the competition out there. If it does…my foot will go promptly into my mouth though.

15 years ago

assuming GT5 comes out in 2010 at all…….

15 years ago

seriousness though, should be a monster year.

so many rpg's too. finally!

and dont forget about darksiders, that should be awesome too

15 years ago

Darksiders is going to suck, nothing higher than a 7.2 for its review.

15 years ago

well Darksiders its getting a lot of 9's .

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/2/2010 11:20:26 PM

15 years ago

True it has, I'm hoping PSXE sees through the BS. I've had enough of the GearsofWar character designs.

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