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PSXE Game Of The Year Nominees

The year is almost over, which means it's time to issue our list of nominations for the many awards we plan to hand out.

There were plenty of amazing games this year but perhaps the three that stand head-and-shoulders above the rest are Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Killzone 2 and Assassin's Creed II . This unbelievable trio of the best of the best nailed down the majority of nominations, although we of course had to pay tribute to other gems, like Batman: Arkham Asylum , inFamous , Dragon Age: Origins , Street Fighter IV , and others. The question is, which titles do you think will win? That's the entire point of this little preview, after all; to generate a good amount of discussion. Also, if you have an idea for an award that we haven't thought of, feel free to let us know. It's certainly not too late to add one!

The winners will be announced when the year closes, on either December 31 or January 1, so stay tuned…

2009 Game of The Year Awards Nominations

Best Graphics

Best Music

Best Sound Effects

Best Acting

Best Writing

Best Multiplayer Game

Best Artistry/Art Direction

Most Original/Innovative

Most Overlooked

Most Anticipated Game

Best Downloadable Game

Best Puzzle Game

Best Music/Rhythm Game

Best Racing Game

Best Sports Game

Best RPG

Best Fighting Game

Best Shooter

Best Action/Adventure Game

Game of the Year

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

FYI, we are adding Brutal Legend to the Best Music category; it was just an oversight on our part. It should most definitely have been there.

Also, we're adding categories for Best Multiplatform Game and Best New IP. 🙂

15 years ago

Oh and Demons Souls should definitely win Best RPG. Dragon Age was great, but Demon Souls was just so unique and better IMO experience to play.

15 years ago

Poor inFamous and Killzone. They are missing out on so many awards because of Uncharted. Uncharted does deserve them though of course. If they don't end up winning anything, you should give them awards anyway.

15 years ago

Thats the truth maxpontiac and hellish_devil you must not be a gamer

Last edited by shootu on 1/3/2010 12:41:51 AM