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Ben’s Week In Review: August 2

It's my birthday today. I turn 31. And I do not want to talk about it. 😉

Which RPG should I be most excited about?

It happens every generation: as the role-playing genre is always the last genre to really get rolling in any given era, I find myself turning to other titles to satisfy my gaming desires. And I don't mind doing this; I just want to play the best of the best, and the only genres I really don't play are RTS and flight sims. Anything beyond that is fair game, and it kinda has to be early on in any generation because the RPGs are few and far between. But they're a-comin' now and I'm preparing for a shift back to RPG mode…the only question is, which RPG should I be most excited for? FFXIII tops the list 'cuz it always will but there are many other promising RPGs that will release well before the newest FF, and I'm currently leaning towards Demon's Souls . I mean, has anyone really looked at the immense praise that game has received? It's pretty amazing. But then again, I'm really liking the look and style of Resonance of Fate ; while tri-Ace didn't get me with Star Ocean: The Last Hope , I'm fully confident in their development capabilities. Then you've got Dragon Age: Origins , White Knight Chronicles and Alpha Protocol so I'm rapidly becoming inundated with future possibilities.

What think you? Should I still have Demon's Souls as my most anticipated RPG (next to FFXIII)? Or is Bioware's Origins really looking good to you right about now? I have my reservations for Obsidian's Alpha Protocol , but I have a feeling I'll really like Level 5's White Knight Chronicles …ah, what to do, what to do…

Two must-haves on the PSN, peeps

The first is Shatter and the second is Fat Princess (review coming Monday). I won't reveal too much about the latter as I'm still playing it (and I can't yet jump onto the servers to have a go at multiplayer), but I can tell you it's every bit as good as I expected. Well, almost . I have a few small issues with it, but I imagine those will get overshadowed when I finally get into some online matches; this game is clearly designed to be played with a group. It was great to learn that so many people rewarded Sidhe Interactive in the first week of Shatter 's availability, and for only $7.99, I urge you to pick it up if you haven't already. You won't be disappointed. Also, feel free to download the Madden NFL 10 demo that's now on the Store; you can only play 1-minute quarters (which is uber-lame), but at least you get a chance to play it. I'll be reviewing that one in a few weeks time, so I wanted to get an early look…it's okay. I can't tell much without any control description and extremely brief gameplay segments. But I'll play a little more.

Oh, and I can't wait to hear what thatgamecompany's third PSN project is. I know I'll buy it; Jenova Chen and the rest of that team has earned my respect. You know, when I first heard about the concept of downloadable titles, I said, "yeah…doesn't sound like anything I'd want to play much." Man, was I wrong .

Personal gaming update

Well, I beat Shatter – totally bad-ass game – and as I just said, I've been playing Fat Princess . I've also been working my way through FFX as some of you know, and I assume I'll get a game for my birthday (probably RE5). The only title I really want to play this month is Batman: Arkham Asylum , but that's okay; I'll need to be ready for October. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Demon's Souls , Dragon Age: Origins , etc. Then November has some huge releases as it always does, and I'll probably be too busy with reviews to ever play anything I actually want to play. Such is the way every year. But anyway, I'm kinda hoping that GT5 doesn't hit that rumored December 29 launch date because I really won't have the time to deal with it. That's like the exact day we start working on the Game of the Year Awards.

On the other hand, it's not a terrible time. It's away from the Oct/Nov rush and there shouldn't be much in January and February I desperately want; not until March and God of War III . Well, whatever. I'm tired and I've got stuff to do tomorrow, so I'll check y'all later.

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15 years ago

Happy Birthday Ben!!

You know I agree PSN is soo damn full of epic greatness I just got the WipEout Fury expansion lts beautiful

15 years ago

Happy Birthday Ben 🙂 Have a good one 🙂

15 years ago

hey ben happy birthday, dont sweat it i turned 31 in march and i still have more energy than most 40 yr olds!!!
cant help ya on the rpg because i have no interest in them what so ever!!

Last edited by kevyd09 on 8/2/2009 11:17:59 AM

15 years ago

i should hope you have more energy than older folks 😉

15 years ago

I was a recent victim of a birthday attack back in June, although I survived it, it slapped me with a big 39 on my lifeline. I don't feel any less energetic than when I was 31, I guess it's all good if you want it to be.

Happy birthday Ben!

Last edited by tes37 on 8/2/2009 3:09:04 PM

15 years ago

For RPG I'd say White Knight Chronicles. For new IP I'd say Borderlands. For now, just play RE5.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Happy B-Day Ben! May you be blessed with many more.

I'm torn between Demon's Souls and Dragon Age.

Fat Princess is really really fun…if you can get into a game. I had some problems, but its working today…so far.

15 years ago

Happy B-Day Ben I'm looking for to Demon's Soul and WKC. I think those two games stand out of the crowd.

15 years ago

Happy Birthday man.
Hope you get the Resident Evil 5, that's all i gotta say.

15 years ago

Happy Birthday Ben 🙂

15 years ago

i am impatiently waiting for my deluxe edition of Demon' Souls to arrive on Oct 6. I just love the feeling of this game: deep, dark, sorrow, beautiful and immense boss, and incredible difficulty level.

Here is my order before ff13 and v13 hit:

Demon's Souls > WKC > Resonance of Fate

P.S. Happy B-Day Ben and Hail gaming

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 8/2/2009 6:23:44 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

jmo_INDY: Thanks, but you don't have to alert me to that kind of thing. I'll find it and get rid of it so no worries.

15 years ago

alright Ben.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Thanks all. I had fun today, so I guess it's okay if I'm 31 now.

And don't worry; I won't harp on RPGs all the time in these articles. 😉

15 years ago

I for one don't mind the harping – RPGs are here to stay! (uhm… Yeah.) And Shatter was indeed worth the bucks!

But where is the promised preview of Marvel UA2?

15 years ago

Happy Birthday Ben, and I think a lot of us don't mind you talking a lot about RPGs… most playstation fans are RPGs fans anyways. I can't decide what I want most, if FFXIII, FFXIII versus or the inevitable Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5, but since the last two are ways of, I'll stick with FFXIII, for now…

15 years ago

Happy belated.