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Ben’s Week In Review: June 28

These thunderstorms are freaky. …no, I don't know why I often start these things with a comment on the weather. Maybe it's age. 'sigh'

I sooooo want Suikoden VI…provided it's turn-based

So Konami has gone and trademarked a new Suikoden title , and fans of the franchise are hoping it'll be the long-awaited sixth installment for next-gen consoles (preferably the PS3, as most all Suikoden s are exclusive to the PlayStation platform). If you've never played one of these games, you've definitely missed out: in my humble opinion, it's the second-best role-playing franchise of all time. Granted, it comes in a distant second to Final Fantasy , but then again, just about anything does. The Suikoden series has always excelled in the area of storytelling and character development, and it's for this reason I so love all the games. I didn't play Suikoden IV because I heard it was sub-par, but I played and very much enjoyed the other four, and they were all immense amounts of fun. However, if Konami decides to abandon the standard turn-based, random-battle format like most all other developers, I'm gonna be pissed . I swear, I won't buy it and I'll just sit here and play one of the older titles again.

I don't mind advancement, but there are certain things that must remain the same in my eyes. I don't care how good you can make real-time combat for Suikoden VI ; I want the old-fashioned turn-based system because that's how I identify with that series. Do you understand me, Konami? Don't eff this up. Of course, now that I've gone on this rant, it'll be a new Suikoden for the DS.

What IS Square-Enix's new game?

Now I'm all intrigued. I've got RPGs on the brain and I've been pondering that official countdown ; perhaps the best possibility is a new SaGa title of some kind, but that may be a stretch. Heck, anything might be a stretch at this point. I always thought Square-Enix had a full plate, what with Final Fantasy XIII , Final Fantasy Versus XIII , Final Fantasy Agito XIII and now, Final Fantasy XIV . This is why I think this new game may be for a handheld, like the PSP Go, but there's really no way of knowing until the end of next week. I know it doesn't go with the "4" hint they gave us, but I can tell you the projects I most want to see from S-E: a sequel to Vagrant Story , a new game in the Chrono franchise, or a new entry in the Mana series that began way back with Secret of Mana on the SNES. Of course, I also want a true sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics but that's a dream that has been on life support for years…I should probably just pull the plug. The new Front Mission has already been revealed, too, so we can scratch that one. So what might it be…?

I think we all know that Square-Enix hasn't yet delivered a damn thing for PS3 owners, but the lineup is promising enough to re-earn our respect, right? I mean, we've all waited a long time – that's for damn sure – but we gamers are fickle: if the aforementioned games rule, we'll just have to love S-E again. Might they add another potential "AAA" title to the lineup when that countdown is complete…?

Personal gaming update

So after beating inFamous , I haven't been able to get back into Final Fantasy VIII , which I knew would happen. I get these urges a lot but I rarely have the time to see them through; if I never had anything else to play that would interrupt my time, I'd finish 'em, but that just ain't the case. Besides, a new urge has popped up: to play FFX again. Like FFVIII, I only played it once and I've always meant to go back through it. I'm also getting bored with Top Spin 3 ; I started up a new Career and everything, but the game is too easy for me now. I never lose. I'm hoping that when Virtua Tennis 2K9 arrives next week for me, that'll be my new tennis fix, but I'm not holding my breath. Those games have never been as realistic as TS, and that bugs me. Other than that, I'm really just waiting on Resident Evil 5 , which I should get for my birthday in August.

As for other stuff, I am saddened at Michael Jackson's passing. While I know it's somewhat of a cop-out to say "oh, he was a victim," it's still absolutely true; his father should've been arrested long ago, as far as I'm concerned. It's terrible what they did to him, and the saddest part is I don't think anyone really cared for him throughout his whole life…I think everyone just saw him as a meal ticket and treated him as such. That man needed therapy by the time he was 15 and it never came. But in the end, even if he did victimize some children (which wasn't proven, but whatever), I have to say that the good he did; the millions of people that enjoyed his music and performances, and the millions of dollars that went to countless charities…I think all of it is worthy of our praise.

Oh, and there is one last thing about my personal life, but I won't be talking about it on PSXE. I know people always seem to be interested, but this one stays quiet. It's too sensitive. Only Arnold knows and HE wouldn't be cruel enough to reveal it here. Um…right, Arnold? Anyway, let's just say it's a special situation and I haven't resolved what I'm going to do about it yet. But in case you're wondering, no, it doesn't have anything to do with either Ms. Amy or Ms. Courtney, who don't really talk to me anymore.

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15 years ago

Ben I take it that Square-Enix's new game is still not the one that you still cannot talk about thats exclusive to PS3 ? lol

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No, it's not. 🙂

15 years ago

Maybe Square-Enix is making a spin-off to Star Ocean 4. Like the way Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is made for PS3.

15 years ago

FF8 just drags on more than moves along. I've played it countless times but often it felt like a chore. The FF whore in me makes me play it but the adult in me reminds me it isn't really that fun. I'm currently finishing Parasite Eve and loving it again. I can't wait for the 3rd one to grace the PSP.

15 years ago

Did you like the second one? I didn't like it much. The 1st was the best. Have you ever watched the movie?

15 years ago

Ya I own the 2nd one also and I admit it is a weak game. I don't know why Square decided to make it a watered down Resident Evil type game. I also own the movie and I love it 🙂

15 years ago

The movie was sweet. I remember seeing it on late at night on cable. I want to watch it again. I want to play Parasite Eve again but I'll wait for a digital one for the PSP.

15 years ago

I still haven't bothered to buy Infamous, I've been playing Sacred 2 & Street Fighter IV which is pretty much consumed almost 24 hours of my life.
Damn its almost half five in the morning GOTTA SLEEP

15 years ago

I decided to buy FF7 on PSN, despite the fact that it is 5$ too much, I just started to play, it's been a long time since I played a JRPG, it's kind of a test to see if I can still enjoy them. About Michael Jackson, it is kind of crazy he died suddenly, and he was one of the best performers to ever lived, he changed pop music (for the better not sure, there would be less Britney spears, ect). His music was also great. That being said he raped those little boys, and he deserved to go to jail. Maybe it was because he was abused, but it doesn't matter why. He did it, and he got away with it. Hopefully some closure will come to this situation in his death.

15 years ago

Compered to being $50 dollars and up for a used copy, that $9.99 is looking pretty good!

15 years ago

He didn't change Pop music, he created it.

15 years ago

Unless you have some special inside knowledge that no one else has regarding Michael Jackson, you have no idea whether he did anything to anyone. Before you throw around accusations against someone, at least get your facts in order.

As far as Michael Jackson is concerned, as far as anyone really knows he never raped anyone. Don't pull the no smoke without fire crap, or anything else. When you're found not guilty it means you are not guilty of the offense you're charged with.

Remember, innocent until proven guilty?

God, sometimes I feel like I'm a live re-creation of the lead character from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

15 years ago

Yea well, I really like his music. Thriller was the 1st record I ever owned and he had a beautiful voice as a child. Whether he hurt those children or his love for kids really was innocent, it seems odd he wouldn't see why spending that much time with children and could land him in hot water whether we he was innocent or not. Why put your sefl in that kind of position?

15 years ago

If you think the legal system is perfect I feel very sorry for your naivety. Many innocent people go to jail, and many people who commit crimes are never tried for them. Michael Jackson paid settled out of court, that to me insinuates guilt. He appeared to have no interest in women as evidenced by his "marriages". Boys were his thing. He was a great musician, but very misguided. It's not like I'm the first person to say this or anything. What facts did I not get straight?

15 years ago


I'd just like to point out I'm behaving.

15 years ago

No offense Vertigo…but I wouldn't say he created pop, that distinction goes to the beatles or maybe Elvis. But he sure changed it. I hate pop music in it's current form though, but I did like MJ. I was born in 82 though, so I was very young when he was in his prime, and I don't remember it to well.

15 years ago

Migabyte I can say with absolute certainty that you have no more idea of what happened to Jackson in his life than I do, which is to say none at all. All we know is what we have been fed by a media that sold millions of pages of print and 1000s of hours of sensationalism on TV. A media that had a vested interest in all the weirdness and drama that surrounded Jackson during his later life. A media that made money reporting every rumor, every accusation, every twist and turn of events as fact. Reported those things in as sensational a way as possible, to sell their program/journalism. It's what bloggers all over the web do today, say something controversial and generate web hits. Only the media were generating sales of papers and magazines and TV time.

In truth you have no idea what happened with, none. As for getting facts straight, When you surround 'facts' with assumptions, untruths and opinion, you obliterate the value of the facts.

15 years ago

The media does blow things out of proportion, but this is a serious crime in which there is significant evidence indicating that he did it. Saying that he didn't do it because he wasn't found guilty is just silly. Anyways, keep on believing he's innocent, that's your choice. I will take solace in the fact that he can't ruin any more boys lives.

15 years ago


Last comment from me on this.

You say that there is evidence? There was so little evidence that the prosecutions case imploded. The whole point of a court of law – a criminal court, is to weigh the evidence. In this country you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The fact that is the evidence was insufficient for a guilty verdict, and in the case of the second attempt by the prosecution to convict him, the case fell apart in court. This is indicative of just how much doubt (and how little evidence) there was in this situation.

I've never said he was innocent, or guilty. I don't know, and can't know. The only people that can are those directly involved. Therefore I can only presume innocence until there is proof of guilt.

As for ruined lives, as I have said before, I hope that Michael Jackson can find in death, the peace he never found in life. His music changed the world for the better.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/28/2009 4:44:43 PM

15 years ago

"Innocent until proven guilty" is just a silly catch phrase like "Land of the free". People like to say it, but it certainly isn't practiced. Who is he innocent to? The people? It's there choice to decide if he is guilty or not, and they sure have their opinions. The media? No….I don't think they operate on this mantra. So the government…well that's obvious, but it doesn't really mean anything except that you don't go to jail until you are proven guilty. Really I don't care, but you are just spitting out rhetoric. You sound as bad as CNN. "Innocent until proven guilty"…..whatever. He admitted guilt when he paid 13 million or whatever it was to that boy. That's enough for me….anyways, he's gone, problem solved.

15 years ago

great choice ben. FFX is my most favorite out of any of 'em. 🙂

squenix, squeinx, squenix ….. just finish what you have on your plate before you put more on it!! seriously! i want to get FF XIII sometime next year, and i hope to at least get some news about versus XIII after XIII is out

squenix needs to update everybody on birth by sleep!! i wonder if that will also be released as a download to go with the PSPgo

15 years ago

umm i gotta a noob kinda question…..what does the term "turn-based" mean like how u were sayin you hope it's a turn based rpg?

15 years ago

its used in old school RPGs. It just means that all the action that takes place is on a system where you attack, and then the enemy attacks or vice a versa.

15 years ago

thanks for the reply =], i remember playing games like that, i had suikoden and another one called guardian crusade on the ps1, dont know if you guys'll remember that one but i loved it :p

15 years ago

Even Capcom is having its own teaser site thing going now. Not a countdown as per SE and Konami but with the number '1560'.

15 years ago

oh one more thing…..i really don't see what all the hype around infamous was… my opinion it wasnt a good game at all….i think a lot of the hype was just because of the fact that it was a ps3 exclusive so we wanted to boast about it more than anything else..

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

No. That game ruled.

15 years ago

I have to say I liked the game a lot, but I have to agree that there was a good amount of hype there, and not all of it was deserved. I just can't see people talking about this game in the future anywhere near as much as people still talk about Uncharted today.

I really can't see inFamous standing the test of time.

15 years ago

The game does rule, it's my pick for my upcoming birthday.

15 years ago

It definately was a surprise to me how much I enjoyed it. I couldn't put the damn thing down. I wasn't expecting much at all but when I started playing I just liked it. I think part of it was the whole "marvel comic" vibe it gave me.

15 years ago

I usually hate "open world" games. inFAMOUS is addicting.

15 years ago

I kind of agree that inFamous was overhyped. I'm still in the process of playing through it and while it's certainly a good game, it's not a great game. It gets pretty repetitive, especially with the side missions (many of which aren't very exciting even the first time you do them…). The graphics engine is good but some of the character animations are just goofy. It definitely has its moments, though.

15 years ago

I kinda agree I thought Killzone 2 was a bit overhyped, I believed Infamous was kind of the same thing but the demo proved it rocked

15 years ago

To me both inFamous and Killzone 2 are overhyped, yes i've played them, yes i love my ps3 but am not going to pretend to like all its exclusives.

In my eyes i see only 3 BEST recommendable PS3 exclusives:
1.Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
2.Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

15 years ago

It's a countdown to another countdown which will lead to another countdown providing us with a countdown to tell us that this new game won't be coming out until 2040.

15 years ago

Not game topic but did anyone see the trailer for 2012 shown before TF2? Holy hell that movie looks intense and full of amazing visuals. Hopefully unlike TF2 they hire professional writers.

15 years ago

From the director of "The day after tommorow". One of the worst movies I have ever watched in my life. Great idea, terrible execution.
"Run the cold is coming, it will kill us".
"If we start a fire everyone in this room will be OK."
Geez, it's ridiculous.

15 years ago

Personally I don't like "end of the world" movies, I just don't like the fact that all these terrible things are happening and millions of innocent people die and theirs nothing any one can do about it, but the visuals did look nice. And unfortunately for TF2:ROTF the script did suck.

15 years ago

@ madkatbebop

ummm, that's usually what happens when it's the END OF THE WORLD, people die

15 years ago

That's why I don't like end of the world movies.

15 years ago

If it's a handheld Suikoden I'll be so upset, I don't even care if SuikoVI goes to 360 just get me that game for cryin out loud. That series is soooo underrated. And Ben, like I mentioned before SuikoIV isn't that bad, just a tad bland. I think everyone was pissed about the fact that you do a lot of sailing because the world map is all islands. Yeah they cut it to 4 players but I still liked a lot of the characters and the turn based goodness is there.

I think we might be remiss in thinking this new SE title must be an RPG, I wonder if it isn't something westernized coming out of their new studio?

Michael, I won't voice my opinion on his problems because they are well known, but has anyone watched the news? His death has brought the whole world together in an amazing way and I think he touched a lot of hearts with his talent and that is where it will stay. I mean wow did you see that whole Phillipino prison yard doing his dance moves in sync? Check out VH1 classic for all his videos this weekend.

I'm still hammering away at the neverending Persona 4, I'm determined to actually beat GTAIV, and Radec is just gonna hafta wait until those and a few others are done. I have 1 month to close things out before I get inFamous for my Birthday July 30th. Wish me luck.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/28/2009 12:18:05 AM

15 years ago

I love Suikoden 4, my only complaint is it didn't last long enough. I enjoyed it far more than 5. Why will you be upset if it's a handheld? I'm assuming this has to do with your lack of a PSP?

15 years ago

Yes I lack one, but even if I had one I don't want to sit there playing an RPG on a little gizmo. I want a full fledged experience on my big screen with a controller in my hands.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Sorry ben, I want a Suikoden with newer battle mechanics. I'll settle for conditional turn-based but thats about it.

15 years ago

I want to see the Trinity Sight System incorporated again, I loved it in III.

15 years ago

I bet you want really short cut scenes too…

King James
King James
15 years ago

If u're referring to me…thats a bet u lost Highlander.

15 years ago

Was I the only person who made Chris the big shot in SuikoIII?

15 years ago

Her storyline was my personal favorite, I loved her specific rune.

15 years ago

mine too.

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