I know we've done a lot in the past to help defend the PlayStation 3 against a deluge of negative press, but…well, if we don't, who will? We're not about to submit to obscenely biased views and all-out falsehoods masquerading as journalism, and we believe the consumer deserves much better from this industry's media. Therefore, we do our part to clarify the skewed point-of-views, but without blindly promoting the PlayStation brand. But how's about we play the "let's all just get along card" and look at what the combination of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 brings us this generation…?
Now, for my money, the SNES/Genesis combo still reigns supreme in game history. I suppose at one point I would've liked to say PC/PS1, but as I ended up spending the majority of my time with the PS1 (vastly preferred those RPGs), it has to come in second to the 16-bit glory days. I did think very highly of my PS2/Xbox combo last generation, but I had three times as many PS2 games as Xbox games, and I really only had Microsoft's console for a few must-have exclusives ( Halo and Ninja Gaiden ) and the fact that most multiplatform games were better played on the Xbox. This generation, I'm starting to think my PS3/360 tandem will give the SNES/Genesis – previously safe aloft a seemingly unattainable quality plateau – a run for its nostalgic money. Of course, this is looking fairly deep into the future but one has to admit, things are starting off quite well.
At this point, I have 20 PS3 games and 9 360 games but bear in mind that I have a few PS3 titles that publishers sent me for review that I might not have bought on my own, and I still want a couple more 360 titles ( Fable II , Left 4 Dead , Ninja Gaiden II ). Considering what we already have after only a little over 2 years for the PS3 and 3 years for the 360, I must say that this combo has yet to let me down. The very clear sign that you have an awesome pair of consoles? When you never have any downtime . In other words, I've always had something to play on either. From MGS4 to GTAIV to Gears to Resistance to Uncharted to Fallout 3 to Prince to DMC4 to Halo to Prologue to Katamari to Dead Space to LBP and more…we've got some great stuff, and with Killzone 2 , GoWIII, FFXIII, Uncharted 2 , Alan Wake and many more on the way, I have to think that the game list for the PS3/360 this generation is going to boggle the mind when all is said and done.
Honestly, I can't really remember a time when the software lineup looked so promising, and I think my library is already off to a running start. Sometimes, it can be difficult to maintain momentum, but I don't see any signs of slowing…do you?
Couldn't agree more.
Both systems have filled pretty much any gap you could imagine this generation. It will only get better as both have expected this gen to far out last the one before it.
We have both neck and neck trying to give us the best gaming experience. Both with different ideas to perfection.
Id say its a win/win for all of us.
WTF? O_o
Yes, indeed.. hmmmmmmmmmm
Hah xD
I find my pc/ps3 combo to be great. I might eventually get a 360 so i can play Fable 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2, but Halo 3 should be arriving on pc sometime soon (i predict around the launch of windows 7) and i wasnt impressed with Gears enough to want to play Gears 2 right away.
Certain games feel 'right' on a pc, like Mass Effect.
I was in deep with PC gaming when the PS1 was out so never had that console. Baldur's Gate 1 + 2 plus expensions? That was gaming! Planescape Torment? Daggerfall? All fantastic. But having a PS2 with bc with all those PS1 games? That was a win.
Unlike Ben, I didn't see a need to buy an xbox for Ninja Gaiden because that game is insanely hard. Not my style. Got Ninja Gaiden Sigma for PS3 and that was a mistake.
I would agree though that the PS3/360 gen is great. HD gaming is by far the most fun and exhilarating. Now, if only I had a 360.
You ever try Civ 3? I used to play that on PC.
Civ3 amazing. Civ4 out of this world. Civ Revolution… hmmmm.
I got into those so much as a kid. I haven't tried Revolution yet tho. Is that like the last 4 or completely different?
Revolution is actually really good. It's like 4 but with much smaller maps and quicker game play. Very fun, but I like big maps with big empires and on the PS3 the game really starts chugging along to the point where it's frustrating. Not sure why that is…
The bigger maps always had the longest gameplay. It would be odd getting used to that game on a console. But what the hell. I might pick up the new one for the 360 anyway.
It's getting cheaper all the time. If you like Civ it's a must buy. The console controls actually play like a dream.
Ill try that out sometime. Thanks man.
To be honest i hate all the Fanboyism and all the console wars, if we really want next-gen i would like Microsoft and Sony to team up and make a really next gen console together and that way sales for both companies will be awesome and will eliminate all the exclusives, and together they will have huge sale numbers and massive savings because they wont need to dish out thousands in exclusive content. But knowing these two, that will never happen.
Last edited by Xplicit on 2/7/2009 10:34:03 AM
If Sony and Microsoft teamed up, a third player would rear it's head and compete. We live in a competitive market. You buy both or you buy the one you like best.
Just saying…
Oh hell. One can dream right?
FFXIV on the iBox ?
I'd have to change my hobby to building train sets.
^^Ya know.
Guess who's back? back again!
Josh's back!tell a friend
guess who's back?
guess who's back ?
guess who's back ?
Why post this comment?
its an informal welcome back to our favourite resident 360 fan.
No insults intended.
whats it to you anyhow?
alienange made a friend lol, yeah alien to get you up to speed all of us hate j360 except for me, I love you joshua in many disturbing ways, can't help myself, want 4 some don't want to leave my gf out though.
Last edited by ps92117 on 2/7/2009 8:32:34 PM
Josh, I thought you might take the hint, but I guess not.
The IP ban is imminent, so I suggest getting as many posts in as you can before that happens. They'll likely get deleted anyway, but you can always try.
Everyone else: DO NOT respond to him.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/7/2009 11:01:16 AM
Jeez I dident even say nothing bad or plan to..
JA360 reminds me of those herpes commercials on t.v. Must use B.D to stop the spread, when an outbreak occurs.
^^^That was lame.
Try again.
Of course you are. It's what you do. …you think I'm stupid?
Name one new post where I attacked the PS3?
Im being honest man. I just want to talk games. Besides that post about others seeing me on other sites slamming Sony…Well I just have to say no.
IDK who it was. But it wasn't me.
Last edited by JoshuaAdam360 on 2/7/2009 12:31:35 PM
Thanks Ben. Much appreciated.
Back like a vertabrae huh? Catch you at the fanboy of the year awards.
So your be attending to? Nice.
I'll be there with a sniper rifle.
Hell no!
Nothing beats Nintendo 64 / Playstation 1
That was the GOLDEN combination, second to none!
In the 8-bit and 16-bit era I enjoyed playing those consoles. I had them all but I wasn't big on playing them. I remember a school friend telling me when he got the Super Mario 3 game for snes on release. I wasn't interested in what he was telling me. Other friends would constantly play on Mario Kart, but I couldn't stand the game. I used skip school to play on Street Fighter 2 on a snes which had been setup in a Comet store. But got bored after a week of it.
I liked playing on them, just that I prefered outdoor activities and sports.
I had played the Saturn when it came out but never owned one. It was untill PS1 came and I had played Tomb Raider, it got me hooked for life. Still I didn't own a PS1 till 1997. And ever since, I have loved the PlayStation franchise and its game library. For me its gotten better, more games to play with less time to play em'
Everything was good when we were litle brats.
Last edited by bamf on 2/7/2009 4:08:33 PM
There is something to be said for being able to afford only one console, but if you have the means, buying both is certainly a good way to keep all your bases covered.
as for best combo ever, i'll have to disagree. PS1/N64 was THE combo, hands down. GC/PS2 gets an honorable mention.
"Everything was good when we were litle brats"
agreed. 100%.
Guess I've been pretty lucky (unlucky?) in that I was already working full time when the Sega MD came out, so I had the moola to dive right in. Before that it was Amiga/Atari [Bard's Tale on Amiga is a happy memory]
Throughout my gaming life I've never had two consoles together – I've always leap-frogged from one to another.
However, the only nintendo I owned was a Wii – I have a thing for Ten Pin, and needed to try it, but apart from family get-togethers, it lived in the closet.
So it went: Sega MD -> PC -> PS1 -> PS2 -> XBox -> 360 -> RROD x 2 -> Wii -> PC -> PS3 and if I may quote Qubex… 'I am Home'
I enjoyed the 360 experience and if MS could launch a system that has the integrity and class of the PS3 I would love to get into Fable2 (my sister-in-law was a boothbabe at the launch!) but until that day comes my PS3 will serve all my gaming needs (and BD needs, and media hub needs)
For now, though, the only combo I am happy with is PS3/PC.
Ok I have 20 PS3 games, 8 Xbox 360 gamnes and 8 Xbox games (I only have the 360 to play them on, never owned the original Xbox mind.)
I have had probably more games on the 360 but then traded them in and bought the PS3 versions ie Overlord as it has extra content on the PS3 as did Godfather but I traded this in as I needed game cash way back in November.
It is only recently that my games for PS3 has overtook my 360 as I tend to buy exclusives for the 360 as everything else is on the PS3 mainly because of free online play or PS3/360 exclusivity. I refuse to pay online for Microsoft. Before anyone starts saying your paying for the online service etc it is better this that and the other. I have never once had a problem playing a game on the PS3 Network so for something that is free and not has a problem on connecting etc I am gonna and always will buy the majority of games on my PS3.
The likes of Halo Wars will be on my 360, ok so I cant play online on the 360 as I choose not to pay for playing online with this game as it is free on another network/games console.
Before I bought my PS3 I was buying my games on the 360 which is probably where I have ended up getting my original Xbox games from. A Year or so later and I am turning to getting my 360 games as only 360 exclusives ie Gears Of War 2, Fable 2 and the likes of Halo Wars etc.
Does this make me a fanboy ? In one way it does as the free network etc. On the otherhand because a game is not available on my PS3 I will go out and get it for the 360. I didn't do this on the original Xbox as much as I wanted to play Halo and Halo 2 I felt getting the Xbox just didn't justify me getting that console. So I waited and before the PS3 came out for us in the UK it was held back till March I ended up buying my 360 ahead of the PS3. I wold have ended up getting the Gears Of War games anyway.
So I am happy I own both machines and I will decide which way to go further down the line ie do I go totally with Xbox720 or PS4 or do I do like I have done the last couple of years and end up getting both machines. It is kinda hard to say as I cannot see into the future can you ?
Last edited by tlpn99 on 2/7/2009 7:09:05 PM
Ok I have just found another PS3 game so that makes my total upto 21 I couldn't edit as someone else has postsed ahead of me lol
I just finished writing a nice long post about this subject.
But when I hit the "submit" button, it erased my whole post and displayed this notation in red…"Thwarted Attempted hacking".
Damn you, you poor neurotic, un-socialable, excuse of a server!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/7/2009 7:08:40 PM
Ben I think those game would come to ps3 if 360 did not exist, so my point its better to simply have no 360 at all, I mean all it has to offer is voice chat. Ms should have never entered console wars, most of us would be better of right now, with developers only focusing on one consel each game would be great and they would have to compete with each other on a less technical points and more gameplay+story.And of course wii would be dead meat or silicon.
lol exactly might thought after seen you
Im just hoping you where kidding with that statement.
noin ba bout et
^^^Haven some drinks? haha
lol red wine most the time. not too much though.
Some good stuff.
Im trying to cut down on my drinking. Otherwise id be right with ya lol.
In my eyes nothing will touch the PSX/N64 days….