I know we've done a lot in the past to help defend the PlayStation 3 against a deluge of negative press, but…well, if we don't, who will? We're not about to submit to obscenely biased views and all-out falsehoods masquerading as journalism, and we believe the consumer deserves much better from this industry's media. Therefore, we do our part to clarify the skewed point-of-views, but without blindly promoting the PlayStation brand. But how's about we play the "let's all just get along card" and look at what the combination of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 brings us this generation…?
Now, for my money, the SNES/Genesis combo still reigns supreme in game history. I suppose at one point I would've liked to say PC/PS1, but as I ended up spending the majority of my time with the PS1 (vastly preferred those RPGs), it has to come in second to the 16-bit glory days. I did think very highly of my PS2/Xbox combo last generation, but I had three times as many PS2 games as Xbox games, and I really only had Microsoft's console for a few must-have exclusives ( Halo and Ninja Gaiden ) and the fact that most multiplatform games were better played on the Xbox. This generation, I'm starting to think my PS3/360 tandem will give the SNES/Genesis – previously safe aloft a seemingly unattainable quality plateau – a run for its nostalgic money. Of course, this is looking fairly deep into the future but one has to admit, things are starting off quite well.
At this point, I have 20 PS3 games and 9 360 games but bear in mind that I have a few PS3 titles that publishers sent me for review that I might not have bought on my own, and I still want a couple more 360 titles ( Fable II , Left 4 Dead , Ninja Gaiden II ). Considering what we already have after only a little over 2 years for the PS3 and 3 years for the 360, I must say that this combo has yet to let me down. The very clear sign that you have an awesome pair of consoles? When you never have any downtime . In other words, I've always had something to play on either. From MGS4 to GTAIV to Gears to Resistance to Uncharted to Fallout 3 to Prince to DMC4 to Halo to Prologue to Katamari to Dead Space to LBP and more…we've got some great stuff, and with Killzone 2 , GoWIII, FFXIII, Uncharted 2 , Alan Wake and many more on the way, I have to think that the game list for the PS3/360 this generation is going to boggle the mind when all is said and done.
Honestly, I can't really remember a time when the software lineup looked so promising, and I think my library is already off to a running start. Sometimes, it can be difficult to maintain momentum, but I don't see any signs of slowing…do you?
well i agree in a long time we will most likely remember these days as an other 32-bit glory days so to speak.
aww im so nostalgic now. . .im gona go play my snes now
Last edited by Morals on 2/6/2009 10:11:41 PM
ya skrew the ps3 im gona go play Super smash bros on my snes
well i guess one more round of resistance 2 wont hurt.
Last edited by Morals on 2/6/2009 10:12:31 PM
SNES…32-bit…Super Smash Bros?
a /b/ wannabe? gah.
I kind of missed the SNES/Genesis era, but I think you're right. Whatever the media suggests, this is an incredibly close race, and it is really driving both sides to step up their game.
I only have a PS3, but I appreciate all the innovation the 360 brings and forces the PS3 to match.
I wish I had your job , or any job for that matter . 🙂
how do you recieve games for review? do you contact them, or do they offer to you?
Most of them come to us because we're established.
But let's stay on topic, please.
Wouldn't the far better option be a Ps3/PC combo? We have the extreme number of titles that are supposedly exclusive to the 360 that are released to the PC, we have the huge number of PC exclusives, and both require very little in the way of add-ons, and those it does need can be purchased cheaply.
My N64/PS1 combo was the best I think I've ever had.
If I get Mass Effect on PS3, I will consider it pointless to own a 360.
Super Nintendo
And that, is that. There's some great games on the 360 but I'd rather save those bucks and dump them on PS3 games, PC components and other living things I need.
I'm not rich, in other words. When I purchase a game, I make very clear choices. This is why I'm here on PSX to see what's going on in PlayStation world, N4G to keep up with some news and Game Trailers to see all the latest gameplay footage, interviews, features and what not and I get couple of magazines and I look at the review rating and what people have to say about games.
Here is the list of games for what I own in this generation (with the except of some PS2 games):-
It's almost unfair; the PS3/360 combo has downloadable games from previous generations so how could it lose!?
Not to sound mean or bitter, but you could lose when and I mean when not if, because it's only a matter of time when you will get some form of RROD. I got all my multiplat games for the PS3 and only got the exculsives that I wanted for my X360.
But even then with the limited amount of play I had 2 different X360 consoles error/die on me.
I'm slightly worried now with all this talk about the yellow light of death, I can't afford a fix right now.
That makes it even better.
Now we can play COD Big Red One and Vice City as well.
Welcome back Josh.
If anything it will be PS3/Wii because the wii has many more exlcusive titles plus I can play super smash brothers MELEE(not brawl) I think about getting a 360 every other day as I browse craigslist, but the bottom line is I do not trust it/ Or maybe PS3/PC because the pc has some stuff that'll never come out on consoles plus combines with ps3 media server it makes my ps3 the ultimate video machine. I have the PS3/PC/Wii combo and my gaming needs are more than satisified. Not too mention the DS/PSP/Iphone portable combo.
Last edited by fundando on 2/7/2009 1:42:55 AM
I think it will be the best combo ever. To be honest Ive been out of video games for a year or 2 before last year. I didnt really have the time for it, now all of a sudden I buy a PS3 and cant put the damn thing down 🙁 haha It has recaptured me, not so much the xbox though, the ps3 has the ability alone to be the best system.
Really have to agree with you there… I too was never much into gaming a few a years ago… I lost the luster after the unfortunate demise of the Amiga computers…
Anyways, I do like my PS3 very much, it does everything it should do… and the recent up tick in the quality of the software as re-ignited the faith I have in AAA developers… people who actually care to do things properly and show technically what the target platform is truly capable of doing…
"i aM hOMe"
yeah i agree the ps3/wii is a better combo. there is literally nothing on an xbox that i cant get on a pc already.
lol, This is the first time I've seen a triple post by someone. It's actually pretty amusing 😀
I have been sitting here for a few seconds asking my self what is the best console combo ever, and I came up with this: PSP(Left Jab), xbox360(Right Hook), PS3(Right Uppercut). With my PSP I can satisfy all of my 16bit gaming urges with the help of "Dark Alex", I can take care of my "once in a while", Gears, and Left for Dead cravings with my 360, and "knock-out" my everyday gaming needs with the ever-faithful PS3. I can't see things changing anytime soon, and you know what…. I wouldn't have it any other way. Long Live The King!!!!!!!!!!
hey thepill,i try to add u on LIVE but it says,u don't exist!
I added u on psn too,dunno if u received it.
Last edited by www on 2/7/2009 5:43:23 AM
xbox live gamertag= The pill, or Son of The Pill
include spaces no underscores.
I will add you to psn in a couple mins.
6 360 games, 55 PS3 games. I think the numbers speak for themselves.
Ben, I don't blame the X360. It's all microsoft's fault. That hurts every gamer that only can afford that system or that built a libary of games that it would be financial suicide to switch over.
Microsoft is so damn greedy over-all as a company and like to play monopoly. They rushed the X360 out with shoddy hardware, and even knew about it. Who does that hurt?. Them or you?. To this day with like 4 revisions to the motherboard it's STILL defective.
Did microsoft invest truely in HD gaming?. Look at this list.
1.No HDMI(any version) standard.
2.No HD-DVD storage for games. 35gigs>8gigs
(dead yes but could still be used as proprietary for large uncompressed games)
3.No 7.1 audio options for games.(only heard/seen 5.1 for games)
4.Use of disposable batt.(have we not learned from the rumble pak and wavebird?)
5.DVD trays.(come on thats so 90s)
6.Charge for online use.($7.99 a month to play a FREE demo or chat with a friend)
7.User un-friendly/cheap looking OS, both the blades and NXE, though I wonder will they still call it new 2 years from now? Something about the XMB that have 15sec thumbnail clips running in HD with 8 of them displayed all at once running looks really classy and High Tech.
Microsoft had the foresight to see that gaming industry booming, I'd give them that. But for them…It's the quick buck.
I am a disappointed X360 owner, with 2 un-readable disc errors under my belt and 2 months of unused xboxlive that I never got reimbursed.
My PS3 is with the rest of my high tech equipment and thats where it belongs.
Shipping games that have been proven to cause the rrod.
I'm just talking about games, here. The bottom line is that the 360 has games I want to play – not as many as the PS3, mind you – and I think it always will.
"Microsoft had the foresight to see that gaming industry booming, I'd give them that."
You mean they had the foresight to see the gaming industry booming once it was already booming? Come on, it was getting big during the SNES days, and when the PlayStation launched gaming exploded into mainstream popularity.
Microsoft was late to recognize gaming as huge, just as they were late to recognize the internet as something everyone would want to use. So they rushed out Internet Explorer, and the rest is history.
no microsoft simply ruined gaming, all they do is buy dlc exclusivity, demos and delay games for other. They don't try to compete head to head with amazing games, this is how they got into the buisness, by being cheats look at the wikipedia incident they try to pay wiki some money to change an article about the opponent, they are the unfortunate side of buisness
Ben it's kinda difficult to play games or build a library with shoddy hardware, ask IGN.
LividFiction, guess you did not get my sarcasm. Microsoft seen the gaming industry booming, so they thought to themselves, hey we could make huge money and corner the market and not only that I'm sure we can monopolize the market as well. Fed law hardly gets involved to protect the industry from monopoly, look at EA's history.
Microsoft loves to monopolize, look at the PC few years back and even now threating IT. Just to push windows 7 cause vista was a failure for them.
Seems microsoft got worse ever since Bill Gates retired.
chill man…you make it sound as if too many awesome games at a time are really a bad thing…
Definitely,the PS3/360 combo is one of the best of all time.
Honestly lotta people didn't feel like buying xbox alongside there ps2's but this gen,dunno about the stats or survey or anything but i think the ownership of the said combo is increasing.
I think my collection is off to a pretty good start as well, since I own 39 PS3 (plus KZ2 pre-ordered), and I only kind of dislike two of them (THP8, THPG). Both were purchased for minimum money though, so they're not such a waste.
Here's to a good generation! 😀
Damn man, hook a brother up on some deals 🙂
its just too bad that someone couldnt just take all the positives of all the sytems and just make one beast of a system… can you imagaine the playstatiin360… bluetooth, blueray, full backwards compatibility with every system from the past, 6 usb ports, full 1080p hi def, dualshock 3 controller, you can log more players in as guests, you can play wii, ps3, or xbox 360 games all on this one system, use any controller you want,and at the low price of 279.99 😛 but sadly this will never happen because these major companies have never heard of teamwork….:(
Plus, there would be no room for competition. Competition breeds innovation. If the monopoly took over, games would suffer over time.
My collection looks pretty good right now, I have, PoP, COD WAW, GTA4, LBP, Fifa 09 (soccer), Fallout 3, Oblivion, Far Cry 2 and Motorstorm 2 and I plan to get Killzone 2.
This has been an awesome gen. of consoles, I have traded in a LOT of games in order to buy new ones, so that list isn't all the games I've owned. So far this gen. for ps3 my faves have been, all of the above minus possibly Fifa and PoP, Uncharted, Burnout Paradise, COD4, MGS4, UT3, Ratchet And Clank (way underrated) and The Otange Box (as much as I hate how crappy the PS3 version was it was still great). Skate and Battlefield Bad Company were also quite good.
what the hell?
LMFAO what the hell is right, that is definetely gonna win you a prize 😛
ãã¤ãamerikanã¯ãwwwww. lol
Last edited by ps92117 on 2/7/2009 7:47:08 PM
I know this page probably wasn't meant to turn into a PS3 vs. Xbox 360 battle, but let's weigh up the two systems (major) exclusives since launch, and ones that are confirmed to appear in the coming months.
Xbox 360: Gears of War, Gears 2, Halo 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Forza Motorsport 2, PGR 4, DOA 4, Dead Rising, Halo Wars, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Halo ODST, Left 4 Dead, Alan Wake
PS3: Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Resistance, Resistance 2, GT5 (prologue counted as the same), Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, Metal Gear Solid 4, Quantum Theory, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Motorstorm 2, GoW 3, LBP, DC Universe Online, Haze (ok scratch Haze), The Agency, Infamous.
From those it's PS3: 19 VS. 360: 17
I haven't counted timed exclusives and feel free to add to any I've missed. There's probably a few.
i liked my ps1/saturn combo,does anyone remember Die hard arcade?,loved that game!!& the house of the dead,loved blowing off the zombies arms just before they'd try and hit you with an axe or blowing their torso off and watching their legs trry to kick you HA HA 🙂
Tekken 2&3,RE1-3 on PS1,myself & a few mates locked ourselves in a room and played those games untill the controlers fell apart in our hands.
PS2/XBOX,GTA3,VC,SA,Cold fear,farcry instincts,RE 4,RECVX,halo1&2,half life2,doom3 and lots of others(i could go on all day)
PS3/360 ive got a modded 360 with about 35 copied games but i couldn't be arsed pluging the component leads in to my LG LCD tv because it sounds like it is going to explode when i turn it on,sending red hot shrapnel into my face.
I'd say my favourite combo would be PS1/SATURN because the jump from 2D to 3D games blew my mind…oh yeah add Tomb raider1&2 to the list,beautiful games when they were released.
DH arcade is unmatched 🙂
he he i loved swinging the bad guys around by their legs,or giving them piledrivers…ahh sweet memories.
I've had the PS3/360 combo, Xbox 360/Wii combo and PS3/Wii combo at various times in 2007 and 2008 and if I ever do go back to having a combo, it will be a PS3/Wii combo. It all comes down to exclusives and none of the Xbox 360 exclusives interest me at this point. Some of the games I might have wanted on the 360 might eventually appear on the PS3 down the line when the timed exclusives run out. I still think the best combo was the Xbox/PS2/GC combo I had going for the second half of 2004. The only time I owned all three current generation consoles at the same time.
Last edited by n/a on 2/7/2009 8:42:02 AM
Off topic: Saturday morning cartoons FTW.
On Topic: I haven't had any downtime either, I still own games I need to beat and I might get to it if I wasn't addicted to this friggin site 😛