(warning: this is video heavy article so it might load slow. Also click on title links to learn more about the games)
Well, Halloween is upon us. Just around the corner actually. And it’s a great time of the year to play horror games. The last few years have been pretty generous with good horror games and 2017 is no different. If you need a horror game fix this list should have a little something for everyone. Play one or play them all. Either way you’re in for a good scary time. Here are 10 horror games to play for this Halloween (and some for later this year too). Also, Happy Halloween everybody!
1. Resident Evil 7 – January 24th
When Resident Evil first came out it blew everyone away and and brought the genre of survival horror to a whole new level. It had a lot of legitimate jump scares and plenty of gross mutants. It was a great horror game and really did a lot in bringing these kinds of games to the spotlight. In Resident Evil 7 you play as Ethan Winters who is drawn to an old plantation thanks to a letter from his supposed dead wife. It doesn’t take long to find out the house is inhabited and they certainly are not friendly.
Why is it scary?
When some of the later games in the series turned more action based, quite a few horror fans were more than a little disappointed. RE7 brings back the survival horror aspect that many fans missed. Also, the family in this house it terrifying. Be ready to run. You might even lose a limb along the way. And if you’re extremely brave, the entire game can be played in VR. If you haven’t already jumped on board it might not hurt to wait until December, the Gold Edition comes out.
2. Outlast 2 – April 25th
Back in 2014, horror fans were treated to Outlast which had you searching through an insane asylum armed with only a camera. This asylum was far from abandoned and it’s inmates were running the show so to speak. Outlast 2 takes place in the same universe but is not directly related to the first game. You play as Blake Langermann who, of course, is a cameraman. You and your wife, as journalists, are investigating a mystery that takes place in the Arizone desert. Of course things take a turn for the worse fairly quickly.
Why is it scary?
Once again you’ll be using your camera to help navigate the environment. The problem is you have to worry about battery life. And this particular mystery happens to have a cult involved that won’t take too kindly to your presence. You’ll spend plenty of time running and hiding and hoping your battery doesn’t run out. Expect plenty of gory and disturbing events in this game.
3. Little nightmares – April 28th
As much as they deny this game being a horror game, Little Nightmares is most definitely creepy. You play as a little girl named Six who is trapped on a ship called The Maw. It’s inhabited by creatures and other nasty critters that are bent on putting an end to Six. Also she has a very intense hunger. This game is both charming and terrifying at the same time and is a tale that you won’t soon forget.
Why is it scary?
The enemy design is some of the creepiest I’ve seen in a while. One in particular has short stubby legs and unnaturally long arms. The way he creeps around trying to find you (he’s also blind) is highly disconcerting. The creepy atmosphere and swaying of the ship creates a vibe that is unsettling to say the least.
4. Friday the 13th – May 26th
This asymmetrical multiplayer game showed a lot of promise but may have fallen a bit short. It had one thing going for it though, you can play as Jason Vorhees! You’ll have plenty of abilities to kill off the rest of the players who are the councilors. It’s a little rough around the edges but is improving more and more since release.
Why is it scary?
Take a classic horror franchise that has all the campy horror and let’s you step into the shoes of the famous villain. It’s gory and takes a lot of kills from the past movies. And it’s Friday the 13th. It’s a classic.
5. Perception – June 6th
Underneath the premise Perception is a typical horror game in that you play as a defenseless character named Cassie who, in similar fashion to other games of the genre, must hide from the monsters lurking about. The twist that makes this game special is that Cassie is blind. You use a sort of echo location to make your way around your environment. It’s enough of a twist to make it interesting and the story takes an satisfying, if a bit predictable, twist.
Why is it scary?
Playing as a blind person takes some getting used to. You can use your cane to make noise so that you can “see” your environment to get around. The problem with that is if you make too much noise you might attract the attention of The Presence. The Presence is your biggest threat in this game. It’s pretty creepy and has a voice that just might give you the chills.
6. Hellblade – Senua's Sacrifice – August 8th
Set in ancient Celt and Norse mythology you play as Senua, a Pict. In Hellblade you'll journey with Senua to Hel to save here boyfriend's soul. One of the more serious entries on this list, this game has an interesting element in it, Senua has psychosis. As you make your way deeper you'll hear voices and see things a lot differently then a normal person might. Ninjay Theory did a ton of research and made a character that is relatable to make an experience that have touched a lot of people that deal with actual mental illness.
Why is it scary?
You'll see things that are scary and you'll constantly hear voices in your head. Some later events have your running through the dark from an enemy you can't see and a another sequence has you traveling through a river of bodies. Headphones are highly recommended for this experience.
7. Observer – August 15th
Set in the year 2084, Observer is a cyber punk, mystery, narrative driven game that might as well be a horror game. You play as Daniel Lazarski who is a detective that can use augmented reality to investigate as well as a device that allows him to connect directly to another person’s brain to help search for clues. It has some heavy atmosphere and great sci fi that is obviously inspired by the likes of Blade Runner (it even has voice work from one of the actors).
Why is scary?
Not only will you see the lowest of low in humanity in the real world, Observer takes you inside the minds of some of these people. These sequences are very surreal and can be disturbing. Jacking in is quite the experience. That’s not to say that the real world isn’t scary either. The atmosphere is something that grabs you and doesn’t let go. Also, there is a portion where you have to listen to a squealing pig while you explore. Eeshh!
8. Detention – October 3rd
Detention is a point and click survival game. What a combo. Set in the 1960’s you play as student Fang Ray Shin who is trapped in their school by an impending typhoon. Things take a turn for the dark later in the night as Ray wakes up alone to find the world changed for the worst around her. This point and click adventure has some elements of survival as well as a sense of tension that makes for an interesting experience.
Why is it scary?
Creepy graphics and even creepier enemies along with an other worldly environment make for scary take on the point and click genre. Throw in some touches on some almost taboo subject matter and you have a scary experience on your hands.
9. Evil Within 2 – October 13th
Evil Within 2 puts you, once again, into the shoes of detective Sebastian Castellanos who is trying to find his daughter who was previously thought to be dead. She is actually alive and being used by the organization Mobius. It doesn’t take too long before Sebastian is once again dealing with mutilated people in a town that has gone from bad to worse. Bethesda’s previous foray in horror, Evil Within, did fairly well and had Shinji Makami (he worked on some of the older Resident Evils) working with them as director. The second one continues Sebastian’s story and looks to unravel a little more of the mystery in this third person survival game.
Why is scary?
As a general rule, having Shinji Makami working with you is probably a good thing and a good reason to give this one a go on its own. Plenty of survival elements and gory monsters await anyone who is brave enough to step into the world of Evil Within 2.
10. Coma: Recut – Sept. 19th
Most recently released on this list is a little side scrolling korean horror game called Coma: Recut . You play as Youngho, a student who falls asleep during a test and wakes up to find himself trapped in an alternate school that is much more dangerous. It’s up to him to find a way out and not die in the process. Coma: Recut is actually remake of Coma: Cutting Class that came out on PC a couple years ago. This remake comes with quite a few improvements so this would be the definitive version to get.
Why is it scary?
As Youngho you are defenseless so staying hidden is your best bet. The main enemy of the game that will give you chase is a crazed version of your teacher who, when spots you, screams at you and then runs after you with a knife. The setting and atmosphere are both creepy and look good in a quasi comic book artstyle.
There you go. Ten games to play for Halloween 2017. But just because Halloween is going to be over doesn’t mean we have to stop playing horror games. There are actually quite a few games coming out (well, supposed to be) later this year. Here are some horror games to look forward to for the rest of the year as well. Because, why not?
Visage – TBA 2017
Set in the 80’s, this psychological has you exploring a house and uncovering a dark history with some very creepy scares. The graphics look fantastic.
Agony – TBA 2017
Take a trip into hell. Lots of naked demons and body horror. This game is most definitely not going to be kid friendly. Or for the squeamish for that matter.
Ghost theory – TBA 2017
Sometimes you just need a good ‘ol fashioned ghost hunt. That’s exactly what Ghost Theory aims to be. Think ghost hunters and some of those other ghost hunting shows and you’ll get the idea.
The Inpatient – November 21st
Set 60 years before Until Dawn, The Inpatient looks to make use of Sony’s VR headset with this PSVR exclusive. Until Dawn was a fun and really well done game so, high hopes for this one.
Call of Cuthulu – December 31st
H.P. Lovecraft has always been a staple in horror. Even if you don’t read any of his work, you’ll recognize the name. Plenty of dimensional beasts and creatures and cult to look forward to here.
Days Gone – December (maybe)
Set in a post apocalyptic world, Days Gone is taking an interesting twist on the zombie genre with their open world game. Signs are pointing toward a December release but signs also haven’t said much else about the game since it’s announcement. So it might not make 2017.
Are you playing any of these this season? Did I miss any games? Let us know in the comments.
Great read man,THIS is great info about games,keep up the good work!!
some very interesting games i didn't know existed like
Also i like Call of cthulhu,this franchise has a very very impressive atmosphere ,got to have this one for sure.
And also a must buy for me,Days Gone;open world/ apocalyptic/freakers, and the gameplay so far looks great.
Last edited by slow and smart on 10/26/2017 3:07:07 PM
Thanks for the kind words! And ya, I tried to include some games that not many people are aware of that are good or look really promising. Also, anything to do with H.P. Lovecraft usually has good atmosphere if done right.
Great read man,THIS is great info about games,keep up the good work!!
some very interesting games i didn't know existed like
Also i like Call of cthulhu,this franchise has a very very impressive atmosphere ,got to have this one for sure.
And also a must buy for me,Days Gone;open world/ apocalyptic/freakers, and the gameplay so far looks great.
Last edited by slow and smart on 10/26/2017 3:07:07 PM
Thanks for the kind words! And ya, I tried to include some games that not many people are aware of that are good or look really promising. Also, anything to do with H.P. Lovecraft usually has good atmosphere if done right.