It's hard to say if we have any system-selling exclusives slated for a 2014 holiday release.
This year, it looks like third-party multiplatform games are going to be the biggest reasons to pick up one of the next-gen consoles, if you haven't already.
The PlayStation 4 will get games like Driveclub and LittleBigPlanet 3 but that's about it. In looking at Destiny , we're arguably talking about the game that will outsell every other this year – yes, including Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ; don't be surprised if this happens – and as such, hardware sales should get a big boost. Now, it has been well-documented that the PS4 version of Destiny is the one to get; it will have exclusive content and of course, there's that very pretty Destiny system bundle .
Gamers who do their homework know all about this, and they have their reasons for waiting to buy a next-gen machine. Not only is Destiny one of the first true "next-gen" titles – in the eyes of many – but it also kicks off the fall rush. Core gamers are going to want the PS4 for the holiday season, and Destiny is a fantastic excuse to hop aboard the next-gen bandwagon. Therefore, considering all this, it seems perfectly feasible that a lot of consumers are waiting on Bungie's blockbuster before taking the PS4 plunge.
Destiny outselling CoD? Wont happen. Ever.
hopefully you wont eat your words… or will you?
I think I read a report a couple weeks ago stating that Destiny is projected to outsell CoD this year. This is based on the record breaking reservations placed for the game across the platforms.
4.6 million people played the Beta. The Beta. 4.6 million. Just let that sink in for a while.
Dude, seriously, my sides…
You're usually wrong about anything pertaining to the industry, so I'll take that as a reverse prediction.
Well, Ben, if I am wrong I hope to, in some shape, form, or fashion, employ your oft used "blockbuster" defense (patent pending). You know the one. Where you make sweeping generalizations of the gaming world to try and validate a misguided point, like no 2D games or no games with color. Then when someone lists 15 to 23 games that contradict said point, your response is "I only meant blockbusters!".lol.
It's called the "no true scotsman" fallacy and Ben does employ it a lot, but that doesn't automatically make him wrong.
In fact I kinda don't get why you mention it here at all.
A game like Destiny isn't going to outsell CoD, it's wishful thinking.
Yes it will.
i bought a launch ps4, sold it and preordered the white destiny bundle.
i do believe destiny will push hardware sales. new cod will as well since ghosts wasnt anything worthy.
Already got the PS4 but I do want Destiny too, I think I need an FPS that I can just jump in and out of while the great single player FPS games are off being made somewhere.
I think Destiny is gonna give a geek bump to PS4 though.
I'll be getting it day one.
While it'll probably be real nice experiencing Destiny on PS4 instead of PS3 I can't fully think of it as a "true" next-gen game when, well, the same game exists on last-gen platforms. And it's not like they PS3 and 360 are crippled versions either. At least judging from the Beta. I was surprised by how solid Destiny felt on PS3 even while under load.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/8/2014 11:23:55 PM
I got mine last February. I bought it because Destiny was coming BUT I also wanted to play InFamous: SS and MLB The Show 14. I also thought Killzone would be fun – it was okay. When TR:DE was released, that was just an added bonus.
Do I wish I'd waited to get the white PS4? I do now. None of those games were "must buy now" for next gen. In fact, all but InFamous were playable on last gen (Killzone was kind of an afterthought) Should have waited…………
Lesson learned!
Last edited by Norrin Radd on 8/9/2014 12:00:47 AM
I was going to get a Destiny bundle, but ended up getting a ps4 this week due to an unbeatable offer. Tesco here in the UK is giving away double the value of your customer loyalty vouchers this month, and I was saving up my vouchers for a big buy like this. I thought I'd pick one up before they run out of stock.Got the Watch Dogs bundle and The Last of Us Remastered. Paid £204. Happy days!
By the way I WILL be getting Destiny for ps4, if anyone would like to add me to their friends list please send an invite to Dukemz
Please put your psxextreme username in the message. Cheers!
congrats on the sweet deal!
Yeah, I am. I hate console launches, there is nothing ever to play in the first year. Gears of War got me to buy a 360, Heavenly Sword got me to buy a PS3.
Destiny will get me to buy a PS4.
An act of god will get me to buy an Xbox One.
Is that an unannounced Xbone title? 🙂
LOL may as well be
Couldn't care less about this game. Another one that never ends and you can sunk hundreds of hours in it. No, thanks. Been there with WoW and never going back to such games.
I'm waiting for Destiny to buy Destiny. The PS4 was bought at launch. Just trying to decide what color controller to get. The standard black will be for the family, I want the blue one for myself but that white one looks awful pretty too. Hmmm…
pointless I know. but I cant really recognize what the screen shot for the article is. Is that a Destiny pic?
EDIT: wait. I see a "Destiny" watermark at the bottom right.
I have a sweet screenshot set as my PC desktop wallpaper.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/9/2014 11:09:39 AM
I'm one of those that's buying a PS4 because of destiny. Frankly there hasn't been anything else I've wanted to play yet. I'm really looking forward to a new RPG/JRPG.
not even Tomb Raider DE?
Na a fighting game will do it for me. I'm pretty sure it is Guilty Gear: Xrd Sign depending on how fast the load times are compared to PS3.
yeah well considering the community sentiment i would say with a reasonaly degree of confindence that this is pritty true and accurate. and well we'll see how it all turns out and yes it probably will out sell COD and astonishing as they sounds very likely with the current scheme of things.
happy gaming
If there is one game that will convince me to buy a next gen console it is Destiny; however, I will need to at least three more games coming out in the Fall and their respective reviews for next gen to seriously consider spending over $400.
i'm not gonna buy this game. i'll spend the entire august – september playing Tales of Xillia 2 on my ps3.. ^_^