It has been an interesting week in the PS4/Xbox One news category.
PS1/PS2 emulation for PS4? Sure, sign me up
Backwards compatibility used to be a big deal to me. But as time has gone on, I've realized that I barely have the time to play the new games, let alone time to return to old games.
However, the classics matter because many times, such gameplay can't be found anymore. That's why I was excited to learn about the PS1/PS2 software emulation reportedly scheduled for the PlayStation 4. Combined with the upcoming cloud service – apparently designed specifically for PS3 titles – this means the PS4 should be able to play all three generations of games. Well, theoretically. The software still needs to be made available, which takes some time.
However, it still doesn't really help those of us with actual collections. I don't want to pay to download and play Final Fantasy VII on my PS4; I already own it. I just want to put the disc in and play, which means I need the PS2 plugged in. That being said, there were so many great games in the PS1/PS2 era that you could really play the nostalgia card for a while . So, I still think it's cool.
Does a slimmer, lighter Vita sound more appealing to you?
This past week, we learned that the Vita 2000 model will launch in the UK next week . There was no mention of a US release but we all know it's coming. The question is, does this even matter? Will this spur sales? It's a little lighter and a little thinner, and the OLED screen has been swapped out with an IPS LED one (even though the resolution remains the same). Unless it comes with a price cut, how is this supposed to spark a sales surge? Only a price drop or a really compelling AAA title can do that, I think. Sony says they don't expect the Vita to outsell the PSP and that's unfortunate. I'm sure that's not what Sony was going for.
I just see a significant lack of third-party support for the Vita right now. If you look at this year's release schedule, what do you see? I can't think of even one game that's a potential system-seller. A bunch of indie titles that are available other platforms won't do it. You need exclusive killer apps ; without them, it doesn't matter how you redesign the unit. The unit was plenty sweet enough to begin with, anyway.
Personal gaming update
I'm working my way through the big games and just for fun, I've started a new Career in Top Spin 3 . I didn't like the terrible balancing issues in the fourth installment and even though TS3 is way too easy, I still think it's fun. My girlfriend is doing well with Portal 2 and we're on our second run-through in The Cave (with different characters, of course). The next co-op game we'll try is Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons , which I downloaded for free 'cuz I'm a Plus member. 🙂 Did anyone get a chance to play this yet? I've heard it was pretty good but I never reviewed it. I also can't wait for the second Burial at Sea episode for Bioshock Infinite .
The only game I really care about this month is Thief and that's not until the end of the month. I couldn't possibly care less about Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (that Yuna costume DLC doesn't make it any more attractive), and I didn't like the first Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 , so I'm not on board for the sequel. I keep thinking there's another game I'm missing, but I'm not sure what it is…
Then there's inFamous: Second Son in March, which will be bad-ass .
Slimmer vita maybe add a open world game 2 get wit a different color u have my attention
Soooo I finished Killzone: Shadow Fall. That was mighty sneaky what they did after the credits started to roll. Good game but I don't think I'll ever play it again so it's going up for sale.
Got Tomb Raider DE and I'm loving it up. It's so smooth and stable and crisply 1080p. The 60fps makes a huge difference. I got the artbook edition for no extra moneys, totally awesome.
Going to beat Grandia II tomorrow. It has been fun playing my Dreamcast again, I actually forgot how the game ends so it has been a good classic JRPG ride all around. Also bought Final Fantasy III for Vita cuz of the Final Fantasy sale; good stuff there. Tales of Symphonia coming at the end of the month!
Sorry I haven't had time to contribute any articles lately cuz I'm busy busy, but I'm not gonna quit! I'll be back.
So no meditation this Sunday then? 🙁
I'll try to get one up next week for you guys 🙂
The skimmer vita helps a bit, but that's still not even close to the main problem I have with it. And that's system selling games…
Pgu. Been so busy with PS+ games I can't even get to Tales of Xillia which I got for 10 during that recent sale. Bioshock Infinite took priority over all the + games I intend to play. I'm normally not an fps fan but I gotta say; I'm really enjoying Bioshock Infinite. Its got a passable story and good combat. I do wish the partner AI was more like TLoU tho….Then there's Fire Emblem: Awakening, which is amazing.
Did you play the first 2 Bioshocks?
Infinite was a good game, but Rapture is where Bioshock should live in my opinion. The story is good and the ending tries to tie everything together, but it still feels like a standalone from the other 2 in the series.
Did not play them but watched a friendplay most of them. So its mmostly a fresh experience for me. And I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Especially the atmosphere it gives off.
I'm on chapter 15 in Dead Space 3. Playing in impossible difficulty, and it's awesome. My playtime is 23 hrs already, it's quite long. Necromorphs are much quicker so I can't survive with plasma cutter alone. I crafted a shotgun with a grenade launcher. They are very useful. The lighting is great, and when you finally arrives at Tau Volantis it feels like you're in the movie The Thing and Alien all rolled into one. Great game. And read the textlogs especially about the Reapers.
That game was LONG. Very good but I'm done with the series now that it's an action game.
I gotta agree with World. It was a good game, but it went too far away from the first 2 games. I didn't like all the action and I didn't like killing people – it should be about necromorphs and severing limbs – not blasting away with a plasma rifle.
I also have this expectation that a Dead Space game should be played with only the plasma cutter (esp since they went to the trouble of making it a trophy in the first game) so I wanted to do that for 3, which is just about impossible.
I loved the first 2 games….3rd left me wanting a lot more.
I'm really excited about the[ps1 and] ps2 emulating on the ps4 [i want bloodomen 2,soulreaver 2]i hope that by the end of 2014 it will be almost available[and wow the ps4 will get another boost then!!]
PGU;i'm still playing Fallout NV and will be for some time.
I will buy thief end of the month and lords of shadow 2.
also i want wolfenstein the new order real bad,but when will it be released?it should have been released 2013,but now we hear nothing about it[yeah 2014,but that's not precise enough]
Last edited by slow and smart on 2/2/2014 1:38:43 AM
Don't be so sure, New Vegas missions and locations kind of fall off a cliff toward the end.
to bad but i have al dlc included so i have stil some playtime,and thief/lords of shadow 2 will come this month
Last edited by slow and smart on 2/2/2014 1:17:18 PM
no way in hell is $ony releasing a emulator to bring ps2 games to the ps4.
firstly they have said countless times that playstation now will eventually offer all of the previous generations.
secondly they would lose allot of money letting people play their own games, why offer something for free when you can charge through the nose for it?
thirdly ps2 emulation is a b*tch!
5000 dollar super high end PCs struggle with it, so how is a 550 dollar crappy PC from 2008 going to do it!?
and last but not least, whats the point?
ps2 was 2 generations ago, most people probably dont even have a single ps2 game in their house!
so whats the point spending all that money and going through all that trouble to enable something that only 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001% of ps4 owners will utilize?
they would be much better off putting all their chickens in the gaikai/ playstation now service, and make everything available all through the same service.
i just hope it truly is everything, and not just a cherry pick of certain things.
thats the biggest problem there going to face, allot of the best ps1 and ps2 games, the ownership rights of those is a little up in the air.
who owns the publishing rights for loony tunes and the simpsons hit and run for instance?
yes, a worse product at the exact same price, im ecstatic, im over the freaking moon!
seriously, how can you be excited about a inferior product?
the ONLY good thing about the vita was the beautiful OLED screen, and now $onys gone and ripped it out!
im almost tempted to go to EB now and buy a old one while i can that way if by some miracle some decent games do come for it i dont have to put up with the new crappy display!
these decisions are what put $ony in this position in the first place, having their stock value demoted to JUNK!
$ony only managed to break into this industry and survive by offering the best products possible, whish they would understand that!
this, this is what kaz means when he said no more good enough at CES this year?
by releasing a WORSE product, at the same price, thats your definition of no more good enough?
thats your definition of bringing back the WOW!?
SO cant wait for CLoS 2!
firstly the PC versions going to be fully playable with the oculus rift, imagine those jaw dropping locals and vistas, but in VR!
oooooo this is going to be SO COOL!
should be a really good game too, the last one is the only proper action adventure game released last gen!
such a great indepth complex combat system, a amazing orchestral score, and such a great varying background really makes you feel like you have been on a amazing adventure, not just exploring different rooms of a pretty house!
one thing GOW3 was seriously lacking, just felt like you were working your way up the same old tower, in fact FAR too much backtracking!
been playing through tomb raider definitive edition, just brought back all the memories of what really spoiled last gen.
every game last gen felt like it was made by 5 different studios, and in fact thats because most were!
some levels are so well done with a specific style, others are not, and others are done with something totally different.
tomb raider a perfect example, the first 2 hours your running out of scary locals, and falling through massive set piece after massive set piece.
than the third hour is hunting, and learning how to use weapons.
than the following few hours is endless rooms of mindless goons after endless rooms of mindless goons!
games have become FAR too disjointed and out of rhythm, there starting to feel like high school.
you start off the day with science, than next class is history, than next class is maths, and so on.
instead of it being what it should be, one well blended varying cohesive package.
They will not lose money:many people have sold their collection of ps1/ps2[and many not] AND no one has ALL the games of the ps1/ps2 AND it will get new customers[who had only xbox or began gaming after ps2 and want 2 or 3 games]in total they will make a lot of money and it will make the ps4 even get stronger in comparison to the xboxone,also by emulating ps2/ps1 games the graphics will be better than when they would be streamed
Emulating will happen when you like it or not,and so another blow to your beloved M$$$$$$$$ wow i love it when a plan comes together 😉
Stop whining and sell your xboxone
Last edited by slow and smart on 2/2/2014 2:37:50 AM
read your own post, than say that.
SOME people have sold all their collections, meaning not ALL, meaning SOME people wont rebuy the games because they already have them meaning SONY WILL LOSE THOSE SALES, meaning THEY WILL LOSE MONEY!
jesus tap dancing christ, i see the aliens are in full effect here……..
no,you can't think ,clearly,that's your problem ,seriously:)
Also on the people who already[and stil]have the games on disc ,sony ALREADY has the money from them for those games so will not lose money on them,but will not get twice the money from them that's not the same!
And when sony would for example make it only digital they will also not get the money from these gamers [with the games on discs ] who don't want to pay twice so it makes no difference at all
they will not "lose" money
Sony will not lose these sales but will not let them pay twice AND will make a profit also in total AND the ps4 will sell even more by this
Last edited by slow and smart on 2/2/2014 1:09:05 PM
Hey blankline, if you write a post that enormous, can you please put a TLDR one-two sentence summary at the bottom?
I don't respect your insight enough to read anything you just wrote. Too long.
If you do end up getting a 3DS, Bravely Default drops in the US this week. I would pick it up, but I'm currently working through Xenogears, Vagrant Story, and Chrono Cross on Vita, as well as Radiant Historia, The World Ends With You, Fire Emblem, and countless others on the 3DS. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was also on sale, so I added that to my ever-growing backlog. Hopefully I can knock some of it out before Final Fantasy X/X-2 drops in March.
In other news, I finally 'beat' Soul Sacrifice. The game continued to get better and better the more I played, particularly because the advanced spells are much more fun to use than the basic spells. I also cannot praise the soundtrack enough; it's really great stuff.
I hope Sony can do the PS1 & 2 games emulation for the PS4.
I'd like one of the OLED screened Vita's, but in a metallic green(like one of my MGS green PSP's are, my other MGS is green camo).
BTW, I did have a day 1 Vita, but it bricked less that 2 months later & at the time I started getting into money problems, so I got a refund.
And sadly, I haven't been able to get out from under moneywise, so no foreseeable Vita for me. Damn, I DO miss it!
Still grinding away at Dragon's Dogma:Dark Arisen, got 169 hours in so far & I've now leveled up to 62.
Amusing byline to my Dragon's Domga story…..
It figures, the first time I've ever bought(in-game money of course LOL) I bought two secondary pawns (who were leveled up at 70 & 75 BTW)…..
That S.O.B of a Cockatrice in Bitterblack Isle kept killing both off in less than 60 seconds every time I tried, & just because they were way too brain-dead to stay behind me as I wanted them to do.
They kept darting down the corridor to get their single whack or two in, but once the Cockatrice blew on them just once(and as the old saying goes)…."that's all she #%^&$%^# wrote"!
So no more buying $12,000+(each) 15 minute throw-away pawns for me, I'll just keep them at my own level & change them out every level or so.
Anywho….., I'm having major problems getting into 3 specific areas…
1. The Blighted Manse(the guards turn me away, & the semi-hidden secondary, entrance farther down the trail won't open to me.
2. The Frontier Caverns, I can get into it, but part way down the tunnel, the door's locked & I can't find any levers to open it so I can proceed any farther down it.
3.The Bluemoon Tower. Basically the same problem as #2, but this time I'm going upward. I can get into the fort & up to it's 2nd or 3rd floor, but then there's a cell-bars type of door that I need to go through to keep going up the spiral stairs, but it won't open up either. And again, just as with #2 I've found no switches, levers or no other secondary access in either.
I've been up & down those 3 buildings, plus up, down, and all around those areas of the map too(Yeah, I love to explore my environments), but with no luck.
"GRRRRRRRR, I'm almost ready to throw one of my controllers"
Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/2/2014 6:58:31 AM
Can't help ya bro, the grinding in Dragon's Dogma wore me down and I gave up. That game needs fun towns and cooler stories to lift up those long stretches of button mashing.
Hey, no problem Dave
The info I've gotten since posting above is that #1 & #3 are both main mission quests that will open up later in the game, so I'm figuring that #2 is probably going to be done as another main quest too.
Theres a few games i cant wait for #1 being Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. followed by Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and maybe Thief & Rayman Legends for Ps4. But it feels like i played thief aready last year in Dishonored. but hey thats me. As for March nothing else matters but Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.
As for PS1/PS2 emulation on the PS4 I say no thanks dont need it. Thats why i have my Ps3 for. Ben whats this system you called the Vita I never heard of it before? I thought the only handled system was the Nintendo 3Ds.
PGU though no one really cares. I've been playing a lot of Warframe lately on my Ps4 and it dont matter what people say about F2P games this game is fun and i havent spent a dime on it. Besides Warframe I've also been playing Injustice gods among us here & there working on the single player mode for the time being.
I think they should put emulators in. It would be very Microsoft-y to suddenly stop catering to long time consumer needs for a few extra possible bucks.
Sony will want to make money off of the emulation. It will be a part of PSNow and offer PS1/PS2 games in HD. You will pay your monthly sub and get to play what ever games are available. This is good for Sony as there a lot gamers that are new PS gamers thanks to Blanklines buddies MS monosyllabic PR and reveal bumbling. If the service works as advertised this will make Sony some much needed cash which benefits all of the Playstation faithful.
Just beat God of War II HD and almost done with III. I cannot get enough of this great series. Bought Ascension for $10 off of PSN.
Also nearing the end of KZSF and loving it! It's so different from the other KZ games. What can you say about those stunning graphics! Been playing off and on with Remote Play which the best functionality since the invention of online gaming!!!!!
Looking forward to Thief this month! People say it's going to be more like Dishonored and I sooooo fine with that!!!
Going to finally tackle inFAMOUS 2 after I beat GoWIII and KZSF. I am highly anticipating Second Son in March! The trailers drip with the truth of what next gen means!!
Still thinking about Tomb Raider DE but I think I am strong enough for a price drop since I have already thoroughly beat the PS3 version.
I have also been enjoying Ys Memories of Celceta! 50 percent done! They really made a winner for the Vita!
I started on Ni No Kuni but didn't get very far due to Gran Turismo 6. Did the new X2014 events and the seasonals. Mostly just buying cool cars and driving them around Ascari and the Nurburgring. Bought some electric rally car with a bubble canopy and was driving that in cockpit view last night, that was fun.
This week I really need to get back into Ni No Kuni.
I get a kick outta mr no names rants lol
many do
This one was too long for me.
I hear that! Really got into No Ni Kuni and thought it was a true triumph. I then got distracted by another game. It's services like PSNow that will allow me to complete my huge PS3 backlog. Would love to play all the incredible RPGs on my PS4 and Vita!
Ben another game coming out in February is Earth Defense Force 2025 for the ps3, which looks like some good co op fun. Something you and your girlfriend might like to try. Its made by the original team of the first game not the Insect Armageddon spin off, so I think this one will be something special.
I'm looking forward to it at least, I remember the first one being a blast on locally with my friends.
Havent touched much of my consoles lately, been playing some of the steam games I got over the christmas sales. Beat Guacamelee and I think it is one of the tightest metroidvania style games I've ever played. Really well designed. I'm working through Dust: And elysian tale which is pretty awesome too.
I`m looking forward to Thief AND Outlast. Outlast has a good reputation on the PC and I`ll certainly be looking forward to playing it on the PS4 as February`s freebie. I wish I could have bought Rayman Legends on the PS4 so I could play it with the DS4. The Xbox 360 controller just doesn`t cut it for platformers. I need to buy another wired Logitech controller before they discontinue it.
The Lightning Returns demo made me think about XIII fondly… like… as a more complex entry… That's a difficult realization. I am not at all excited for LR.