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Capcom full speed ahead for US launch of PS2.

Capcom recently stated that they have plans on releasing Street Fighter EX3 as a US launch title for PS2. That was really no brainer, but what people don't know is that Capcom will also release a game titled Maximo, which is a title reflecting The Ghosts N' Ghoblins series. Now the game is in a very early stage, but it is very likely to appear before the end of the year.

If you haven't read my preview on Onimusha then you better get the clickin'. Onimusha is expected to be released this Summer 2000 in Japan and hopefully the game may become a US launch title. Onimusha is personally one of my most awaited PS2 titles. So it looks like we may have three excellent titles on our hands by the end of the year. Rest easy and wait on for now!