I maintain that the PlayStation Vita has plenty of good games already, but new hardware can always use more, right? Perhaps the most important new upcoming title is Gravity Rush , which appears to be both artistically innovative and a fantastic example of just how far portable entertainment has come. Slick, stylish, and loaded with creative action designed to test your reflexes and open your eyes, this one has all the signs of a AAA title. Provided the story clicks and the controls are tight and responsive, we should have a clear-cut winner come June.
You will play as Kat, who has the unbelievable power to control and manipulate gravity. The dying world of Auldnoir (yeah, we caught the "noir" part) is in trouble and Kat might be humanity's only shot at survival; she'll float and fly and take care of the nasty things that have plagued the landscape. She'll also get some help from her trusty sidekick, a little cat that glows black and should prove invaluable in certain situations. Touchscreen controls will be in effect, as well as the Vita's tilt function, so it'll be a combination of touch and standard button mechanics.
The primary enemy is the Nevi, black and red enemies that are Kat's top priority. These foes are diverse and can pose a variety of problems, but there's one constant: Each has a glowing red crystal that designates its weak spot; take advantage of that weakness and Kat will have a much easier time. Of course, the combat won't be quite this straightforward, as some enemies will have multiple crystals, and others will have a shell that protects the crystal. But Kat, fully equipped with a sassy attitude, sharp claws, and acrobatic moves galore, is up to the challenge.
There's the gravity kick that will likely become your go-to elimination move; the further away you start from your target, the more damage you do when you make contact. But there's also the gravity stasis field, which she can use to pick up objects and hurl them at oncoming enemies and of course, we can't forget about her special abilities. When in Zero Gravity Mode, pressing the Triangle button will unleash Kat's most powerful attacks, which you will continue to unlock as you progress. Sounds like this kitty is gonna do some big-time damage…
As you move along in your adventure, you'll have to recreate and rebuild the city of Heksville, and you'll also visit a great many interesting locations as well. We've been told the environment will definitely continue to change, and we'll have to tackle a variety of tasks that will add flavor, diversity, and longevity to the gameplay. Plus, if you take a look at some of the available media, you'll see a very impressive visual palette that should really showcase the Vita's significant capabilities. Gravity Rush is slated to hit store shelves on June 12 in the US.
Reserved. Looks to be a great Vita game and I can't wait to play it.
want. but until then i need MK and resistance!
This is the game I brought my vita for June 12 hurry up.
only reason im keeping my vita!
we need more unique games like this!
i wish they would do a ps3 game after this with a similar concept but more focused on puzzle solving.
ive always been fascinated with gravity puzzle games they really have not received as much attention as they deserve!
The "only reason" you're keeping your Vita?
There's really no help for you, is there?
well, only so many times i can replay uncharted before i get bored of it!
only other good games on there are rayman and fifa but ive finished them multiple times on ps3 so same as above.
ill have my vita in 2 days and i look forward to playing this when its out. for some reason i thought this was one of the launch games. cant wait to see how this turns out
I can't wait for Gravity Rush. In the mean time Rayman and Hot Shots are keeping my Vita busy.
Wow… the only reason you're keeping your vita?!? I'm sorry but i'm uber impressed by the vita so far. Uncharted looks amazing and rayman and fifa are awesome as well. The tilt function is very impressive as well as the whole multiple controls schemes as well. It's so early in the vita's life span, I'm sure they are going to come out with some amazing games in the future. Sure the pickings are a little slim right now but it won't stay that way forever.
This was the game which really SOLD THE VITA for me. Of course I don't have a VITA right now…but I'll be happy to get one…when this wonderful game comes out.
I know i know…it's not reviewed yet and all…but I guess Eurogamer already gave it a 9, famitsu gave it a 38/40, and gameblog gave it a 5/5. I mean heck…just looking at it from the start…I knew it was going to be a fantastic game. Why?! Because it uses PS VITA the way its meant to be used! Take a look at the VITA, and think of a world you can create. And that's exactly what the developers of Gravity Daze did.
Also…for some reason or another…I'm getting a Kingdom Hearts vibe from this game. I guess it's because of the orchestra/symphony and all.
God im hoping for Kingdom hearts on the Vita or PS3 sometime soon. Not holding my breath tho