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E3 2007: Simultaneous US/UK Slimline PSP Release

We'd assume European gamers are just plain sick of getting the big products later than the U.S., but you needn't worry; Sony feels your pain. They announced the new Slimline PSP at the Sony press conference a couple days ago, but what they didn't include was one very important piece of info, especially for Euro gamers…

Rather than waiting at least a month for the new PSP – as many of you across the pond expected – you guys are getting it at the same time as the U.S. Sony is planning a simultaneous release in the U.S. and Europe for the Slimline PSP. The redesigned handheld is "19% slimmer and 33% lighter" than the older model, but it still retains the widescreen display. It will also feature better battery efficiency and faster loading times, plus the biggest addition: a "high-quality" video output port that will allow gamers to plug the PSP directly into a TV, so for the first time, we can play our handheld games on the living room television.

Sony will release the black and silver colors first, and the U.S. will also receive a special white Star Wars-themed model (which won't arrive in Europe until a bit later). Okay, so you may not get the Star Wars Slimline immediately, but hey, a simultaneous release is definitely good news.