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Final Fantasy II PSP Gets Japanese Date

We're still waiting on the Final Fantasy remake for the PSP, but that doesn't mean Square-Enix isn't working on the Final Fantasy II remake. As it turns out, Japan can expect the second remake on June 7 with a price tag of 3,800 yen.

The first remake is still scheduled for an April 19 release, and both will boast updated visuals and one extra dungeon to explore. And of course, this isn't the first time the games were re-released ( Final Fantasy Origins , anyone?), so Square-Enix is including any and all extras featured in previous remakes. In other words, don't be surprised to see the intro movie from Origins and the added scenario from the GBA version.

It's a big year for the veteran game company, that's for sure. And we expect more in the way of big news in May, when Square-Enix will celebrate their 20th anniversary . We wish we could cross our fingers for a Final Fantasy VII remake for the PS3, but unfortunately, we're forced to live here on earth; in reality.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy II