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PSP Redesign Confirmed…Kind Of

Update: Just so everyone is aware, the following changes to the PSP probably won't happen for a little while longer. Furthermore, the redesign hasn't been officially announced by Sony, as Maguire's words have been widely misinterpreted. But it seems a PSP redesign is indeed on Sony's to-do list, although nobody knows when that might actually happen.

Original Story

First, Sony says they're not interested in changing the PSP. Then, the rumors start to fly about a new model in the works. And finally, retailers threaten to drop the PSP unless Sony makes a change (either that, or drop the price). But today, perhaps all the controversy and speculation can come to rest: according to Ray Maguire, managing director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK, the PSP is indeed getting a makeover. The PSP is goin' on a diet.

Speaking at the launch of the PSP in Education initiative, Magure said the new PSP will be slimmer and more "pocket friendly," but at the same time, the screen will remain the same size. He didn't give us any other details, and while this at least confirms the change, it only spawns a whole new set of discussions regarding the potential alterations. For example, people have been talking about the possibility of an integrated camera, GPS, and a 8GB ram-HDD. All kinds of nifty ideas are circulating out there, now that this redesigned PSP is a definite fact.

We don't think anyone has a problem with the handheld's sleek layout and presentation, but apparently, this will help battle the Nintendo DS Lite as a "true" handheld. If it's more "pocket-friendly," gamers would be more likely to take it with them on a daily basis, right?