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PSP Redesign Now A Possibility?

Despite flatly denying a PSP redesign at last week's GDC, Sony is now changing their tune. Sony's UK boss Ray Maguire has sparked more discussion once again by saying the current version is only the "first iteration."

Sony launched their educational initiative in the UK today, which is a campaign created to bring Sony products into the classroom for learning assistance. At the launch event, Maguire was asked whether or not Sony planned to change the PSP. Maguire responded by mentioning the redesigning of the PS1 and PS2, and said it was "certainly possible" that we'll see a lighter, sleeker PSP.

This is now contrasting sharply with official Sony comments at the GDC that stated the PSP wasn't in need of a "DS-Lite-style makeover." Perhaps the questions were too specific, or maybe Sony simply has their lines of communication crossed. But either way, we now have a more ambiguous comment from Sony, issued to IGN earlier today-

"In the long term, we are always looking at ways to continue our platform development, and this normal business practice is what Ray was referring to."

Okay, so that's probably the most accurate comment we've had on the issue, but it still doesn't confirm anything. So as of now, we can't say the PSP absolutely will experience a cosmetic overhaul, but we also can't say it's not a possibility.