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2K Signs Derek Jeter for MLB 2K7…Again.

I don't know too many baseball fans, in fact, Yankees fans that actually like Derek Jeter. Nor do I know anybody who would want to have a picture of him plastered on yet another cover of 2K's MLB games. Okay, well, I can think of a couple of girls who wouldn't mind, but we all know girl-gamers are a myth — so that's moot. That said, it looks like Derek Jeter will be landing yet another cover for 2K Sports' upcoming MLB 2K7. This marks the third time in a row Jeter's associated with the game and, and the fifth time a Yankee lands the cover (Jason Giambi landed the 03 and 04 covers after his trade from Oakland).

Look for MLB 2K7 (not to be confused with Sony's MLB 2007) to hit the PS3, PS2, X360, PSP and Xbox the first week of March. One thing's for sure, Kush's promised improvements and Sony's consistently impressive MLB series is going to make this year's competition for best MLB title very interesting. Coincidentally both games feature New York players, with Sony's cover boy being Mets' 3rd Baseman David Wright. Looks like Sony grabbed a player from the correct NY team.