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PSP Update 3.00 Unveiled

It took a while, and amidst a thousand theories, the highly anticipated PSP update 3.00 garnered all kinds of attention. But now, according to, the update is set to be released "shortly," with a bunch of hot new features.

It seems this update does "Advanced Capability," adding and strengthening the security, and also raises the cooperation function of the PS3. Update 3.00 also allows the PSP to receive certain software downloaded from the PlayStation Store on the PS3, which is good news for anyone seeking to take a shot at those available PS1 classics online. And lastly, as expected, the update will enable the Remote Play, which can be used with only the 60GB PS3 . Because the lower-end model doesn't sport wireless LAN, this isn't possible.

So obviously, this is indeed the update everyone has been primed for. And while they do list the "ready" date for 3.00 as November 11, recent reports put the actual release later on in the month. Still, it's good to know it's coming not long after the PS3 launch, so owners of both the PSP and PS3 can get to fiddling relatively quickly.