Handheld fanatics were drooling when SCEA President Kaz Hirai first showed the original Ridge Racer running smoothly on the PSP, and they've been eagerly anticipating the day when that classic emulation feature would become a reality on the PSP. At that big ol' Gamer's Day event, the company finally unveiled the biggest piece of the puzzle, which was how – exactly – those PS1 titles would fit on the PSP's Memory Stick.
You'd think the answer would be somewhat complicated, yes? Wrong. The PSP simply gets it's games from the PS3. Instead of building a network specifically designed for the PSP, or attempting to connect the PSP to Sony Corporation's Connect Service, Sony has made everything easy by working inside the PlayStation family. Just long onto the PlayStation Store with your PS3, find your favorite PS1 games, download, and transfer to the PSP for extra enjoyment. There is a possibility that the Store will be implemented inot the PSP in an upcoming firmware update, but for the time being, it's all centered on the PS3.
Several PS1 titles are already listed in the Store ( Jet Moto , Twisted Metal , and Syphon Filter ), but this was for demonstration only, and there's no guarantee they'll be ready for the PS3 launch. Pricing in the Store isn't expected to top $15, so these downloads should be right around that range, if not less. So if you want to go shopping with your PSP, on a boundless search for a slew of classic PS1 titles you wish you'd kept, it's now possible. We just might have to wait a bit before we see a goodly selection…but you never know.