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Killzone PSP Download Content News

With barely two months until the game's release, Sony's hard-working public relations team is kicking it into high gear to make sure we know about all of the hot features to be included with their upcoming PSP shoot-em-up, Killzone: Lberation.

Shortly after the game's launch, players will be able to visit the community site to download an extra chapter for the game's single-player mode. This new chapter will contain four additional missions, as well as some additional multiplayer maps.

At E3, no mention was made of an infrastructure (online) mode. Because of that, everyone assumed that multiplayer play would be ad hoc (local) only. As it turns out, Killzone: Liberation will include an infrastructure mode for online play… but you'll have to download the feature first. Soon after the game's release, players will be able to use the in-game content download feature to upgrade the game for Infrastructure play at no additional cost. Two more multiplayer maps will be included with the Infrastructure upgrade.

Sony plans to support the game with new maps and other downloadable content well into 2007.

Killzone: Liberation ships to stores on October 31, 2006.

Check out our picture gallery for the latest Killzone: Liberation media.

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