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No PSP Price Cut Says Sony

In a response to rumors spurned by industry analyst P.J. McNealy's recent comments to the effect of, "There is a price cut coming in the second half of the year."

We reported about this before the weekend hit, but now a Sony UK spokesman has popped up with an "official" response: "Currently we have no plans to cut the price of the PSP at this time."

Careful wording, indeed. "At this time" isn't during the holidays when sales will matter most. Companies don't tend to hype a price cut before it actually happens, so that consumers will still continue to buy product currently on shelves instead of waiting for the inevitable.

So, this likely doesn't rule out the possibility of a drop and there's little doubt that Sony needs to catch up with the runaway success of the DS Lite before it's too late.

Of course, some have suspected that Sony will drop the price on the PS2 again instead.