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PSP On The Way Out, As All Shipments Will End In 2014

After over nine years, the PSP looks about ready to call it quits.

As the Associated Press reports , PSP shipments in North America ended in January of this year, and are scheduled to end in Japan this month. European shipments will tail off in the months to come.

Sony ended up selling over 76 million units, but they might've sold significantly more than that, as that's the last officially released statistic and it was announced two years ago. The PSP debuted in Japan in December 2004 and then launched in the US in early 2005. The ill-fated PSP Go (which only played digital titles) didn't do so well; it was discontinued in only two years. Now, the PlayStation Vita is here and once again, a Sony portable is struggling.

The PSP struggled when it first launched, too, and many would now consider it to be a success. Here's hoping the Vita finds more support soon… As for the PSP, that was a nifty little system and I'm glad to have owned it.

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Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core for the win! Also, Peace Walker was little underrated IMO. Does anyone remember seeing the PSP on the CBS evening news when it first launched?

10 years ago

Crisis Core is probably the best title on the system. In the future, whenever I think of PSP, Crisis Core is what will come to mind.

10 years ago

Crisis Core was a major factor for me in the PSP. So too were the GTA "exclusives" that ended up being out on regular consoles. Metal Gear Acid was pretty cool and different.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

While I'm in the process of talking CC up. I would like to add that this is the only game that I've gone out of my way and repurchased after losing my original copy. Not only that but the soundtrack has a crazy good production value for a handheld game.

10 years ago

Ahhh – I only got fond memories of the PSP. A great companion during the pre-smartphone era.

I was blown away by its ability to run GTA – I could not believe my eyes, that they could cram such a huge game into such a small device.

Today, of course, those same GTAs are available on phones for a dime and nothing. Times they sure are a-changing.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/3/2014 12:35:35 PM

10 years ago

GTA was awesome on the PSP. I'd take it over any smartphone game any day.

10 years ago

Some of the days in school in classes like English where I knew everything they were teaching, my PSP would be there under my desk as I played with some of the awesome games it had. Sad to see it go, but it deserves its rest. The psp library and the impact it had as an all around device as a kid who was never home and always out and about made it the perfect present.

RIP PSP, you did good.

10 years ago

I'm still using my PSP. lol Last month, I beat FF9, and right now I'm playing Valkyria Chronicles 2.

Solid system. If you haven't played Crisis Core, you haven't played PSP.

10 years ago

I have one and I'm certain that I used under 50 times. Be gone with this handheld and release all the games for the PSN store (PS3 and PS4 compatible) and we will all be happy.


Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Gta stories & peacewalker….good times
if only the analogue nub was under the face buttons.

10 years ago

Ah… this lovely little companion sure does bring memories.

I remember taking it everywhere, whether it was gaming or listening to music, and I'm not even a fan of mobile gaming.

This guy showed smartphones how gaming should be done. It blew my mind to see GTA and MGS in a tiny little screen.

10 years ago

Logged in so many hours with MHFU, FFT, Tactics Ogre, so I enjoyed owning one, but Sony really dropped the ball when it came to the psp, can't say I'm shocked to see the vita is flopping so hard.

10 years ago

yeah it has given me great memorys and unfornately one a few or my worsed for gaming but yeah i was a great lil system was my 1st portable gaming handheld device and for my 15th birthday that was a special one.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Got my PSP around the end of January 2006. It's been 8 years and I still love it. Great system, great games, not to mention some great JRPGs.

Hopefully it's exit from the gaming scene will allow more people to look towards the VITA – which is another GREAT SEXY system.

10 years ago

Crisis Core, Dissidia 1& 012, War of the Lions, Monster Hunter Freedom: Unite, Tenchu: Shadow Assassins, and PSone Classics… It was one hell of a ride, and I must admit I'm sad to see it go.