This year's Tokyo Game Show isn't far away, and Sony is poised to make a big splash.
They've revealed the list of games they'll be bringing to the event; there's a myriad of great PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3 titles on tap. That includes games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss , Hot Shots Golf Next , and Disgaea 3 Return for the Vita, and Battlefield 3 , Final Fantasy XIII-2 , Dragon's Dogma , and Ninja Gaiden III for the PS3.
But even more interesting is the currently unannounced set of games they'll be showing: 3 for the PS3 and no less than 18 for the Vita. What could they be? Sony has often said that software is a top priority for their new portable device and clearly, they're sticking to that philosophy.
There better be some old school jrpgs in that list
I'm pretty sure there is. If not at launch then at least soon after. jrpgs never left the Sony handhelds.
Legend of Dragoon 2?
Legend of Dragoon 2? Yes please.
I really can't wait for this. I feel like I'm gonna be buying just as many games for Vita as I do PS3.
My wallet hears you…but I cant because its screaming. BUT im excited none the less
I really hope they bring out some really great games for the Vita im so siked for it already, I hope they also reveal the CoD game, even though Im not really interested in the series anymore I would really just like to see what the Vita is capable of and how it would look on the system! Also maybe a new FF game or Kingdom Hearts game would be nice too!
Last edited by TheCrazyMerc on 9/1/2011 9:56:19 PM
3 PS3 titles! They better not be downloadables, those should get their own section.
I see Square is keeping their embargo on all things Versus until XIII-2 is put to bed. Stingy buggers.
I know it's too much to ask but since Ni No Kuni is there how about a confirmation of a western localization?
And Asura's wrath will be the one to watch this year.
Yeah that Asura's Wrath game looks badass and Dragon's Dogma looks fun too.
I hate to say this…..
Final Fantasy 7 remake?
I wish 🙂
I really would rather see a remake of FF6. Boy oh boy what I would give to see some magitech armor in pure HD goodness. It would be really cool if they could make it really gritty looking, similar to the art style that the old artist Yoshitaka Amano did but transposing that into 3D PS3 graphics.
Sony was not kidding when they said that games was there main focus… Can't wait for TGS!
Vita will be mine, hurry up Sony I have my money in hand.
The PSP offered me the most fun I've had this generation with RPGs, I hope to see this continued with the Vita.
Which RPG's did you enjoy the most on PSP?
Vita>360 at this point.
I'm sure Kaz would just love to yell out "RIDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGE RAAAAAACCCCEERRRR ^O^" Oh wait a minute…that's already announced for the VITA! HAHAHA wow!
Can't wait to hear about the 18 titles though. Seriously wonder what they can be.
We haven't heard from Kojima in a while now have we? …Oh I wish!
lol Kojima is a funny little guy. Today's comments on the Twitter consisted largely of Iggy Pop and other musical comments. Nothing even remotely game related for me to seize on.
Kojima will probably be at tgs, i know konami will be showing off MGS 3D, and the MGS HD Collection. If kojima is there, i hope he announces something exclusive for the Vita, my fingers are crossed for a Peace Walker sequel.
I hope they make a Daxter 2. I don't know what it would/could be about, but any new Jak and Daxter is good.
I know SE said no Versus… but I hope they were lying 😛
Mayhaps a closed door demo will take place
hopefully one of those is syphon filter.
come on, how can $ony ignore one of their most popular series like this?
that and the getaway are 2 of the very few playstation series that were with us since the beginning and are still exclusive to playstation and have not seen a ps3 iterations.
we NEED new iterations to those series!
hopefully we see some TLG and versus info.
yea the publishers said we wont, but then so did david a few days before announced TM at E3 so………
Bioware did talk about the possibility of Mass Effect for handhelds too, didn't they? I think I read something about that a while ago.
If one of those 18 are signed by Bioware then Vita will be a d1p for me.
Last edited by Beamboom on 9/2/2011 5:50:00 AM
Damn hurricane, I'm finally online now. Power just got restored in my area. The power company here is very slow at what they do…
Least thing are ok. On the news when i was in florida last week it looked like it was gonna be a LOT worse
Indeed, I thought for sure we were gonna get hit harder than what we did, but it was just rain and high winds, but the rain went away on the 2nd day.
Branches everywhere, live wires on the road sparks flying everywhere, this was in Attleboro, it was crazy. Not too bad in Pawtucket though where I live. Few branches here and there.
No The Last Guardian for TLG?
Im surprised that FF Type-O isn't being put on the vita as well. It has potential to be a vita game. God do i really have to keep my PSP now just to play it? *crying*
Legen- wait for it…
I hope at least half of the 18 are either new IPs or new entries in existing franchises. Vita has to have a signifant amount of new IPs and new entries for it to succeed because PS3/360 owners aren't going to get a Vita if most of it's games are multiplatform titles already found on the PS3 or 360.
The Vita games that interest me are all Vita exclusive titles.
I don't know about that Amonte, it's pretty hard to whip out your PS3 or 360 on a train or in an airport lobby, or any number of other similar places. Vita is a portable device and has many unique features, so the games need to be a mix of established fan favorites and new games that use the portability and unique control and connectivity options that the Vita possesses. For example, if the device features a full blooded version of the most popular shooter on the planet, are you saying that there are not millions of shooter fans read, willing and able to buy the game on a mobile device that can do it justice?
Wish one of the PS3 games would be a Syphon Filter developed by ND, using the UC3 engine, in 3D and with Move support… that would be something amazing 🙂
"Winter is Coming"
<3 Syphon Filter.
I'm hope for some Cool Boarders, maybe another Tenchu….. How about another Maximo game, Viewtiful Joe, or God Hand, I really want another Bushido Blade.
Last edited by GuyverLT on 9/2/2011 10:45:29 AM
We need a new Bushido Blade and a Tenchu.. I miss those games.
Most Definitely. I wish Sony would look into buying the rights old franchises and make them exclusive.
we've been through this before.
They don't mean new reveals, but rather games we know about but haven't been put on the TGS show ticket yet.
New Baulders gate 🙂 I wish.
I so hope that theres a GTA there
Hopefully one of those is a Armored Core game.