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Sony: Games A Top Priority For Vita

Technically, the PlayStation Vita is the PSP's successor.

And although some things will be different, Sony is utilizing the same philosophy this time around: get software on the shelves ASAP.

In speaking to Edge , SCEE boss Jim Ryan reiterated Sony's primary focus with their new handheld. Said Ryan:

"To the extent that PSP targeted the core gamer who was after a good gaming experience, the philosophy is basically the same. But I think the nature of [Vita] allows us to provide a differentiated gaming experience in a manner that the design of PSP simply did not allow.

The core principle is to provide the best portable gaming experience possible. It's as simple as that."

The interesting part is that Ryan says Sony isn't sure of where the Vita will "end up." They consider the unit to be a "true digital device" but its path remains uncertain, likely due to constantly shifting market trends. We just know we want to try it.

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13 years ago

It's still a D1P for me, and my wife.

13 years ago

D1 for me as well. Excited for uncharted and hoping MLB 12 will have cross saves with PS3 (assuming MLB is released for Vita).

13 years ago

Let those dollars roll Highlander…

I will probably wait to see how Vita settles down in the market… I am in not rush at all, as I will have my PS3, a decent new and pretty powerful laptop (in the new year) and probably a tablet…

Enough to keep me busy on all fronts… The Vita can wait, possibly for an eventual price drop which I think will happen sooner than we would all have expected…



Last edited by Qubex on 8/30/2011 10:58:50 AM

13 years ago

Hey qubex, what type of tablet do you have, or are getting. If you don't mine me asking..

13 years ago

LOL Qubex, they'll be belated anniversary gifts, or early tax rebate perks, one or the other.

Gotta get a new monitor too, I'm finding my 22-inch too confining…If only there was a company in the US, making said screens in the US. But there's not, so, I'll try to stick with Japan instead. 😉

13 years ago

The most important thing there is that the focus is on the games, and with what we have seen since its unveiling, that sure seems to be the case. It is primarily a portable gaming device anyway. The additional features are nice to have though.

I'd probably have enough by early 2012 to buy this on day one, granted they haven't announced when they are releasing it in Asia. I was supposed to buy the wi-fi version only, but I thought the 3G would be a nice addition for a mere $50 more.

13 years ago

I'm so torn on buying the Vita. On one hand it looks awesome for a portable device. On the other, I don't really "game on the go".

Dunno if I should start with the Vita, or wait for the inevitable "Vita games remasted on the PS4!" line-up.

13 years ago

Good to know because gaming is only reason for me because I have a droid that does the other stuff. I'll be getting a Vita when the japanese developed games hit the U.S.

13 years ago

"its path remains uncertain"…

Well, I'm fairly certain of the path for at least one Vita. From Sony Style's shipping dept to my front door!

13 years ago

Gonna have to wait for a price drop for the Vita I just can't justify spending that amount of money on a handheld. As much as I want to play Uncharted on it, unless I come into some money or something then im waiting.

13 years ago

Day1 for me and I'm expecting what I found on the PSP and more. I don't want the console to get saturated with these .99-2.99 games that are spamming the smart phone market.

13 years ago

Thank you for saying what so many won't say.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Hey, quit with the man-crush, KOS-MOS will get jealous…

13 years ago

Oh so true, LV!

13 years ago

I hate sifting through piles of rubbish on iTunes trying to look for something good.

As far as hardcore games on smartphones go, Infinity Blade appears to be the only thing that scratches my itch. Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Plants Vs Zombies and Real Racing are fun and all, but they don't offer the same satisfaction and engagement that a good action adventure, RPG or shooter offers on consoles or handhelds.

13 years ago


I wouldn't lump Plants vs Zombies in there with the rest of your list. It's one of my favorite games and took up a bunch of my time in the summer of 09. I'd gladly pay for a version of PvsZ on the Vita.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

As long as they keep them coming consistently rather than the stutter start that the PSP had in its lifetime, it'll be good.

13 years ago

Games are a high priority for a portable gaming device? Well…good.

13 years ago

I received the game, thanks again for selling it to me. I'm a little peeved there wasn't a personal 500word letter inside to explain how much I mean to you.

13 years ago

Glad you got it, actually I meant to write you a funny note but I had just come off a gaming session and packed that up at about 5AM to get it ready to ship the next day so I wasn't in any shape.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

As awesome as it looks, I'm not getting one. At least not right away…I still haven't even come close to cleaning out the goldmine that is the PSP. And when I do, I'll just play Genesis games on it 😛

I'll have to get the Vita eventually just to have every Sony system, but the games that are coming out don't look like my kind of game anyway..except for Wipeout, anyway. Yes, Golden Abyss is an "everybody's game" but I think the types of games I like to play are better suited to a low-power handheld than a mini PS3.

Remember the days of the GBA where we were getting these great 2D games you simply couldn't get anywhere else? The consoles had great cutting-edge 3D stuff but the handheld games were completely different, and just as good. Now that all the new handhelds have console-like power, I wonder what will happen to those creative, niche handheld games.

13 years ago

I really hope that's true, I am getting sick of hearing companies shout out "INNOVATION!" and produce silly protypes like move, kinect, 2 screens for a DS (yes I still find that stupid.) It seems games are more focused on adapting to these measures ratehr than improving gaming quality.

13 years ago

::drool:: I cannot friggen wait! I got every portable system from Sony and I loved each one 😀 D1P for me too!

13 years ago

Uncharted is a release title. Sold already!!

With Modnation Racers, Littlebig Planet, Wipeout 2048, Killzone, Resistance, Soundshapes, Super Stardust Portable, Assassin's Creed Vita, CoD Allied Mobile Force, Bioshock Vita, FIFA 12, F1 2012, Oddworld Munch's Odyssey, Little Deviants, Street Fighter X Tekken, every PSone classic and PSP game available on PSN…. (GASP!! WHEW!!)

…. AND every third party developer supporting Vita, I don't think Vita is going to have ANY problems on the games front. That makes me one happy chappy!!

With party chat, PS3 exclusives being redone on Vita, huge support from third party developers and publishers, 2 analog sticks, touch screen and touch pad, gyroscopes and many good games on release, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up playing my Vita more than my PS3!! 😀

13 years ago

You know what, I'm loving my 3DS, but if this turns out as well as it looks like it's going to, I may have to have both. We'll see.

13 years ago

shame same cant be said about price!
this is what i cant understand about $ony.
they released the ps3 at a redicliously high price and it sold poorly.
they released the go at a redcliously high price and it sold poorly (so poorly year after release in some countries they discontinued it!)
they come to the release of the vita, how are we going to make sure it sells well?
i know, will do exactly what we did last time that ought to work!
do they EVER learn from their mistakes?

13 years ago

day 1 for me as well 🙂 am I'm going broke.

@LV pvz on the vita would be amazing also Angry birds too