All new hardware needs as many games as possible. And Ubisoft has signed on to give the PlayStation Vita a big boost.
The Assassin's Creed publisher has no less than six games in development for Sony's cutting-edge portable device. They say they're "taking full advantage of the power of the new handheld system," and the diverse lineup will feature both new IPs as well as fresh installments in established franchises. Check out what they've got on tap for the Vita:
Said Zeno Colaço, SCEE vice president of Publisher & Developer Relations:
"We're delighted with the support and innovative content Ubisoft are bringing to PS Vita. Great games are at the platform's heart and with some of Ubisoft's biggest and best brands coming to PS Vita, we are very excited to work with them in delivering the deepest gaming experience on the most powerful handheld entertainment system on the planet."
Both Asphalt and Dungeon Hunter Alliance will be playable at GamesCom this week, and we hope to learn more about all Ubisoft's Vita titles in due time. That AC entry ought to be interesting!
I'd be interested to see how Lumines, Rayman Origins, Dungeon Hunter Alliance, and definitely Assassin's Creed turn out. Vita lookin good. Lookin real good. =D
I'm most excited for Assassin's Creed. I hope it has multiplayer as well. That would be the icing on the cake.
Wish I would be excited for any of those but I'm not.
I'm sure this is the only way Sony players will get to enjoy monster hunter again too, sigh.
Lets just hope Ubisoft doesn't start complaining about the lack of processing power like they do with consoles…
As if they've even figured out how to use it yet.
Assassin's Creed, Lumines and Rayman Origins on my brand spanking new Vita? I'm in!!
Hope the Vita version of Assassin's Creed will almost look and play as good as the PS3 versions. Imagine "transfarring" for Revelations or AC3!!
I love my 2D platformers on handhelds. Awesome to see they're making a comeback with Indie games this gen. 2.5D platformers like LBP are a welcome return.
I hope AC is better than it was on PSP. What a disaster.
No doubt it will be.
With PS3-like graphics and 2 analog sticks (and now with touch screen controls), Assassin's Creed on PS Vita will no doubt be an excellent portable version worthy of its main entrants.
Assassin's Creed Vita. Yummy. Now all we need is the other publishers to announce their near launch line-ups. Surely EA are bringing Dead Space to the Vita.
FIFA on Vita will no doubt be excellent!!
Imagine manager's mode where you can swipe or dot the screen to manage your team's field positions, then take control of the players on the field with controls as tight as a Duel Shock 3 controller!!!!
Port Far Cry 2 over to the Vita.
Yeees! That's what I was hoping for when I saw this article!
Far Cry 2 is a huge game that would be impossible to play on the current Android phones, plus it can be played in fragments, just like a handheld game should. It would be a perfect showcase to convince the audience why they should invest in a gaming gadget today.
Stuff like Lumines one can get for $4 in the Android store anyways – Sony should do everything in their powers to launch titles that can *not* run on smart phones.
Last edited by Beamboom on 8/17/2011 7:31:46 AM
Or a prequel spinoff that leads up to and explains the story behind Farcry 3, EXCLUSIVE to Vita!!! It's got the graphics and controls to pull it off, so why not?!?!
Holy cow!! As the first portable gaming unit with 2 analog sticks, the most popular genre of gaming this gen (FPS) will finally be playable on the go!!! So many sales…
Hell yeah that's a *much* better idea!
Last edited by Beamboom on 8/17/2011 10:11:09 AM
now all we need is news on the new KZ game, infamous vita, and R&C vita and were set!
so nice to see $ony supporting this properly, unlike the ps3 and PSP!
but for how long?
How have Sony not supported the PS3?
Ubisoft is not Sony? That's actually what makes this news so good; It's *not* Sony, ergo it's supported by 3rd party devs. In todays gaming world that's the most important thing.
3DS' 3rd party support has gone waaaaay down with poor sales at launch. Seems like Ubisoft and EA are the only ones backing it behind Nintendo themselves.
Seems like everyone is getting behind Vita though. Levine from Irrational Games! EA, Ubisoft, Activision with CoD Vita! All of Sony's studios cranking out quality titles! Indie developers having a crack at motion, touch and AR game development!
If Sony keep the Vita open like the PSN and Kinect, who knows what wonders we'll see come early 2013!!
@__________ HAHAHAHAHA This guy is so F-ing funny.
At least you're consistent with your nonsense LOL
When HBO announced the HBO Go service you Trashed Sony for wasting time doing non game related projects and now you credit Sony with games they aren't developing…
I guess your name __________, is pretty much what you have in your head.
thats my point, its nice to see so much support for the system unlike what previous playstation products at launch.
& Karosso, go back to kindergarten, grow up, learn how to address people like a adult not a 8 year old spoiled brat, then ill talk to ya!
Lumines!! Still play regularly no II