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Uncharted, Wipeout NGP Explored In New Developer Videos

Now that Sony has confirmed a bunch of launch titles for the NGP, it's time to take a closer look at two of the most anticipated.

First up is Uncharted: Golden Abyss , in development at Sony Bend and featuring more of an emphasis on exploration, puzzle-solving and platforming. The developers talk about making this adventure for Sony's slick portable, and we also get great new looks at the game in action. It really moves beautifully.

13 years ago

i didn't understand how the game works ,please explain.

13 years ago

That game looks interesting.

13 years ago

every time you jump on a block or platform or whatever, it adds it to a time line. The time line repeats every 10 seconds or whatever, so every time the timeline repeats your going to hear the same note that played when you jumped on that platform. By the end of the level you should of accumulated enough notes to create an abstract song.

^^Hope that helps

13 years ago

Haters Gunna Hate.

13 years ago

"you just made coz im stylin' on you"

Last edited by Zorigo on 6/5/2011 8:55:44 AM

13 years ago

never really been into wipeout, but uncharted does look really good.
not gotta spend 400+ bucks on a system plus 70+ bucks on the game just so i can play it good, but not too shabby………

13 years ago

Same here, I don't think it's a terrible series I just found it incredibly boring, and no amount of amazing graphics can make up for repetitive gameplay.

13 years ago

Unchgarted Golden Abyss is actually almost a console seller for me. Uncharted is one of the few franchises ive been with since day 1 (randomly got uncharted df bundled with my 40gb and loved it, uncharted 2 was a day one purchase for me even before it was announced, i was like, are they making a sequel? they best be!)
U3 is a d1p for me and id like to say ive got all the uncharteds, and therefore the ngp one would be necessary for me 🙂

13 years ago


I'm convinced now that they should have save both the GOW psp titles for the ngp.