Update: Oh, this is SO April Fool's. 😉
Original FALSE Story:
When the Next Generation Portable (NGP) was revealed, their tech presentation consisted of games like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots running on the snazzy new portable.
We also know an Uncharted offering is coming to the PSP's successor, so maybe this rumor has some semblance of validity. Based on what we heard from one developer, it seems the NGP will be receptive to current PS3 games, in that current titles may be released – perhaps in digital format – for play on the new handheld. In fact, there seems to be the distinct possibility that future PS3 titles will be available on both Sony's flagship console and their portable device; i.e., the NGP would quite literally be a portable PS3. If you hadn't noticed, bigger and bigger products have been deliverable in digital form (take Mass Effect 2 , for instance) and on top of that, the NGP has been rumored to be "just as powerful" as the PS3. So maybe we're looking at part of Sony's interactive future…
Don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind taking something like Resistance 3 or inFamous 2 on the road.
Im not set on getting a NGP just yet, i want it to be its own system, with its own games like the psp. I mean…i already have a ps3, no point in buying another one thats portable. Hopefully more games will get announced for it soon.
The issue I have is why would you have to pay for the same game twice? I smell something a little cheesy…
If they convert MGS4 across to NGP, and it is the same game, I have to buy it again?
Remember it's for some games not all of them.
how epic would it be if you could download a game that would work on either your ps3 or your ngp. Just like the ps1 classics or minis. That and if it launched with peace walker 2 and the next monster hunter would make this thing the perfect handheld
Peace walker 2 would be amazing! Dual-analog ftw
Games I would like to see on the NGP although I know some are already being made: Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, MGS, LBP, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Battlefield, Gran Turismo, Socom, Gran Theft Auto, Possibly Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD, and what the heck; CoD. And other cool games I haven't mentioned lol. But it would be a heck of a line up for NGP.
ps3games+ngp+on road=fu** yeah!
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/31/2011 10:39:52 PM
swear ban has been lifted???
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/31/2011 10:39:44 PM
They slip through every now and then. 🙂
Digital Copy pack-ins with LE's baby!
My hopes and dreams have arrived! I've been screaming for ps1 type support with ps3 games for ngp since ngp was announced.
I can see this happening. I can see us being able to buy God of War 4 once digitally and have it work on either the NGP or PS3. Plus members can get their saved games off the PS3 cloud service. No matter where you are you can progress through God of War 4! This is going to happen because they have the tracks laid out and it's really a sweet idea!
I'd rather have exclusive games on the NGP, rather than ports. I would dislike games being made to accomodate two hardware configurations, with neither strength being optimized.
But the rumor is obviously misleading as several PS3 games render in the PS3's frame buffer at 720p, including many of Sony's top exclusives. A resolution the NGP just doesn't support, without some sort of degrading scaling.
BD-ROM media storage vs NGP media storage is another obstacle altogether.
Anyway, claims like these can be construed in many ways. Super Stardust could be considered a PS3 game on PSP.
The storage isn't really going to be much of on issue, with the smaller screen (which can't push true HD resolutions anyway, due to its size), there won't be a need for as high-end of textures and such. Additionally, part of the monstrous bulk on PS3 games is the audio channel, which at high-def ranges, dwarfs the actual game data. It's likely they won't be packing NGP with lossless audio formats. That would…well, that would require an entire card, just for the audio.
Agreed though, I'm more interested in the exclusives, than ported IP.
I'm actually not all too thrilled about the idea of a bunch of PS3 ports on the NGP. The reason being…paying twice for the same game. Hell, even if there's a few extra things tossed into the NGP version, c'mon…$60 for the PS3 version, there's no reason to believe it won't be $60 for the NGP version. $120 bucks, per game? Really?
I'm vastly more excited for the things that will be developed solely for the NGP, as with my current electronics setup, I have a PS3 for Sony exclusives, and a PC for virtually everything else. NGP needs to have it's own separate set of IP, in order for it to be appealing enough for me to purchase it.
I'm not keen on the idea of paying for NGP ports of PS3 games. But if moving forward games can be released for both platforms with a single purchase I think that would be stellar. Easily worth the purchase of an NGP. Especially if they implement a means of sharing your gamesaves between your PS3 and NGP (maybe via this cloud service we've heard rumour of) Then I could play the same game at home and on the go without skipping a beat.
This would be so sweet. That would mean Sony used a similar architecture for the NGP as the PS3. If games can be released as playable on both PS3 and NGP I'm sold already.
if this is true, i'll hurt the NGP just as PS2 ports also hurt the PSP.
Just tell me when and how much and I'm putting down my money.
Hmmm, sounds almost too good to be true…
NGP should be able to play every Playstation game ever made!
Dude, don't pull on my heart strings like that, if it doesn't happen they might break.
If the NGP is as powerful as the PS3, why not have multiplayer game link ups with both consoles? For instance playing multiplayer COD with both NGP and PS3 players without knowing which console the othe player is using. That would get me to buy the NGP.
Can anyone tell me whether the NGP will actually have a slot to fit games in or if it will be all downloadable? Because that will sort of be the buy or no-buy me.
This is what I've been wanting. Yes I want ngp to have it's own games and I'm sure it will, but why not have the added feature of ps3 support.
Hey you're at home playing Infamous 2, but it's time to drive out to see your family. Save your game to the psn cloud. Get in the car with ngp, letting wife or parent drive, turn on ngp, access cloud, load Infamous 2 and bam, back in the action.
I dream of this, I'd actually let my wife if I could do this.
I'd actually let my wife drive, that was supposed to say. Apparently my brain is faster than my fingers.
they have to be careful here. all those ps2 ports to the psps actually seemed to hurt it.
Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/1/2011 2:51:06 AM
it's true. people did not want somewhat lesser versions of their ps2 games. there is nothing wrong with key franchises being on it, however. i just don't want it to be a bunch of ports of ps3 games that we have already played.
it needs its own games to set it apart.
Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/1/2011 3:20:05 AM
hope its true, being able to play games on your ps3, copy them over, then continue on with your NGP from exactly where you left off would be sweet!
MW3 is apparently going to be the first game to feature this!
i agree, and to add to the fact that the ngp cannot be just as powerful as the ps3, the psp was close to the ps2 but not better, and what about r2 l2 r3 l3 buttons?
so the ngp cannot be just as good as the ps3
It could, conceivably, have less processor power, but have more processors, or it could just be that the power fits the scale. You would not need as much power to have seemingly high resolution on a small screen. So in a scaled comparison, while being technically weaker, it could perform to scale very similarly.
At least that's what I'm expecting to be the case.
Sounds like a good idea if the re -releases are cheap enough
Maybe older ps3 games. since I played them on ps3. why would I re buy them ? give me ps2 games
on ngp that will be the better idea.
I'm not totally convinced that re-releasing is even necessary. Sony has really dropped the ball on the remote play functionality they already have in place. I don't get what they just didn't make the NGP able to remote play anything on the harddrive or in the slot of the PS3.
i rather have PS2 ports… imagine FFX or GTA: San Andreas on the NGP… mmmmmm
Well, that might really be something for downloading. With a psn account, you can put your content on five ps3s. If the ngp can play ps3 games, then you might be able to register that content on the handheld. And then when you mix that with online save files through playstation plus, then you could play your game anywhere. If that's the case, then I might be sold.
This sounds pretty awesome!!! I'm not going to jump to conclusions on pricing for the games and all that jazz. I just think it's impressive that they can even run games like mgs on the thing. Thats pretty serious. I mean come on… It's sony. I'm sure they're going to maximize what they can do with the ngp either way. I for one would love to take a real game of FIFA on the go with me wherever. That would be totally awesome!!!
If this happens will you be able to play it on ur existing PSP?
very nice prank
Wow. Most of you fell for it. COOL. 😉