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Rumor: $100 Price Gap Between The Two NGP Models

We know a lot about the NGP (Next Generation Portable), but we're missing two key factoids: date and price.

As for the latter, it gets a little more complicated because two versions of the slick new portable unit are expected: one with 3G and one without. Of course, this means we'll see two different price tags as well, so what might the cost difference be…? Well, according to a survey conducted by research firm Toluna and apparently sponsored by Ubisoft, the price of the 3G model is known: $350. In part of the survey, it says "the retail price of the Sony NGP is expected to be around $350," and then it asks how likely you would be to make the purchase. To clarify, that price is for the 3G model, because the survey moves on to ask about the lesser version, which will apparently be priced at $250. Therefore, if accurate, we're looking at a $100 difference between the 3G and non-3G NGP…is that too much?

Do you even care about 3G functionality? Or are you just going to rely on your cell phone for that? Bear in mind that none of this has been confirmed, as Sony has yet to issue an official price announcement. It's just interesting to talk about.

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13 years ago

if thats true, i beleive thats matched at the 3ds price (sorry am english so am not quite sure of the american pricing for that) then that is great news, if you take the ipad – 78% of ipads sold are wifi only, and i think theres around a $100 difference between those two models so it seems about right, and if it ships at that price, this will sell like hotcakes!.

13 years ago

3ds is $249 here

13 years ago

i want to know how the 3g works, what it will do for me to have it as opposed to not having it. is there a provider i have to pay to access the 3g, and who? what is the coverage… cuz my at&t sucked for a while. honestly though i dont like having a system that is missing features. ill wait for real details though before setting my mind on anything.

13 years ago

If you want 3G, you will have to pay for it. Sony is actually working with providers on that.

They will release their plans closer to the NGP's launch time.

13 years ago

Hopefully there is a deal for those of up who are already using 3G with our phones.

13 years ago

250 Dollars is fantastic! I could care less about 3G connectivity. All I want is a powerful portable, and at this price point, it will be in direct competition with the 3DS. IMO, glasses-free 3D is still a gimmick that needs considerable work before I can seriously consider it a factor. There's no real reason to even think of buying the 3DS now (for me anyways). My, this is going to start quite a little war among the portable console market. Bring on the NGP (or whatever it will end up being called)!

Last edited by NoOneSpecial on 3/16/2011 10:26:47 AM

13 years ago


However, lets consider what Ben said… the price has yet to be confirmed.

Its not that I don't trust Ubisoft… well, actually…. 🙂

13 years ago

I already heard people complaining that the battery life issues for the 3D effect in 3DS. Many gamers already switched to 2D on their 3DS. Which means developers will make to make these games play the same way in 2D and 3D.

A true 3D game will need to be designed for 3D specifically. Where ledges will obscure other objects. I'm not sure what, but I doubt 3D gameplays will not work on 2D modes.

13 years ago

Personnally I am getting both 😀 lol

The fact that I have found sources saying pokemon 3ds was in the works is enough for me! :O
Im a pokebish lol And I tried the 3ds last sunday as a training for selling it. I must say the 3D works really really well and actually impressed me. I know the power difference between 3ds and PSP will be huge but I cant deny good IPs like Zelda and Icarus and Pokemon either. So yeah to avoid any headaches ill buy both 😀 lol

13 years ago

If 3G is the ONLY difference between the two models than I'm more than happy with the non-3G model for $100 less.

I've got a sweet cell phone to handle my 3G mobile needs. Besides, it can broadcast as a WiFi hotspot, so as long as the 'lesser' NGP has WiFi I'm golden.

And if these prices are accurate, you can sign me up for a $250 NGP!

13 years ago

I know this is too much to ask but I would love to see a 3G model like the Amazon Kindle. No contracts, data caps, etc., just an always-on connection. Maybe limit it to online gaming and web browsing, which uses very little data, and force movie and game downloads to be done over wifi. Of course it will never happen but we can always wish.

If the 3G model locks me into a 2 year contract with some provider, they damn well better be subsidizing the price like they do with every other mobile device. I imagine it will be unsubsidized with a pay-as-you-go month to month contract.

13 years ago

I'm with akmdpc on this one. If the 3G is like the Kindle then I am all in. I would love to be able to game multiplayer style when I'm out and about without having to search down an access point. If, on the other hand, they lock you in to a plan, I will be going with the wifi version and deal with it.

13 years ago

Still haven't decided which one I want. I have enough for the 3G model but I don't know if I am willing to pay an extra monthly fee just to use it. Unless of course I can get a deal through AT&T since I already use 3G with my iPhone.

13 years ago

Tsk Tsk, Iphone user….

13 years ago

Wouldn't have it any other way. 🙂

13 years ago

I just plan on either using my phone or tablet as a wifi hotspot for it. So if it 250 thats sounds really good.

13 years ago

Oh, that's a great idea. I wonder if the iPhone 4 lets you create a wifi hotspot like some of the Android phones do. Hope it does because I need a new phone soon and don't want to change from an iPhone to another brand.

13 years ago

With the latest iOS (4.3 I think) that just came out it allows the i-Phone 4 to have Hotspot functionality. Not sure about 3Gs and lower.

13 years ago

I heard it was an app that they will be charging for. Not sure though.

Also, if you do decide to switch, if you can get the Samsung Acclaim it is a great phone. I'm a "dropper" and I've probably dropped it a minimum of 15 times and it hasn't broke or even chipped. Just some scratches here and there.

13 years ago

nope, option already went public, att pricing and everything, 45 bucks a mo for 4gigers of data plus another 10 buck per additional gig, up to 5 connections allowed, its under settings – general – network – personal hotspot

13 years ago

Thanks JMO. I may just get a new iPhone then and go with the non 3G version for the NGP.

13 years ago

If this information turns out to be accurate, then there is one more piece of info I will need. Monthly payment. If the 3g access is free with the 3g model than I'd pay the $100 for it, but if you have to sign up for a monthly subscription, than I'll just get the wifi version.

13 years ago

Sounds good so far, but if there really is a $100 difference between the two models, I have to believe that there are more differences than just 3G. I mean, there was a $100 between the two PS3 models on Launch, and there were numerous differences, including HDD capacity, storage card readers, number of USB ports, Wifi… chrome trim… I think thats it. So, there has to be more differences, or the prices are wrong. Right?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'll have to find out more about the way that the 3G in this works, and what it is capable of before I make a purchase decision, but right now I am leaning towards it. That might (and probably will) change as the year goes on. The $250 price point for the base model would make it equivalent to the 3DS, yeah? If so, then that'll be $400 here, and I daresay the price differential wil be $150 or more… Ugh, I'll work it out when more is official.

13 years ago

250 would be awesome

13 years ago

$250? thats about £160.
Although that is about 2 and a half months pay for me…. um, yeah. Guess ill be saving up 😛

13 years ago

with personal hotspot that cellphones offer i hardly believe it would be necessary to get the 3g ngp, unless it were to be 4g capable talking about and/or sony offered a service like find my ngp.

13 years ago

totally agree, my phone can set itself up as a personal hotspot so will be using that to get my NGP connected if I needed to get it connected while I'm mobile that is! But only in a HSPDA area not a 3G area cause it would take ages! lol

13 years ago

I will gladly play $250. I don't need the 3G version. I will just use my phone for that.

13 years ago

Sold. I'll will definitley pick this up at $250 on D1. I could care less about the 3G function. Here is to hoping this is accurate.

13 years ago

If there is a 100$ price gap then it's bad cause the 3G version should be push so that online gaming can be done anywhere!

Last edited by Kiryu on 3/16/2011 7:53:37 PM

13 years ago

I'll take the 3G-less one.

13 years ago

With the cost of 3G plans currently (even plans with a data limit) being so high, I wouldn't want to have to pay a monthly data plan just to game. I'll go 3G-less and make sure I'm in range of wi-fi if I need to be online. Just imagine how bad it would be if you reach your data cap a week into the month… The wireless companies should at least come up with a plan to support other mobile devices in tandem with a current 3G subscription (smartphone). And tethering is not exacly the same as 3G data rates are higher than wi-fi.

13 years ago

All I want is to be able to play games on it and maybe use the cameras or whatever else features come with it that's about it so I'll be getting the one with no 3G.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 3/17/2011 12:19:29 AM

13 years ago

100 bucks just for 3G support?
plus the bills the telecos will charge ya?
hope they have more then just 3G, no way in hell people are going to pay 100+ bucks extra plus 30+ bucks a month on 3G contracts!
i hope there not 250 and 350, sonys AU conversion would put it around 400 and 500.
no freaking way in hell is the NGP worth the same amount as a freaking 360!
or 50 bucks more then a 3Ds, which are already overpriced!

Last edited by ___________ on 3/17/2011 1:55:00 AM

13 years ago

I think most people have wireless tethering of some sort so I'll save myself $100 and get the wifi only 🙂

The e-readers don't have a monthly plan so they could go that route as far as monthly plans go

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