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Epic Games: NGP “Raises The Bar For Handheld Performance”

Good software is key for the Next Generation Portable, and for that, it needs all the support it can get.

Many third-party game designers are already on board and now, Epic Games has revealed that the Unreal Engine 3 will support Sony's fancy new portable device. Developers will be able to license the engine for NGP games, which probably shouldn't come as any surprise. Said Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games:

"We were very proud to be onstage with SCE to give the world just a taste of what Unreal Engine 3 can do on NGP. NGP raises the bar for the performance of handheld platforms with its multi-core GPU and shader-based, multi-core CPU. This makes Unreal Engine 3 a particularly advantageous fit for NGP. Furthermore, multiple UE3 licensees are already working with NGP, some of which have indicated they intend to release their games for the platform's launch."

Boss Tim Sweeney added that his company sees the NGP as a "true game-changer with a perfect combination of performance, innovative controls and gamer appeal." In other words, we get a "high-end console in our pockets." Really, the more support the better, and to have popular game engines on the NGP should result in plenty of impressive titles.

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13 years ago

I was more amazed to see Uncharted Engine,Yakuza of the end engine running on the Next Generation Portable!

13 years ago

Sony is renowned for their engineering, even though some people don't always agree with all the decisions they make or take during the life cycle of their hardware.

I am the first to admit the NGP is a special piece of equipment. I think it will have a long shelf life relative to other mobile devices, and as they unlock its true power some amazing thing swill be done with it.

Financially though this is a hard call. I mean there is so much other good software coming out on the PS3 itself how does one try to build an NGP collection as well. I know there are individuals that just go for portable gaming, but geez, to keep up is nigh on impossible…

Who else thinks similarly and how do you intend to budget for everything coming out 🙁



13 years ago

They are saying and it's already proved that for the people who already worked on the PS3,making games on the ngp will be very very easy and will take less amount of time.All those demos they showed in the playstation meeting took about 2 to 3 weeks.So i think the software is going to be huge as good as the PS3.

13 years ago

I have no idea, I think the best way to budget it is just to give priority to one and don't get too excited about the releases on the other. I only got a PSP recently and can enjoy all its great games at a cheap price now.

I just hope there is SOME way for NGP game prices to go down over time now that UMD is dead.

13 years ago

I think World you are right… in other words, what seems to be the tactic is that if you are not an early adopter or do not have the money to keep adopting game machines and software on the first days of release, the only way is to "self-delay" the whole console and portable cycle yourself.

Essentially, we, who are in the current cycle, and have a vested interest in building up a collection and "trying" to keep up to date, may have to employ delay tactics as the only way to enjoy innovative games that are released. It seems that as the market moves, a new younger generation of people buys into the current starting point, let's say, NGP, with a day one purchase as they may not have considered (in this specific case) portable gaming before…. so they make the purchase and start buying their first games.

Us on the other hand actually have to wait, we are not new into the market and have other financial priorities… so we instigate a "self-delay" mechanism to try to keep up… we enjoy the same games a year or two years later…

Scary, which ever way you look at it…



Last edited by Qubex on 2/25/2011 12:25:46 AM

13 years ago

Kiryu, you do make a valid point. Churning out games for the NGP may be easier now, and possibly faster, the problem is… with even more games coming out and portable versions of your best titles being made available too… where do you find the money to have this entertainment on the go…



13 years ago

The thing that caught my eye here was the description of the NGP as having a multi-core GPU and a shader based multi-core CPU. I'm gonna have to guess that the CPU and GPU got transposed because the Cortex A9 cores are ARM cores, and not shader based.

But as you say, Sony engineering is always on point, even if people disagree with their philosophy at times, there is no denying that both the PS2 and PS3 are exceptional pieces of performance hardware – when exploited properly. It looks like the NGP will be no exception to that, although it also looks like they have taken on board all the criticism of PS2 and PS3 as hard to develop for.

As far as my gaming budget is concerned, NGP will blow a hole in it, I'll have to do some budget transfers to make up that gap.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 2/25/2011 11:42:08 AM

13 years ago

Well, that bodes well for… something. Maybe a Mass Effect on NGP? But I'm still rather disgusted with the way most UE3 games turn out. It was okay for the first two years of the generation but c'mon. Look at Frostbite 2!

13 years ago

im taking that as a hint that ur buying battlefield 3 huh world?

13 years ago

Doubtful, I'm not into military shooters, but as a gamer I can tell you that engine looks damn good.

13 years ago

Yeah but it wouldn't be all that bad considering it's being used for a portable device.

13 years ago

Maybe we will get some awesome FPS's now that NGP comes with too nubs. I am sure a portable version of Frostbite will be released…



Last edited by Qubex on 2/25/2011 12:27:33 AM

13 years ago

ya know, i never was a big fan of the handheld business. i bought the original psp… huge waste 4 me. set me back on the $$ i needed 2 buy my ps3.
but this little device right here… a goddamn handheld ps3(basically) i love it!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The Unreal Engine has also been used on the iPhone. Just sayin'. I just hope that whatever UE3 games developed on it don't end up being plagued by technical issues, like Enslaved.

P.S. I must say with nowhere else to do so: The banning of MK here is disappointing. I had little interest in it anyway, but some people will take it hard.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 2/25/2011 1:15:42 AM

13 years ago

what is this MK banning of which you speak?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Apparently the OFLC here in Australia has refused it classification. Such is life.

13 years ago

The unreal engine on the iPhone isn't quite the fully caffeinated version though.

13 years ago

dunno if the industries ready for this.
i just hope its reasonably priced, last thing sony needs is a repeat of the psp go!

13 years ago

Epic is right on the fact that the NGP rasised the bar and as a result economically disadvantaged developers will be left out as a result.

In the case of the 3DS, Nintendo raised the bar while at the same leveling the playing so small developers can compete with the bigger ones. In the case with the NGP, this isn't the case as I pointed out.

13 years ago

Why would "economically disadvantaged" developers be left out? What the heck is an "economically disadvantaged" developer anyways? The indications I've seen about the NGP is that development on the platform will be easier, and therefore less costly in terms of time and people, and I believe that the dev kits will not be outrageous either. If you look at the independent devs putting games on PSN, the reason a lot of them are there is that Sony does things to help small developers participate in the larger console market.

I think you're making a quite baseless accusation here. You appear to be saying that because the GNP has huge hardware performance it somehow makes things harder for small devs, but the 3DS which is less powerful (although being more complex since it's 3D) somehow makes it easier? Sorry, how does that go again? If anything having huge performance hardware makes it easier since developers don't have to be particularly efficient with their code to get a semi-decent game, they can lean on the hardware performance to help them make up the performance gap caused by inefficient code.

NGP is based on standard CPU and GPU cores as well, the same ones that are in numerous mobile devices.

Seems like you're just moaning about NGP to moan about NGP.

13 years ago


Can you give me examples as to how Nintendo "leveled the playing field," so to speak, and allowed smaller devs to compete with bigger devs? Are you trying to say it'll cost less money to develop on 3DS, and/or are you trying to say its hard to develop on NGP?

Because either way, what you're saying is a load of bull. Its going to cost devs probably about the same amount of money to create games on both devices, and if you haven't been paying attention, just about every dev has come out saying how easy it is to develop for NGP.

The only difference between the two handhelds is that NGP actually raises the bar, whilst 3DS plods through the exact same territory as before with some 3D thrown in.

13 years ago

i really cant wait to get my hands on a ngp.

off topic but did you guys know that Kevin Butler was on That 70's Show?

for any one interested he plays the guy that hires Eric for the bank. season 5 episode 18 about 10 minutes in. its on netflix

13 years ago

i've heard he was on everybody loves raymond too. as for ngp, i definitely interested becuase i'm hoping it will become a haven for jrpgs. square handheld titles have actually been pretty good.

13 years ago

The only other place I've seen KB has been in a Capital One commercial.

13 years ago

yeah how about some long action rpgs too, with also outstanding graphics

Last edited by gangan19 on 2/25/2011 2:56:09 AM

13 years ago

Portable version of Skyrim?



13 years ago

Oh goodie, they're going to spam the ngp with UE3 crap too! Joy.

13 years ago

Well, I have mixed feelings as well, but on the other hand, if it sells more games and more consoles, I'm all for it because both of those mean more games for people like you and I.

13 years ago

I hope there will be enough left on store selves. But really, I just hope that sony will get this one right. The features look spectacle, and over the edge. But the only thing they have to be extremely careful is the pricing. if it's too high no one is going to get it. too low and theres no profit. just hope they make the right decision and make it $250 or under for the normal version.

13 years ago

I'd like to see a GTA for the NGP

13 years ago

I stopped reading after seeing 'Unreal Engine 3' was brought up. Who cares about Unreal Engine, it's a sloppy and broken game engine that lacks any real quality.