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PSXE Poll Update: Gamers Psyched For The NGP

Sony says they'll have to clearly distinguish between the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play and the Next Generation Portable.

But they needn't worry when it comes to the avid gamers: according to our recent poll, the vast majority are simply more interested in Sony's second portable effort. When asked if they were more interested in the Xperia Play (the "PlayStation Phone") or the NGP, the results were clear, and not many said they weren't intrigued by either super advanced electronic gadget. It seems clear that those "in the know" understand that one is designed specifically for gaming, while the other is a smartphone with some PlayStation compatibility. The results don't mean people aren't interested in the new phone; they merely mean gamers – those who visit PSXE, certainly – have their priorities straight when it comes to entertainment. They want the next great thing in the realm of portable video games, and that is most definitely the NGP.

This week, Killzone 3 launches and we just want to know: are you planning to pick it up? Maybe our review convinced you, or maybe other reviews concerned you. Or maybe you're just not into shooters and you're waiting on Dragon Age II in a few weeks. Whatever the answer, we want to know.

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13 years ago

Got to get it a bit later, I'm swamped. But I hope the sales are through the friggin roof. GG deserves it.

NGP is defo for me, but there's no telling when. That price is gonna be a determining factor.

13 years ago

Once I can afford the sharp shooter and the game I'll get around to it.

13 years ago

Yea a phone is a phone. No need to play games on it. That's what Playstation Portables are for. 🙂

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

BUT if it's just an add on, why not have it? Im pretty sure it doesn't downgrade the abilities the phone can do. So it's all good 🙂

13 years ago

Yea that's all fine, I like having lots of options too. I just prefer not too play games on my phone. 🙂

13 years ago

I prefer to play on a dedicated portable rather than a phone as well… the NGP should suffice, but I don't intend on getting it this year. I will wait for sometime in 2012, see how the platform matures.



13 years ago

Definitely getting both but I agree with you Jawknee, I don't really play games on my phone. Maybe when the specs catch up to the most advanced phones out there. I am a technophile so I want to give it a run through anyway. NGP is the way to go.

Sony is giving gamers options. What with a Sony Playstation Certified Tablet in the works too. It's a good time to be a Sony fan.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/21/2011 11:21:22 AM

13 years ago

exactly Jawknee, I'm with u.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Sorry, im not going to get KILLZONE3! It's a good game, it is… BUT I don't like the feeling of it. It doesn't mean I think it's a bad game. Just tight on money and I prefer Rockstar over Guerilla Games. Im only getting selected games this year and I think L.A Noire is one of them. Anyway KILLZONE3 is a good game and other then me, everyone should buy it. Im sure everyone IGNored IGNs review… or most people, cuz' if you look at their youtube review video in the comment section, many people are just bashing on IGN. Glad KILLZONE3 is looking it'll do well, another year, another KILLZONE to start it with!

13 years ago

Look, I feel similarly that it is impossible to buy all these great games, but what I have done is budget for 3 to 4 of the top titles this year, with other games being bought on sale.

My top buys are;

1] Killzone3
2] LA Noire
3] UC3
4] Last Guardian

Others that i have missed will be picked up along the way on sales… I must admit Battlefield 3 also looks like a good purchase…



13 years ago

Wasn't your KZ3 video commentary supposed to go live on your Youtube channel today? I was really looking forward to it!

13 years ago

More news will occur throughout the day as per usual 🙂

13 years ago

Preordered Killzone 3 Collectors Edition and cannot wait for Thursday to roll round.

As for the NGP, gonna wait for the first major price drop or a slim version before pouncing on it. It's certainly got my attention more than the 3DS. 3DS has Zelda Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart 3D, but there's not much else and the battery life is shocking!!

Here's hoping the NGP has longer battery then 3DS, THEN Sony will have something to REALLY boast about! 😛

13 years ago

Got mine preordered. Just found out amazon is giving a $20 credit for it too. I'm really thinking about getting the sharp shooter now. Still a little hesitant though. I'm hoping we can talk Ben into a Review of it. Maybe if we ask nicely.


13 years ago

I don't see myself playing a portable enough to warrant a dedicated machine. I'd like to have the ngp but realistically I just don't have many times where I would need a portable. My contract is up on my phone so I might go with the xperia just for the novelty and the ability to play a game once in a while. As for kz3, I'm not so sure, i wasn't really a fan of kz2 even though it was very well polished.

13 years ago

I don't see myself playing a portable enough to warrant a dedicated machine. I'd like to have the ngp but realistically I just don't have many times where I would need a portable. My contract is up on my phone so I might go with the xperia just for the novelty and the ability to play a game once in a while. As for kz3, I'm not so sure, i wasn't really a fan of kz2 even though it was very well polished.

13 years ago

all depends on what it offers and how much it is for me.
if its cheap, and i mean human cheap, not sony cheap, and it has heaps of cool new features nothing else offers then i might get it.
but if its a supped up PSP with trophies, then there going to have a hard time getting me to shell 400+ bucks for one!

i was going to rent KZ3, but since im going to the launch party tomorrow i get a free copy!
nice to be able to get the game early that way i can try blast through it, have it done by thursday so i can start on bulletstorm.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

KZ3 not D1P, only because I won't be able to get my hands on a copy until next time I head to the city, which should maybe be three weeks. Gives me time to finish Dead Space, get through the second, as well as the first two entries in the KZ series.

13 years ago

Actually, I'm picking up De Blob 2 on Tuesday. Anything to get the wife deeper into gaming!

13 years ago

NGP: Would love to play some Mass Effect 2 or Dragons Age on the train to work.

If its PS3 quality then I would gladly pay the same for a NGP game.

Could never justify spending $65 on a PSP game (us Aussies get ripped off).

As long as I can get some money back trading in my PSP.

Re: Killzone 3.

I am still trying to decide between Killzone 3 and Dragons Age 2. Different I know but am in a RPG phase at the moment. Loved ME2 and playing through Nier and just bought Eternal Sonata cheap (anyone played it?).

Killzone just looks so atmospheric!!! Everyone needs a good shooter on the shelf.

13 years ago

Eternal Sonata….just wow. I bought that a year ago and played it for around 8 hours. I didn't care for it at all. They keep changing the way things handle. Every time your team levels up, they change the way the fights handle. Hope you like it though. The music was really…..elevator-like.

13 years ago

Thought I would give Eternal Sonata a go as it was really cheap and I have read some good reviews for it.

I like classical music as well so thought the sound would be good.

We'll see… Killzone 3 and probably another playthrough of Mass Effect 2 to get through first.

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
13 years ago

I pre-ordered Killzone 3 and a Sharpshooter to go along with it. I am really excited to test out Move controls on Killzone 3. It is really important to me that the Guerilla Games built the motion controls into the game from the ground up.

I am excited for NGP, but need to know how much it will cost first. 3DS is a very interesting proposition and Nintendo has a proven record of dominating the handheld market.

13 years ago

if the price is cheap ill be pre ordering it right off the bat. also i need to know more about it. knowing sony they probably take some feats out of it, to make it cheaper. look at the first prototype of the ps3 it had 3 hdmi ports, 2 avi ports, 2 Ethernet ports, etc. than when it came out officially it was reduce to what the fat ps3 had in 2006. i bet at gdc they will tease the crap out of us with ngp and when e3 hits that's when they will bring all the guns on what they are planning for the ngp

13 years ago

I chose "Haven't decided yet", but it's not because I don't think the game's worth it, but because my exam results are gonna get e-mailed to me today, and depending on whether I passed or not, I'll get the game. Because I need to pay for a resit exam out of my own pocket if I failed, and if I did that, I wouldn't have money to buy KZ3, or any other amazing game coming out. I didn't even get LBP2 :'( .

13 years ago

I voted for the NGP as I'm really excited about it. This will be the best handheld on the market I think.

On the new poll KZ3 will be a D1P for me. I actually canceled my preorder at Gamestop to get it through Amazon for the extra $20 for a future purchase. Now I'll definitely be buying the sharp shooter gun for the move.

13 years ago

Killzone 3 pre-ordered from Amazon through Home with release day shipping. Contacted them to make sure that I will be getting the $20 credit. All is well.

NGP > Xperia Play. No doubt. I wonder if, or more likely When will Sony release the so called PS tablet. If they are making an Android phone there is no doubt they will do a tablet too. 2011 is going to be an interesting year for Sony.

13 years ago

Sony Tablet huh, watch out Apple Ipad.

13 years ago

Well, I'll have to have a PlayStation Suite capable phone, and unless the Xperia Play is totally suck-worthy, it will be better than my Moto Droid since it has game controls.

However, given a choice of the NGP or the Xperia Play, I'd take the NGP any day. However, since my phone buying isn't linked to my gaming, should be OK to get both, or at least a decent PlayStation Suite capable device and an NGP.

13 years ago

If ur a gamer, NGP would be the way to go, + if u talk alot on a cell phone, doesn't make sense to play games as it's going to drain the battery level fast. Unless if they put some super duper battery in the Xperia Play phone.

13 years ago

I still hope NGP isn't the name of it. Those initials still mean "Neo Geo Pocket" to me.