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Xperia Play Set For Spring, Will Enter The Verizon Network

We know it's coming and now we have an official breakdown from Sony Ericsson.

The press release is here: the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play is the world's first PlayStation Certified smartphone, and it's powered by the latest Android version (Gingerbread version 2.3). It'll be available this spring and there will be "more than 50 top game titles available at launch," which should appeal to long-time fans of the PlayStation brand. And the fresh news is this- it'll be available on the Verizon Wireless Network. Said Peter Farmer, Sony Ericsson Head of Marketing for North America:

"This Spring, expect to see a lot of people with their heads down and thumbs up. Xperia™ PLAY combined with the power of the Verizon Wireless network gives you everything you need in a smartphone and the one thing you want – the ultimate gaming experience."

Some of the games on tap are Adrenaline 6 , Bruce Lee , Star Battalion , The Sims 3 , and of course, Tetris . The latest ESA survey says 67% of households in the US play computer or video games, 42% of heads of households play games on wireless devices (up from 20% in 2002), the average age of a gamer is 34, and 40% of those game players are women. Lastly, Facebook users can enter the First2Play contest; there will be 10 winners, and they'll be the first 10 people to get the Xperia Play. Just visit Sony Ericsson's page and hit the "Play Now" tab. The key features of this cool device are as follows:

So, anything else you need to know? …price, right? Well, that will surely come in due time but for now, it'll be interesting to see if the PlayStation crowd reacts positively to the phone. We're kind of assuming it will.

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14 years ago

Im glad. AT&T has gone down hill. They wont let me update to Android 2.0 on my Xperia x10, so I have to unbrand my phone, flash it, update to 2.0 and then rebrand it in order to get the new Android. Its ridiculous. Once my contract with AT&T is up, Im going to Verizon to try them out.

14 years ago

Man, I really want this phone, but I'm on sprint and I don't want to pay 30 bucks for data every month.

14 years ago

Well now I'm curious about what games this will support. The launch games leave much to be desired. Will I or will I not be playing FFVIII on this thing?

14 years ago

I wish this was on US Cellular. I'm not in a hurry to leave my carrier. I never have service problems and my local US Cell guy lives in the apartment above mine so I can basically get anything whenever from him.

14 years ago

Wow. . .

14 years ago

Verizon is suck. No coverage.

14 years ago

Hopefully they have an unlocked version of this bad boy.

14 years ago

So does this mean NGP will be using Verizon as well?

14 years ago

Verizon eh? Well, that seals the deal foe me, as soon as Verizon's site tells me I'm eligible to upgrade, I'll be looking at this puppy.

14 years ago

looks ok, but they need to beef it up a little.
the screen looks really small, and it does not have the specs i was expecting.
have not seen any games running on it yet, but i seriously doubt its going to be anything like the iphone 4!
dont forget apple are releasing a new iphone this year too, so that will make this look like ancient history!

14 years ago

Except of course this has PS controls and PS Suite, and iPhone doesn't. And of course this is an android phone, iPhone isn't. Oh, and this isn't Apple, iFawn is. I dislike Apple almost as much as I dislike MS. So, I'll stick with Android myself.

14 years ago

I also dislike Apple, but the specs on this thing are still weak. It's actually below high-end Android phones that you can buy *today* and it's going to be completely outclassed very soon.

I very much like the *idea* behind the phone, but I have to wonder what Sony was thinking with those specs. And if this is going to be the gold standard for PS Suite certification then don't expect PS Suite games to push the envelope.

14 years ago

everyone hates apple!
pisses me off that i pay for a phone, but if i want to use a song as my ring tone than i have to buy it again of itunes.
but you have to admit they make the best phone out there!
the last phone i had, the W850I i think it was spent at least 1 week of every month in the repair center!
had my 3G from release till the 4 release nothing went wrong with it, had my 4 since release and again nothing went wrong with it!
my father has the HTC desire HD only had it for 7 months and already his battery has died.
took it into the repair center today, and they want 100 bucks just too look at it because they say the warranty for the battery only lasts 6 months so its out of warranty.
thats utter BS, you cant offer 1 year warranty on the phone but only 6 months for the battery!
i like the freedom google android phones give you, but i have heard allot of bad reliability stories.
apple on the other hand, besides the bad reception BS are bulletproof!

who cares about the controls?
i love the touchscreen, only problem being, well its kinda hard to see through my fingers!
that sometimes gets annoying, but besides that it really comes in handy!
ive been really disappointed by the specs though, sony normally come out and set the bar but there not even close!
come july once the new Iphone releases this things going to look 10 years old!

Last edited by ___________ on 2/14/2011 7:35:10 AM

14 years ago

Why would you get a phone repaired for a battery? Just buy a new battery, the iPhone is the only phone that you cannot take the battery cover off easily.

14 years ago

I think SonyE are not investing in the latest specs because they want to gauge the response to this phone. Phone companies upgrade models almost every year or so anyway so I am sure this is not the last iteration of the X-Play. I wish they went all out as well but lets see how this all plays out. I did notice that none of the Xperia line has any dual core processors. Strange. Or did I miss something

14 years ago

so going with lower specs to the point that would make your product look out of date is going to garner you more sales then doing what they normally do?
testing the water, well how well did that go when they released the go?
i cant understand sonys new strategy to new hardware, they use to be all balls out and now there all sensible ned!
testing the water, releasing outdated tech is not what got them where they are today!
if they want to compete in the phone market, the only way they can is to offer the best most technological advanced product out there.
releasing a cheap phone with controls and access to PSN is not going to do it, they need the hardware to back it up!

14 years ago

The people I know with cell phones are either on AT&T or Sprint. Only time I hear about Verizon is on the commercials

14 years ago

mang i have Metropcs. i wonder if they can fully flash this baby to Metropcs =)

14 years ago

That stinks I can't upgrade until Spring next year. Would like a line-up on the games and a dual-core processor like the Thunderbolt.

14 years ago

I would bet that if the Xperia Play sells well enough, there will be others in the series with better hardware in the future.

14 years ago

Thunderbolt is not dual core

14 years ago

Definitely considering it. I don't need an extremely fancy phone (specs wise) so this might be for me.

14 years ago

And lets not forget that any titles or content you have already purchased on PSN will NOT be transferable to the Xperia Play.

Yup. You'll have to buy it again…

14 years ago


I was thinking about that very thing when posting. There's no way that the Xperia Play would be allowed to attach to PSN, Android is far too open and vulnerable. That would make PSN open and vulnerable. So, I'm actually not surprised about that lack of transferability (although I do have to wonder whether it makes sense not to allow PS1 games on your PS3 to be transferred) from PSN.

14 years ago

Not a fan of repurchasing. Whatever happened to the mantra that Sony wishes to allow all their devices to access the PSN and other Sony content. I know that this is SonyEricsson but I am sure something can be done. The NGP will be connected so I will be able to access all my PS1 games and Minis and all elseon that but I would love to have that capability on the phone as well somehow. Even if it is limited. It would be an excellent selling point. Ill keep my fingers crossed.

They did state that some PS1 games are on on the phone along with the installed apps so there may be hope.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/14/2011 4:59:19 PM

14 years ago

It would have been better if they introduced multiple carries at once. The adoption rate would be better. Also, I am not moving to Verizon. I guess I will have to wait. I will still have access to this Phone but It wont be under my account.

If Sony truly consolidated all of its media they would dominate. Supposedly that is the master plan. Imagine Movies, Music, Games and software all accessible from all of their devices. That would be very attractive to consumers. It would be the best way to invade Apples space.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/14/2011 5:07:08 PM

14 years ago

Verizon is a good company. I don't know why so many people are complaining about them. Think of this phone as the PSP Go.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/14/2011 8:52:37 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Pyro: No idea why you think it's cool to advertise other sites, but dropping that link into every post is going to stop.