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Is The NGP For Hardcore Gamers Or Gadget Lovers?

Yes, the PSP2 – codenamed the "NGP" (Next Generation Portable) – has been revealed, and it's all anyone can talk about. If you're way behind and out of the loop, we've got a good half-dozen articles dedicated to Sony's ambitious new handheld; read all of 'em, if you want.

But after digesting all the relevant info, I'm just wondering: will this high-tech device cater as much to the hardcore gamer as it will to the gadget lover? Or will one group prefer it more than the other? The reason I ask is because as technology makes all these advancements and everyone wants a piece of the vast mobile market, gaming seems to take a back seat. That being said, we all know that Sony typically puts the games first. We saw Uncharted during the presentation and with franchises like Resistance , Wipeout and LittleBigPlanet (and whatever Kojima will reveal at E3), we know the NGP will have a healthy assortment of titles. But will they be the driving force behind a consumer's purchase decision…?

Or will they be looking more at the social and multimedia features? Sony wishes to differentiate the new portable from the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play phone, and perhaps they will…then again, maybe people will find themselves forced to choose between the NGP and the "PlayStation Phone." The fact that both will be out in the same year may also prompt less-than-wealthy consumers to make a difficult choice. Is it more about the games for you? If so, it has to be the PSP's successor. Right? And if you just want a new phone; well, you know what to do. But with gaming becoming more mainstream and the gadget lovers desiring just about anything shiny that's also mobile, it'll be interesting to see how Sony maintains their focus on games. Either way, we can't wait to see the NGP in action.

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14 years ago

This is an easy question, and I agree with a lot of you. I mean, why not both? It certainly looks like it'll be able to. With the souped up processing power, I'm assuming it's going to have pretty amazing, hardcore games.

14 years ago

Sony would be smart to focus on the NGP being more than just a gaming device. Based on past iterations of the PSP (except the GO) its clear they've got portable gaming down pat. If they truly want to take it to the next level they need to clearly explain to the general public that this device "only does everything" like to the PS3 but in your hands.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
14 years ago

Well, if the teaser trailer for the NGP is any indication it looks like Sony is ready to do just that.

14 years ago

I agree with you. I think that they need to ensure that there are sufficient non-gaming apps to make the device a viable sub-tablet & mobile media device. The PSP almost fulfilled all of that, it lacked a touch screen or keyboard, and mobile data network access. This new NGP/PSP2 fixes both of those, and adds more power and a bigger screen.

14 years ago

I think that, like PS3, big technical advanced had to be done to ensure the games are the best they can be.

The powerful gadgets always appeal to gadget lovers and also hardcore gamers.

14 years ago

Games will be everything just as it was on the DS. Nintendo only added browsers and social activities AFTER the games poured in.

Coming out with all this is fantastic, but there is a serious need for games on Sony's handheld.