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Rumor: PSP2 Officially Revealed In Two Weeks In Tokyo

Sony has plenty of trouble keeping big secrets and by now, it won't come as any huge shock.

Still, if the official unveiling really does happen this month, that's probably earlier than most anticipated. According to MCV , inside sources have confirmed that the PSP2 will be announced at a press event in Tokyo on January 27. That's only a few weeks away and although we had expected Sony to save such a big reveal for GDC or E3, it appears they want to get the hype ball rolling. We may finally have the design and specs directly in front of our greedy eyes, and maybe they'll even announce a few launch titles to go along with the new hardware. Of course, the most important details will be date and price: if it is revealed on January 27, will we really have to wait until the holidays…? As for price, they can't go too loopy; a $300 handheld unit is going to turn off a great many consumers. The original PSP launched at $250 and that proved to be a barrier for quite some time, and let's not forget that the PS3 is $300 these days.

Well, anyway, we're actually getting a little tired of all the rumors and speculation. We honestly hope it does end in a few weeks.

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Radical Gordon
Radical Gordon
14 years ago

I really hope this is true.
Please have dual analog sliders/sticks.

Last edited by Radical Gordon on 1/12/2011 11:08:48 AM

14 years ago

WOO HOO! I'm tired of the talk. I want substance now. And I hope that PS2-PSN games get announced around the same time.

14 years ago

I dont think there will be a support for the PS2 this early since the PS2's market inst dead yet , the PS2 is still doing well despite its old age ,specially in developing countries.

maybe they will they would include it in later updates for this device

Last edited by ABUrabad on 1/12/2011 3:48:46 PM

14 years ago

That's bad news. This ninja frowns

14 years ago

im not too good but thats about 150-200 quid right. jheeez. i wouldnt for that much!

14 years ago

300 no way, get a PS3 instead, (to the people who don't own 1 yet).

14 years ago

You can't compare the launch price of a handheld with a console having desperate pricecuts for 4 years.

If you can get a PS3 mobile for $600 would you pay for it? I'm pretty sure there's plenty of supporters considering 4-5 million gamers bought the 60 gig PS3. Of course you can't compare the power of a PSP2 with a PS3, but the PSP2 is comparable to a PS2.5. I think $300 for a PS2.5 mobile sounds about right, even better if it's $250.

14 years ago

Yes! If you don't have a PS3 Don't buy the PSP2 but if you don't have the home entertainment monster yet, make that your biggest priority.

14 years ago

How much as a PSP compared to a PS2 when the PSP launched? That would be a valid reality check here.

14 years ago

Why isn't anyone writing an article on dc universe online? Like the agency, that's an mmo too right?

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
14 years ago

It's probably too soon to gauge whether or not DC Universe Online is a success. As far as I can tell there haven't even been any reviews yet.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

It's got a hype monster going for it… Yay Sony. Like the massive ad in the background here. And yeah, I don't think review copies were sent out until release. You'll see some ongoing reviews, but not any finalised ones for maye a couple of weeks at least.

14 years ago

If I correctly remember the Nintendo 3DS price is 300$, then there is a hope that Sony PSP2 will be cheaper if Sony wants to compete with Nintendo.

Last edited by Xzer0 on 1/12/2011 11:55:34 AM

14 years ago

Nintendo has always been the cautious company. Considering that the 3DS has broken the price tag record of handhelds, Nintendo is pretty confident it'll beat the competition.

14 years ago

What ever the price is for the 3DS then the PSP2 most cost cheaper.

I think it's just ridiculous crazy how people get all excited for the next DS. They will pay anything along with trading in there old DS.
Sony needs, has too hit the sweet spot with the price so the DS people will notice, rethink their purchase of the new DS and go, "hey, that's cool, and its cheaper too."

That is what sony has to do. If that is possible with kids these days, fanboyism. It is for any true gamer.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
14 years ago

Is anyone besides me starting to wonder if Sony is actually doing this information leak thing on purpose? The fact that it seems to happen so often is starting to smell a little fishy it would seem.

14 years ago

I think they just don't bother to try to keep secrets much anymore.

14 years ago

Considering how long the PSP2 has been rumored, we still have no real concrete information on it's specs, so they do manage to keep some secrets.

14 years ago

Please don't care about psp this year sony.
PS3 is already looking EPIC this year!

14 years ago

How the hell do these leaks keep happening?

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
14 years ago

I guess you didn't notice my previous post. It's possible that Sony is actually doing this on purpose.

14 years ago

Nah, I think it's because so many people love Sony that they just can't help but stalk them.

14 years ago

A weak bladder?

14 years ago

I dont think this would be valued as a leak since there are no exact specifications or any pictures of this device

14 years ago

No Mario to fix leaks. :/

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Nah, I think it'll be the PSPhone announcement. The PSP2 will be a bit later on in the year, leaving a shorter time for hype to build, and less disappointment. I've been thinking, and it occurs to me that Sony would do well to release it at the very tail end of this year, and keeping a minimal presence on the PS3 next year to allow the PSP2 to shine. They will have to support it strongly in at least the first year to get the fanbase up, and then keep a fairly consistent flow of third party support going.

2011 is all about the PS3, but 2012, if Sony plays their cards right, should belong to the next portable. They need to get some big name franchises on there, as well as a couple of very engaging original IPs. FF, Resistance, GTA, Uncharted, I'd love to see DMC: Dance of Sparda brought back to life, VC, RE, perhaps a Dead Space game. As well as things like Echochrome, Patapon, Locoroco. Things that will only really work on the portable. I'll stop talking sh** now.

14 years ago

I haven't seen 1 article on previews or anything regarding the mmo dc universe. I've seen quite a bit on uncharted, ff13, ff13 versus, ff14 what if's, or what is needed to make it better franchise.

Ign, Destructoid, even Kotaku has more articles on it. But if it's a load of crap, he or she is all over it.

14 years ago

I linked to a few for you (including a preview) in your above post as soon as the comment gets moderator approval.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/12/2011 1:02:11 PM

14 years ago

I'm interested in the specs, but since it took me like four thousand years to get a PSP I'm not itching to get a PSP2 any time soon. But that may change if it starts to hold all the JRPG cards.

14 years ago

I didn't think $250 was a barrier to PSP Go. I believe "no physical media" is the barrier. We only get a download of the game, plus the manufacturing price of PSP Go is so much cheaper. It just felt like a total rip-off.

The original PSP Core was sold at $199 and the bundle at $230. The more technical PSP2 selling at $250 is really competitive already. It'll still be $50 cheaper than the rumored 3DS.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
14 years ago

I think that the biggest problem with the PSP Go was that it simply didn't give people any serious incentive to buy it in terms of software. I mean anyone could simply pick up a cheaper original PSP and still get all of the same games.

14 years ago

Man , this device will Rock , but the funny thing this may be the first device from Sony to be demonstrated with no leaked images, no one can be sure what will this device would look like and its exact specifications.

but Im sure that Sony is well known for boosting a lot of power and quality into their devices

and also this device will be greatly influenced by devices we already seeing in the markting like including a touch screen and being supported by a lot of mini games

I like also this device to have backward compatibility to the old psp and maybe the old PS1 and maybe the PS2 but that may effected by lacking of enough buttons

but the only thing I would like to see A 2 ANALOG STICKS

ah and as a lot of people has mentioned this device will be challenged mostly in the power of its battery , more juice means more fun

14 years ago

I can't wait for some official news on PSP2, I really want some hardware specs and screens. Until I get that it's all kind of surreal.

I think $250 would be a pretty reasonable entry point for PSP2. All the enthusiasts are gonna pony up the dough anyway, so Sony might as well capitalize on that to recoup some money. They can't make it $300, your new handheld simply can't be the same price as your flagship home console. I think $250 is the magic number here. I might even buy one at $250, but it's gotta be seriously badass, like blow my eyes out the back of my skull badass. Otherwise I'll probably wait till it breaks the $200 barrier. Same plan I had with my PSP.

14 years ago

I wont be picking one up if it costs 250.

14 years ago

For all of those saying that they won't pick one up if it costs $250. May I ask why? The original came in at $250 5 years ago, so after inflation this would be cheaper than the original. Personally I think all this posturing needs to cease. People will buy it at the launch price. As usual the early adopters will get in early, the price will fall and everyone else will join in. But to castigate a product before it's launched because of an imagined price point that's lower (in real terms) than the price point of the predecessor is just posturing, nothing else.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
14 years ago

My birthday on the 27th!

14 years ago

Anybody who think a PSP2 is going to be cheap is kidding themselves. I say this because the current economic climate at this very moment isn't in Sony favor given the fact the company is still bleeding cash and the exchange rate(with a strong yen) isn't in their favor as an exporter. If anything, I predict a PSP2 in the $400-700 range.

Last edited by A2K78 on 1/12/2011 5:37:30 PM

14 years ago

No. No.
You are way wrong, there is no way the PSP2 will cost that much and its just ridiculous that you say it will cost any where near $700.

The PSP2 will be at $200-$300.
I'm guessing it will be about $250.

Sony does have some computition with the DS, the price will be huge if they want some sales to keep up with the DS.
I personally hate the DS, the hole duel screen and touch screen is just stupid.

14 years ago

Sweet! 🙂
This is a lot sooner then I thought.
The price is the only concern for me. It can't cost more then $199.
Sony would make a big mistake if it cost as high as $249. Many, many costumers will immediately turn and walk the other way with a price tag to high.

I am excited for this, I can't wait to here the price and what games will be available at launch.

14 years ago

"You are way wrong, there is no way the PSP2 will cost that much and its just ridiculous that you say it will cost any where near $700."

first and foremost my prediction is only conservative. secondly the world isn't getting any cheaper but rather more expensive(especially since the purchasing power of the dollar is dimminishing), and even Nintendo realized this when they unviled the 3DS's MSRP.

In the case Sony there is no way on earth that something like the PSP2 could be sold at a sub $300 price point because like I have said, only is Sony still losing money like mad, the current exchange of the yen doesn't favor it.

14 years ago

It's about time Sony… of course the specifications will be very interesting indeed… we will see just how powerful (or not)… it really is… role in the hype machine…



14 years ago

What will be interesting – as well as the specs – is the actual lanuch window.

14 years ago

i doubt they would do it at such a small event.
sony will want to get the world excited about it, kinda hard to do so if only 5 or so people are actually going to see it!
E3 would be a much better prospect, every man and his dog will be watching so its the perfect time to announce new hardware.
i was positive it would be GDC because its nice and early, gives them plenty of time to work on it and build the hype train, E3 only gives them 5 or so months, and plenty people pay attention to it.
but its a no show.

14 years ago

How about an E3 formal announcement – no specific dates or prices and only approximate specifications. Then a TGS launch with complete specs and concrete dates/prices.

14 years ago

thats what im thinking, except it does not give the market much time to get the hype train going.
kinda like what sony did with the go and ps3 slim they announced them and released them so close together, you really want a good 8 months or so to slowly let more info out about it than later say 3 months before release then announce the date.
E3 really only leaves 5 months.
E3 is what in early june this year?
they will want to release it by the end of november so that only gives them around 5 months.
GDC would of been the perfect opportunity to announce it!
heaps of developers go to that too, so it would be the perfect spot to try impress some companies and coax them over to developing for your system.

14 years ago


One way of the other, I don't think we're looking at an actual launch prior to the Holiday season 2011. Sony needs time to get games going for this thing, and re-review the security in light of the lessons that can be learned from the PSP, PSP-Go and PS3.

14 years ago

I think Nintendo is planning on announcing release dates for the 3DS around the end of January/beginning of February, so the announcement on the 27th might just be a means of taking some of the spotlight away from Nintendo.

14 years ago

honestly sony is not competing with the 3Ds, thats a totally different market.
they should release the thing when its ready.
properly tested, tough as nails and has a massive lineup for it.
not the crap ps3 or move lineup we had to put up with.
I dont care when they release it as long as its got a sh*t load of games that makes mas say i got to go get this right now!