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PlayStation Phone With Xperia Logo Leaks Out

The PlayStation Phone is real. There, we said it. Okay, Sony hasn't quite admitted it in an official press release but at this point, we can't ignore the inevitability any longer.

The last report said it would be revealed February and land on store shelves in April and now, more pics of the incoming new phone have been spotted by Engadget : seen here, it's the long-rumored gadget with both PlayStation and Xperia branding; the unit may end up being dubbed the Zeus Z1. It's shown here running Android 2.2 next to an Xperia X10; they're pretty similar. These things are already starting to leak out in Japanese factories, apparently, because the dude who did the leaking has two of each…or so he says. The bottom line is that in 2011, you should be able to put your PlayStation loyalty on public display, and it doesn't have to be the PSP. The phone's official specs – and again, official existence – have yet to be confirmed or announced but we imagine we'll get all that next month.

In the meantime, we have to note that a good many people are interested in this little gadget when it arrives; more than half so far are at least semi-intrigued, according to our poll.

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14 years ago

Keeping my eye on this, but the price may have everything to do with me actually purchasing this.

14 years ago

I just had a flashback to the release of the PSP Go.

14 years ago

hopefully in the uk it just comes as a standard phone, where it will be free on contract, if so then am defo getting this ( getting it even if its not), had my htc desire for nearly 12months now anyway, got it last march so it not be out til around then

14 years ago

Yeah well considering an Iphone 4 is anywhere between 700-800$ without a contract you can't expect to have a competitive phone from sony if it doesn't have enough in it to pack a punch and be anywhere around the 500$ and more price tag. Anyway we will probably be able to get it for 50$ with a 3 yrs contract 😀 lol

Phone market is not the same as handhelds so don't expect a small 200$ price tag 😛

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/4/2011 7:31:22 PM

14 years ago

Same here. My phone has been acting up. May be time for a new one (depends though on the price)

14 years ago

Talk about having a Playstation lifestyle.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I love my Android device, but I just got it less than 6 months ago so it's gonna take a lot of features/apps to make me want to switch to this new device. We shall see.

14 years ago

I'll be keeping an eye on this, but I'm still having a hard time justifying paying for the phone I've got, so this may be a pass for me.

14 years ago

i hear ya

14 years ago

Lookiing to upgrade from my old Samsung. This looks promising, but I'm a diehard geek and I prefer bare Android, but if this has the new 2.3 update, I might get it. I pray to god that it won't be on the AT&T network.

14 years ago

it does, i think the original report was wrong saying it was 2.2, was later corrected to 2.3, as in the other pics it clearly shows running 2.3.

14 years ago

Something tells me US cellular won't be picking this up :/ Most likely Verizon will be picking it up. T-mobile doesn't have the network for it and AT&T can't see past apple.

14 years ago

A cell phone that plays ps1 games NOT PS2 games that shares the same interface as the ps3. Whatever.

Were you this excited of the anticipation of the psp go? I know i was, until i realized it was the same bull!@#$ i already have but in a much cuter shell.

By the way, how do you change your avater on this site? I have been trying to do it but it won't let me. Please assist.

14 years ago

what are you on about? same interface as the ps3? it runs android, its just the same as all the other high end android phones (which is a good thing) plus theres access to a playstation store, no one knows what kind of games will play onit but thats the only difference compared to other android phones. The bonus of this will be that android games ( which theres plenty of ) you will be able to use the gamepad… including the emulators that are on the market.

14 years ago

Click "User CP" then "Update Account Information"

14 years ago

If only Sony combined the (allegedly) powerful hardware of the PSP2 with cell phone capabilities, then that would a seriously amazing piece of kit that I would have no hesitation in ditching my iPhone for. Not sure what the specs on this phone are, so i'm intrigued, but not yet ready to shell out for one.

Last edited by NazzyQ on 1/4/2011 4:53:29 PM

14 years ago

the trouble with that is that the psp2 wont be a small device (think the original psp) and it wont have some magic battery life, it will have around 6-8 hours like the psp, now if you stick phone functions onto that, and well the battery life will be just unusable, you cant have this 1080p ps3 like graphics on a phone and have it small enough that people will wont it, though i do agree would be amazing if that was the case.

14 years ago

They should call it the Kratos, not Zeus, considering it's a PlayStation Phone.

14 years ago

if it's called like that im buying it definitely !! ^^

14 years ago

Unfortunately, the phone then makes your voice sound REALLY angry every time you make a call.


14 years ago

I'm already sold on this, all I'm waiting for now is the price.

14 years ago

This is great!!!! I really want this!!!! Hopefully under $100!!! and also able to emuate psp games!!!!

We'll see

14 years ago

Seriously, under $100?? What you drinkin? I want some.

14 years ago

I think he means contract price, or at least I hope so.

14 years ago

Even with a contract, I don't see it being anywhere near $100. The EVO 4g on Sprint has been out for a while now and has only had a few $150 sales, and that was for the holidays. And a new (not referb) iPhone 4 is $200.

14 years ago

if you want a 2GB with contract, 2 years minimum after the release, maybe you'll get it a 100 bucks..

14 years ago

If it is under Sprint, I will probably get.

14 years ago

Sprint and Evo, are the way to go. This might just make me switch though, when I see the official specs and price.

14 years ago

I'm on Sprint and about to get the Evo, but I'm waiting to see how this shapes up.

14 years ago

So, who's creating the first psxextreme-app in time for this launch? 🙂

14 years ago

Anyone here with a phone that doesn't have an OS? I forget what the specific name for that kind of phone is. A regular cell phone haha?

I also remember there being a PSX Poll way back on the question I just asked, but I'm wondering how the results may have changed since then.

I'm still in love w/ my Motorola ROKR E8. I don't do much w/ my phone except answer calls and listen to music on it. As for all the internet browsing, apps, creating documents, instant messaging and so on…I just don't do it. I can understand how it can be helpful for people on the go, but do people in high school or even college really need all that when there's usually a hell of a lot of facility around?

I would love to get this phone though – because I do enjoy playing the games on my phone. But I wonder what kind of "PlayStation" games it'll play. PSP? PS1? PSN? I really wonder.

14 years ago

If it's going to run Android then yeah, I'm more than a little interested. With a decent monthly plan I might be able to get this for relatively cheap if not free. Looking forward to the details from Sony.

14 years ago

R.I.P sony!

14 years ago

leave it to oscar the grouch to have the positive comments

14 years ago

hey you guys should have a peek at this!
the ps3 is officially f*cked!
serves you right sony, you linux stealing bastards!

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
14 years ago

Piss off you troll. The PS3 is doing great in spite of all that and will continue to do so in spite of you. But I already covered the reasons for that in the other blog.

14 years ago

the PS3 and PSP GO have been hacked for the first time, sonys going to loose millions in lost software sales and its fine?
ah, gotta love the logic in todays kids!
our world has a real bright future!

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
14 years ago

What are those circular formations in between the D-pad and the buttons? Could they be touch sensor panels? If they are then this could really rock.

14 years ago

good thing my iphone contract finishes in 2 years, it'll let time to let evolve the PSphone !!

14 years ago

This makes even more sence if u add to it that Sony may bring google tv to the ps3 and from what i've read online google tv uses android apps and shit like that. Sounds like Sony will be in the $$$ if this proves true.

14 years ago

i see u trollin' and im hatin cause ur white n nerdy