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Sengoku Basara: Chronicle Heroes Set For PSP In Japan

The first didn't go over well with critics but still sold relatively well and now, a portable follow-up has been confirmed.

Capcom's Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes for the PlayStation 3 and Wii didn't drag down high scores, but it still managed to gain a big enough following to warrant a sequel. The publisher recently reported that Samurai Heroes had "met or exceeded" its sales expectations of 500,000 units (likely thanks to a good showing in Japan), so they figure a sequel would be worthwhile. But they're downsizing the concept: according to an announcement at Capcom's official blog , Sengoku Basara: Chronicle Heroes will release for the PSP in Japan this summer. They provide no information concerning a Western launch and although we're hoping to see it in the US, Capcom may have determined that such a game should stick to Japan. If you're not familiar with this style of gameplay, it's best to describe it as similar to Dynasty Warriors , with tons of enemies and standard hack 'n slash action.

We'll let you know if Capcom makes a Chronicle Heroes confirmation for the Western audiences.

Related Game(s): Sengoku Basara: Chronicle Heroes

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14 years ago

What is this game about.

14 years ago

Never even heard of it.

14 years ago

It's Devil Kings 3 if anyone remembers the first from the PS2. Dynasty Warriors-type but based in Feudal Japan. Fantastic game if you like Japanese history and aren't totally against the play style. The English dub is surprisingly awesome. I think it's great. But I'm biased because I really enjoy the Musou types.

Last edited by PorkChopGamer on 1/4/2011 12:48:46 PM

14 years ago

Appreciate the info PorkChop.

14 years ago

There are walkthroughs of the game on youtube you could watch and make your call on whether you want to try them out or not.

14 years ago

I want a zap gun so I can just kill these ads.

14 years ago

I didn't expect much from the game. But tried it anyway cause I love the anime and it turned out to be pretty good in the end.
And yeah, is it just me or have those spam ads increased recently?

14 years ago

more RPGs!?
oh god, i see shooters have met their match!
why do genres have to be so saturated?
why cant we have some more 2D platformers and horror games?
throw in some thrillers and car combat games for measure.
you know shooter, and RPG are not the only genres people play right?

14 years ago

It's not an RPG.

14 years ago

face palm!
wrong page.
im actually really happy about this, another samurai game!
one game i really miss is tenchu Z, remember playing that on my ps1 for months!
i bought the latest wii version, but its no where near as good as the ps1 versions.
what ever happened to the stealth ninja/samurai games?
the ps1 and ps2 were riddled with them, but the ps3 has only a handful, and even less decent ones!
last ps3 samurai game i played sucked!
afro samuari and genki sucked!
were WAY overdue for a good one!

not really a stealth game but i remember hearing A2M are suppose to be working on WET 2.
now that was a really cool game, prefect idea but poorly executed.
if they get it right that could be such a sweet game!
maybe the batman AA of 2011, presuming it releases in 2011.

Last edited by ___________ on 1/5/2011 7:55:39 AM

14 years ago

Tenchu was the shit. I haven't played any of them past PS1 though. What's the Wii one like?

Last edited by Kellhus on 1/5/2011 12:44:14 PM

14 years ago

its kinda the same as the original ps1 ones, but the worlds are much more open so it makes it allot harder to be stealthy.
ive always been a massive stealth fan, ill always go in and watch my prey and take them out quietly if i can.
but the wii version really makes it hard to do that because the worlds so open instead of having 1 person that you have to watch since the levels are so open you have like 10 to watch!
still was a really good game, but they need to close in the level design its far too open.
you did not really have many gadgets either, the famous grapple and smoke grenades were no where to be seen!
tenchu Z, now theres a PS1 classic sony seriously needs to add to the PSN!