If you're bitter about the direction Square-Enix has taken as a game maker, we have a little end-of-the-year gift for you.
It seems the company isn't beyond poking fun at themselves, or including a virtual image of their demolished office buildings in The 3rd Birthday for the PSP. If you check Siliconera , you will find an image of what the Square-Enix offices look like after being ravaged by nasties. Of course, the Parasite Eve series is set in New York and S-E doesn't have any offices there but then again, as the article states, there's no rampaging mystery virus, either. At least, not that we know of. Square-Enix continues to take flak this generation for morphing into an unrecognizable – and decidedly less fulfilling – version of the old RPG king, Squaresoft. Sadly, they don't appear to be in a position to right the ship any time soon, and they continue to leave a trail of disgruntled one-time fans in their wake. Therefore, such a pic might touch some deep, dark part of ourselves that wouldn't mind so much if the offices just sorta disappeared…
Aw, we don't mean that. If anything, I think we all believe Square-Enix still has a core of quality that, if tapped correctly , will once again yield something memorable.
Related Game(s): The 3rd Birthday
Yeah… they have talent there, obviously. But like any sports team with lots of talent, you can't win a championship without proper leadership or a good game plan.
On any given Tuesday…
*laughs* that's probably what most of Squeeenix's true devs would like to do to Wada's office.
i will be there to put in my share of trash into his office too, i cannot wait to see the day of his disappearance, no tears shed wut-so-everrrr, hands down.
Maybe its a metaphor for SEs attempt to cater to the Western Market. NY office in shambles? I just hope its not a bad omen. They haven't come thru properly this generation but I beleive the damage is not irreparable. Not yet anyway.
Copying Bethesda are they?
They did something like this in an anime they published back in 2006, so no.
Last edited by Scarecrow on 12/31/2010 1:41:29 PM
And the joke's on Wada in 3rd Birthday too…
The development team on The 3rd Birthday put a silly Easter Egg in the PSP game poking fun at the CEO of Square Enix, Yoichi Wada.
Yoichi Wada, CEO, appears in the PSP game as a "business strategy author".
Thereâs a book in the game titled "Tomorrow of Mankind" by Yoichi W., a business administration book about "job turnovers".
I'm expecting something similar in Versus XIII, as they've already shown images of a recreation of the Shinjuku district. I think that S-E is becoming ever more self-centred, and this is ahving an adverse effect on their productions. I wish I could tell them to get their sh** together and give us something worthy of the Squaresoft name. Alas, they will be forevermore disappointing.
By the way, it has officially been 2011 for the past six hours, so Happy New Year PSXE. I definitely look forward to more of the fun you gave me last year.
in what obscure corner of the world?
Australia :D… But NZ got there two hours before us… Damn Kiwis 😛
Well, it's only 3:26 PM on Dec 31st here on the U.S. East Coast, but Happy New years to you too, ahead of our time anyway, LOL
Little do they suspect how much us former fans want to be the ones to destroy their offices in a fit of nerd rage.
How appropriate.
Soo… When is 3rd Birthday coming to the US?
AHA…..Wada's employees are sending him Subliminal messages!
well at least they have a sense of humor!
but why are they doing this?
they know there companys going under they can see it as it happens so why do they just sit there and let it happen?
oh look this guys walked in and is destroying my house.
eh, ill just sit here and let him continue.
Funny.hahahahaha. ben please do something about the spammers above me.
Hello. My friend
w w w . a e o o e . c o m
Dedicated service, the new style, so you feel like a warm autumn!!!
thank you !!!
w w w . a e o o e . c o m