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PSP Tops In Japan In 2010, PS3 And Wii Nearly Tied

The Japanese love their portable gaming and while it always used to be a one-sided contest between Sony and Japan, things have changed significantly.

According to 1Up citing the latest numbers from ASCII Media Works, the PSP was the best-selling game platform of 2010 in Japan. Apparently, it just squeaked past the DS and more importantly, PSP sales were way up over the lackluster 2009 sales: in 2010, the PSP sold 2,729,718 (600,000 more than 2009) and the DS came in at 2,719,544 (down by more than 1 million from 2009). The stats look like this:

You may also notice that the PS3 was only about 40,000 behind the Wii, and as per usual, the Xbox 360 is almost nonexistent. For the PSP, the release of the wildly popular Monster Hunter Portable 3rd very likely spurred the portable to its big 2010 showing and at this rate, it appears as if the PSP and PS3 will be #1 and #3 in Japan in 2011. Just a guess, given the current upswing/downswing trends with Sony and Nintendo.

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14 years ago

hmmm, interesting that ALL other consoles (incl ps3) decreased their sales compared to 2009.
recession hits hard over there as well :/

14 years ago

Oh yea, Japan is in a lot worse shape than people know about. Like the US, they have a HUGE spending problem.

14 years ago

It's not just spending, it's the free trade BS, outsourcing, and "global economy." If the US effs up it effs up everyone else.

14 years ago

Japan's problem is spending. Their governments national dept is 200% of their GDP. The US economy and free trade didn't make Japan's government spend all that money.

14 years ago

But spending is not the whole picture. It's a fact that "global economy" affects all countries. When the US economy went down all countries went down.

I'd take high spending with a great standard of living over low spending and horrible standard of living.

The biggest chunk of money is going to the military, so maybe stop that?

Anyway let's discuss this in the forums if you want 😀

14 years ago

I'll send you an email. 🙂

14 years ago

I think it's the recession from Final Fantasy XIII release in Japan for PS3 in 2009.

Last edited by godsman on 12/31/2010 8:11:03 AM

14 years ago

I've never playeda Monster Hunter title, they got bad reviews on PSP so I didn't buy any. But a lot of people swear by it. Hmmm.

The 3rd Birthday debuted at freakin #6, I was hoping for a little higher than that.

14 years ago

I think maybe Japanese gamers are finally turning on Square in droves. They were outrageously outraged when Square once again broke their promise of PS3 exclusivity with FFXIII.

14 years ago

Not only that, but despite high sales numbers, I think RPG lovers (especially Japanese ones) aren't too thrilled with what they did to FF.

14 years ago

The japanese audience feels (I think) like they were conned. They all rushed out and bought the game on trust and then found that however good a game it is/was in it's own right, it wasn't the great Final Fanstasy game or JRPG that they had expected. I still remember some of the scathing remarks left on various forum by annoyed Japanese gamers.

14 years ago

I remember when it first released in Japan it only held 2 out of 5 stars on Amazon Japan and that was based on 850+ reviews. They were let down more than Western Final Fantasy fans I suspect.

14 years ago

I think Final Fantasy XIII still maintained it's sales expectations. It's just that the core audience is being replaced by casual gamers that's just buying it for the name or advertisement rather than gameplay. I believe most core gamers lost faith in FF. When the next large casual franchise launches simultaneously with FF, something like Wii Sports, you'll see significant drop in sales and overnight camping.

14 years ago

More than Western fans? I still haven't bought the thing. I've striken versus at this point aswell.

14 years ago

All good news.

14 years ago

Good news indeed. Nice to see the PSP topping sales charts.

14 years ago

That's how it should be everywhere else. An example to the gaming world for sure.

14 years ago

PS3 is going to rise!

14 years ago

not surprising considering the decline of wii games.
i seriously hope ninty are going to release a wii 2 for next year, and this time make it HD otherwise there going to sink faster than the titanic!
i always said the wiis a fad and it will die down, and o boy has it died down!
shame really, considering ninty are really the only company interested in nostalgia.

14 years ago

Nintendo will be fine. Slowing console sales was inevitable especially since everyone and their mother went out and bought one first 4 years it was on the market. I'm sure Nintendo saw this coming and has a plan.

14 years ago

i hope so, but you have to laugh how reggie slugs it off like its no big deal.
apple nintys biggest threat?
my god this guy really is as stupid as he looks!
come on, not even he can be that arrogant!

14 years ago

Of course Wii sales are going to drop, everyone owns one by now. It has nothing to do with games, HD, or much of anything other than that once everyone owns a wii you arent going to keep selling that many.

I dont think apple is a threat to anyone who makes serious games. Good games require buttons. Fact. Sure, stuff like Angry birds is cool, but there is no depth to it. It feels like a flash game from the early 00s.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 12/31/2010 9:50:13 AM

14 years ago

Ben, I think you made a mistake in the first sentence: " while it always used to be a one sided competition between Sony and Japan" Isn't it supposed to be "Sony and Nintendo"?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Aww, you beat me to it.

14 years ago

There is still some life left in the old dog… go PSP!



Last edited by Qubex on 12/31/2010 12:32:14 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

John, error in the opening paragraph, I think. 'while it always used to be a one-sided contest between Sony and Japan'. Should that not be Nintendo?

Anyway… I'm surprised to see the PSP nabbing the top spot, considering that it is almost dead everywhere else in the world. The infrequent, but brilliant releases don't seem to be enough. But then, I suspect the PSP's had a better showing this year than last worlwide, with GoW:GoS, VC2, MGS:PW and the newest Monster Hunter releasing.

Next year should be another good one, with a few good releases. But I think the prediction in the article is wrong. I honestly think that a large part of the drop-off of the DS is because of people holding off for the 3DS. That will sell ridiculously, and I don't think Sony has enough on either device to top it. Besides, if the PSP2 releases next year, as we are all expecting, both it and the current one will be hit. Also, we also have to toy with the possibility of a new Nintendo home console, which just throws everything into disarray.

14 years ago

That sales number isn't that large, considering how many people are in Japan. But still PSP sales surprise me as it is still popular over there? Most people have sold their psps here, I however have kept mine and will countinue to use it.

14 years ago

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