The PSP2 and PlayStation Phone have become hot topics of conversation and despite no official announcements, Sony isn't afraid to reference possibilities.
Sony boss Kaz Hirai recently spoke to the New York Times , and suggested that if Sony were going to do another gaming portable (hint hint, the PSP2), it would have the advantage in terms of control. Hirai was speaking in regards to competing with mobile gaming devices like Android and iPhone, and it's clear that Hirai is talking about touchscreen controls:
"Depending on the game, there are ones where you can play perfectly well with a touch panel. But you can definitely play immersive games better with physical buttons and pads. I think there could be games where you're able to use both in combination."
Concerning the PlayStation Phone, which may have been prematurely leaked , Hirai said that "if" Sony released such a unit, Sony would have to make an obvious distinction between the capable smartphone and the PSP2. Said Hirai:
"We don't want gamers to be asking, 'What's the difference between that and a PSP?' We have to come up with a message that users will understand. It would have to be a product that keeps the PlayStation's strengths intact."
At this point, one may assume both the PSP2 and PlayStation Phone will be available in 2011, which might allow Sony to push forward in the portable/mobile gaming market. But it's certainly true they'll need to keep consumers informed…let's not go confusing "PSP2" and "PS Phone."
The thing is that there is a huge difference between iPhone4 and the iPod. Even if the iPod can do music, and some suitably encoded video and some games, the iPhone is orders of magnitude more capable. But for the tasks mentioned, they appear similar.
Internally the iPhone is far more sophisticated and powerful. iPhone 4 has a far higher screen resolution, and that takes much more CPU/GPU to handle. Your comparison rings as hollow as someone comparing a netbook against a gaming laptop. The two are broadly speaking similar, but the laptop has so much more to it's hardware and ultimately can handle more complex software at higher resolutions than the netbook can even dream of.
Indeed, though i personaly don't see the need for huge resolution for a small screen, the differences are very minute. The PSP's screen is fine for anything you need.
I agree with you 100%. The general consumer will most definitely not care about the intricate technical aspects of these products.
And like you said about the Ipod/Iphone, the price point should be cheaper than a ps3 to purchase a psp2. And the ipod touch can definitely do everything the iphone can except make gsm calls. All three devices have the same chip and processing power. (iphone 4, ipad, ipod touch 4th gen)
Regardless of resolution, the customers are obviously still satisfied. As the ipod touch leads the portable gaming realm more than sony and nintendo combined. Don't believe me? Google Steve Jobs most recent keynote on the new ipod touch :).
And highlander, while your technical aspects about the iphone/ipod touch are fancy, his opinion does ring valid.
As long as the product can perform efficiently and effectively, the general consumer will still be satisfied. It's like a starter and a second string that both play the same position. Yea one may be getting paid more, and starts every game. But the second string is just as effective when put in the game after the starter is injured. How? Because they both serve one common goal.
At the end of the day, no matter the aspects. If the product is designed to serve a purpose, as long as it does it well everything is good. Especially, if the product has a price point way cheaper than its predecessor.And by predecessor, i mean, the product it is mirrored from.
Anyway, Happy Holidays to all and Good Post.
Last edited by Need4Speed11_11 on 12/23/2010 7:09:25 PM
I've always dreamt of a PSP which could be used as a phone as well. It sounds like these are two different devices… that sucks. I'm not sure which one I'm more interested in. I need a new phone but been kinda wanting a PSP, especially with how good the PSP2 sounds.
I wonder how much they will cost. I can't see the PSP2 sell for more then 299, no sells for that price. 249 is still too much but might, just maybe get me to buy it for that price, which I see it end up being.
Hey Highlander,
This phone big enough for ya, LOL???
Hands-on with a 42-Inch Android Nexus S
ROTFLMAO! Call that a phone….? Now *that*'s a phone!
That's awesome BTW. I love it.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/23/2010 9:01:17 PM
If the PSP2 kept it's relative shape and included a touch screen, it would be a very comfortable fit. Think how your hands are held while holding a PSP, and think about being able to just move your thumb over a little and tap the screen for, say, a reaction command; it's all so perfect and would be much more comfortable than the DS, actually, I think.
okay, I think that is stupid. No need to make them 2 separate devices. Just combine the sh** ;/