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The 3rd Birthday Trailer: Gameplay Galore, Aya’s Wedding

It's one of the more anticipated PSP titles of the generation and we have to admit, that Square-Enix flair is definitely evident.

The latest full 3-minute trailer shows off a ton of gameplay and a lot of cinematic goodness, and it appears as if Aya's wedding went terribly wrong. In addition, there should be quite an in-depth and engaging storyline, which was a staple of the first two installments way back on the original PlayStation. If you've got a PSP, watch the following video and just try not to be excited.

Although many are hoping for news of a Parasite Eve title for the PlayStation 3, we can make do with this. Aya Brea has always been one of the more interesting main characters, and this third-person action looks pretty solid. Of course, we don't get that role-playing feel we had in the original but then again, that disappeared in PEII, as the sequel was much closer to a Resident Evil . So, what do you think?

Related Game(s): The 3rd Birthday

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14 years ago

What I think is that a PS3 version needs to be announced.

Gaming on the PSP is something I don't like much..

14 years ago

Same, gives me a headache.

14 years ago

I love playing on my PSP but you do have to play in shorter increments. I don't get any headaches but my eyes will get foggy after an hour or so.

14 years ago

I don't get a headache, and I hook the PSP to my 65" HDTV.

It's the controller part of the PSP that I can't stand.

14 years ago

You know what would be nice? PS3 has remote play that allows a PSP to play PS3 stuff remotely. What if the PSP supported a USB link to the PS3 that allowed you to play PSP games on the PSP using your DS3 controller, displayed (and scaled up) by your PS3 on a nice HD screen?

That'd be nice…

14 years ago

Highlander.. I would buy a lot more PSP games!

14 years ago

Wait a minute. Can handheld gaming screw over my vision in any way? I need to know this.

14 years ago

I heard from somewhere that they were working on something for the PSP so you could use the PS3 controller, and that you could do it with a game.

But I'm not sure what game it was, or if it was true or not.

This was i think a year or so ago. I would play my PSP more if i could use my PS3 controller because i get bad finger cramps sometimes when i play for long periods on the PSP, i have somewhat long fingers so it doesn't go well with the layout of the PSP i can still do it but it gets painful after awhile.

14 years ago

If i remeber right doesn't Resistance Retribution have a feature where you can use a PS3 controller, though doing so it goes into infected mode.

14 years ago

I know what you mean, I used to play on handelds but moved away because for me its hard to see, with the vision and wearing glasses and all. Prefer the big screen.

Still waiting for PSP2 to try and change my mind if the screen is big enough

Last edited by TheShadow on 12/15/2010 9:20:00 PM

14 years ago


Actually you sort of can do that now. Setup your PSP to output video to the TV and connect a DS3 to your PSP via bluetooth.

I use it for those longer gaming sessions or when I'm playing GT PSP.

Although, no scaling would be done of course.

Last edited by Nynja on 12/16/2010 1:46:43 PM

14 years ago

Yes this looks AMAZING! But I'm worried a lot of the story will be lost on my because I have not played the first two games. I might just get it anyways.

14 years ago

I think they confirmed both would be hitting PSN soon. They are worth a buy. The first game is one of my favorite RPG's to date.

14 years ago

Agreed Jawk. The first one was stellar!

14 years ago

Love how this game is getting better and better with each announcement. I do not mind playing on my PsP,but after a hour or two my eyes begin to tear up. After seeing this video I may need to go to a eye doctor for all the hours I will be playing. ; ;

14 years ago

Holy Sh** the graphics.i can't believe its a psp game!

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/15/2010 3:19:45 PM

14 years ago

Well you weren't kidding about Aya looking better than ever. Glad I own a PSP. This should be another bench setter for handhelds.

I might need to brush up on PE story situation before getting this one from the looks of it.

14 years ago

When I'm going to get another PE for a console =/

14 years ago

I want it on ps3 ;_;

14 years ago

Looks rather impressive, Though i have to say i know the previous games have fantasy elements, but this does seem to be taking possibly to far in the epic territory unlike the previous games, maybe its due to it not being a survival horror game anymore so the pacing has to be different.

I'm also curious to how it will control, the only 3rd person action game with half decent controls is Peace Walker, i don't another control scheme like Portable Ops.

But i'm certainly excited for it. P.E. was one of Squares PS1 gems, i'm very glad to see that they havent abandonded it.

14 years ago

Wait wait wait!!!

@ 0:35, is that Aya dressed as Lightning?

14 years ago

I didn't even notice that until you mentioned it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I thought so, too…