Yes, it's true. We're fans of Aya Brea but we are also aware that shameless fan service is often good for discussion, and a wee bit of extra clickety-clicks from around the Internet.
We're men enough to admit all that. But it's also true that The 3rd Birthday remains one of our most anticipated PSP titles of the generation (we so miss Parasite Eve ) and Square-Enix is really pushing the hell out of the promising game. …and they just so happen to "push" things a little differently in Japan, especially with a main character like Aya. Andriasang shows us the new wallpapers that have showed up on the game's official site; the first big one there ought to be plenty appealing for fans. She has a look in her eyes…
Anywho, the update also confirms all the Japanese voice actors, which may or may not interest you. It's worth noting that Maaya Sakamoto is voicing Aya; she also voiced Lightning in the Japanese version of Final Fantasy XIII , so that shows you there's some star power in the performance lineup. Hit the link to see all the confirmed actors; you might be familiar with a few.
Square-Enix can tease us all they want. We still, however, want to know when we can get our hands on the game. Hopefully, soon…?
MMMM, nice gun!
(and that cheeky little butt ain't looking too shabby either)
The guys over at Andriasang were complaining she didn't have enough junk in the trunk. While I don't mind a slightly rounded butt myself, there is nothing wrong with an ass you could bounce a quarter off of either. 😉
Who's Lightning?
I'm excited for this.
Like he wrote, the heroine from FF XIII. Unless that was sarcasm.
Oh come on.
She's bitchy one who needs a man 😉
Poor attempt at showing her relevance sarcastically, sorry guys!
Yeaaaa, because sarcasm can definitely be used in FONT FORM!….rofl
I think it's fair to say sex sells, because I'm sex sold off of that picture!
Wish my mitochondria had a mind of it's own.
Cool jeans…
Yay – fan service…
Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/1/2010 11:50:18 AM
It's a shame they won't be in HD (or even SD, for that matter).
I didn't read the article, just admired the pic… sorry
She has lost weight since Parasite Eve, but the pooper is still in business at her age so who can complain?
Heh… Nice picture. Square-Enix has got fingers right! Okay, I kid… slightly. Looks utterly tantalising. When does this release again?
What is wrong with me? This is a PSP game??
These pictures are far too distracting.
sorry, wiping the jizz of my keyboard.
fear the black light.
Ben what if my mommy comes walking in on me?
oh btw, what would your opinion be if playstation allowed someone to make a sex toy for playstation move or try to turn it into a cyber sex experience?
Just read this article on kinect and wii that dealt with the same thing.
I'm not sure I'd have an opinion one way or the other.
Aaaaand there's my new Avatar LOL!
Haha, Have you people even viewed the trailer? This game is straight up soft-core hentai! Tentacles, monsters with big packages, and white slimy, gooey substance dripping all over her? LMAO! Classic Hit Right Here!