As we all lie in wait for the PSP2 announcement, the PSP-3000 remains a darn good investment for those who haven't yet given portable gaming a try this generation.
Sony recently outlined the many Black Friday deals for the PS3 and PSP and after word got around, it seems the PSP is enjoying quite the popularity surge. As noted by PlayStation LifeStyle , the PSP deal – LittleBigPlanet , "The Karate Kid" movie, 1GB Memory Stick PRO Duo, and a $15 gift card – for $129.99 has made everyone go bonkers. Sales rocketed 62,200%; the PSP was ranked 1,246 before the deal went public and now, it's all the way up to the #2 slot. That $129 PSP bundle (minus the gift card) will also be available at GameStop, the Best Buy bundle will probably go fast, and Amazon is currently sold out of the package in question. The PS3 might also see a boost in sales, thanks to the various bundle deals along with the recent release of the long-awaited Gran Turismo 5 . Yes indeed, the holidays are starting with a bang. Black Friday is good for saving cash…sometimes.
So, who out there is taking advantage of these sales? Any good gamer needs both the PS3 and PSP, right?
I bought a 3000 recently but it was over a week ago. Ergo, I got no deal. But I'm happy with my purchase none the less.
Great to see the PSP getting alittle love. The machine deserves it.
Currently been mostly enjoying comics on it. Not too much in the way of gaming, but I've been enjoying a HELL of a lot of comics on it.
Still need to finish Persona 3 aswell.
That's good news.
Incidentally, I bought Hexyz Force for the PSP during the Atlus half price sale. It's pretty good so far, so I expect I'll put together a user review next week sometime.
Funny. I just started playing my PSP now recently.
Good news for the little machine that could. I might've gotten on that deal if I didn't have one.
Yeah that was a good bundle at a good price. I hope Sony takes note of this. Don't get all crazy with the pricing of your PSP2.
I really want one but it's going to interfere with my PS3 gaming.
I have honestly spent more hours gaming on my PSP than my PS3 this year. There are so many great games for it. Anyone who thinks it's a dead system needs a good kick in the teeth.
thats a shock, considering theres nothing new worth buying for it!
come on sony, seriously how can you treat your own platform like this?
god there treating this worse than M$ treats the PC!
besides GOW ghost of sparta and MGS peace walker there has been no good games released for it this year!
2 in a whole frigging year!!!!
if sony really are doing a PSP2 or a PSP phone i hope they start learning how to release games on it, if its going to be anything like the PSP its going to sink faster than the titanic!
god theres more games on the wii that i want, than the PSP.
now thats embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Valkyria Chronicles 2, Phantasy Star Portable 2.
Your comment also lost all credibility when you said the Wii had more games.
I could point to a ton of JRPG games, and quite a number of other excellent titles. But that's not the point. As usual, Anon Cow is making baseless and negative statements as if they are universally acknowledged fact, when they are little more than unsubstantiated opinion, and quite refuted by fact.
they released this year?
plus we dont get most JRPGs since there not very popular here.
plus i got a go and for some reason sony refuses to put most games on the PSN.
This year PSP also had Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep(i loved it), Persona 3 Portable and the ones already mentioned. And come on, next year will have top class releases. Persona 2 Portable, The 3rd Birthday, Dissidia 012,(maybe?)Agito ad many more!
No games?
This is by no means a complete list.
OK, Metacritic (not the greatest source, but what the heck…) lists the following games as being released in the last 12 months and having scores of 80 or above.
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
God of War ghosts of Sparta
Valkyria Chronicles II
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman
Cladun: This is an RPG
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Coconut Dodge
Ys Seven
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Portable
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony
Tekken 6
Pinball Fantasies
Blast Off
There are a bunch of other titles listed as well that either didn't get sufficient reviews to have a metacritic score (this is the problem when people ignore the games that are released on the platform), or got a decent score, but not 80 or above. Including (but not limited to);
Ace Combat: Joint Assault
UFC 2010 Undisputed
Phantasy Star Portable 2
FIFA Soccer 11
NBA 2K11
Madden NFL 11
Toy Story 3
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley
Major League Baseball 2K10
MLB 10: The Show
Dante's Inferno
Age of Zombies
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3
Armored Core: Silent Line Portable
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
And that doesn't include various RPG/JRPG games that are a bit more niche market.
Let's not forget that the previous year included;
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Half-Minute Hero
Gran Turismo
PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe
MotorStorm Arctic Edge
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days
Fate/Unlimited Codes
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
PANGYA: Fantasy Golf
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Rock Band Unplugged
Crimson Gem Saga
Patapon 2
Resistance: Retribution
LocoRoco 2
DJ Max Fever
Star Ocean: Second Evolution
Super Stardust Portable
Shaun White Snowboarding
If you can't find a dozen or so games in that that you want to play, you're no gamer.
You're such a contradictory fool Cowpatty, just the other week you were raving on about how great Ghost of Sparta was. That game alone is worth owning a PSP for so your statement its null in void.
Please just go away for a week, at least. We need a break from your lunatic rants. You just got owned by Highlander.
Last edited by Jawknee on 11/26/2010 11:46:59 AM
Hey Zero Credibility(aka_______________),
<<<<<thats a shock, considering theres nothing new worth buying for it! 2 in a whole frigging year!!!!>>>>>>
W. T. H-E-double L ????
You really are getting quite delusional there in your young age!!!
I'm not even into RPG's & even I still know Atlus alone, has brought out a ton & a 1/2 of them just this year alone for the PSP.
So as the movie go's…..
"You can't handle the truth"
Funny how you say that in one of the best PSP years , hell PSP just for the PS1 games it's worth.
I wish i could buy a new PSP, but my original 80 GB PS3 got the YLOD two months ago and i haven't been able to play PS3. I just bought assassin's creed yesterday from Kmart for $40 and i haven't been able to play Castlevania either. I don't have enough money or time to play video games with the whole high school and college process. I can't wait until January When the college process is done and seniorities sets in.
New School,
Take this from an Old School,
Not to Nit-Pick with you but your post just doesn't add up.
If your PS3 broke 2 months ago, then why are you even spending anything on games(no matter how cheap they may be), when you should have been saving up to either send your PS3 to be fixed or to buy a new one????
Plus the fact that you also stated….
"I don't have enough money or time to play video games with the whole high school and college process."
So as the robot in the old Lost In Space series always said….
"That does not compute"
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/26/2010 3:06:24 PM
wow you didn't really need to make things complicated. I had the money to buy my PS3 since mid October, just waited until black Friday to get it for $250 at BJ's. and I don't have enough time or money to play right now, but i do have vacations coming up so i can catch up on what i missed. I also have a younger brother who plays videoames, but he's turned over to the dark side and he's been playing xbox 360.
Speaking of Black Friday good deals, I abhorr Yahoo. Why? One stupid article writer wrote that a PS3 bundle with MNR or LBP or Uncharted 2 are no-buys because they are no-name games.
big WTF! damn, thats a lot of shiznit M$ dollars up their a$$ and out their site. And another article writes "the best game deals". Know what they put up as a pic? XBOX. C'mon Yahoo, you know better. And c'mon, I'm not bashing XBOX, but when you say good games of a system, say something like Allan Wake or the latest Halo. Not all Halo games I understood was that good nor is Gears of War that epic.
rant out
Last edited by spiderboi on 11/26/2010 10:12:44 AM
Actually, I'm not so sure Yahoo does know better. They let one of their idiot writers write a column about how the PS3 isn't worth it because you can't replace the battery in the Duel Shock after it dies. Apparently she didn't know you could recharge them.
Not to nitpick Ben, but that's not a $129 deal, it's more like a $130 deal 🙂
Aarrrgghhh…playing the perfectionists' game has some serious side effects…!!
I'm late to the party, but I want to add that the PSP-Go bundle is also being sold at some places for $150 while supplies last.
Finally down to the price it should have been at launch.
I just finished my first race on GT5(got my Collector's Edition today :D) and was wondering how to download the 8gig install. Nothing came up to do it and I can't find anything. I'll get my 6 DLC cars then hopefully somebody has an answer for me in not to long. I'm bringing my PS3 to my cousins and we'll be playing it all night on a 60".
Please somebody, please reply.
The long, long wait is over, and that first race was worth it 😀
See you all on the track 😀