Some will say the PlayStation Phone is all but confirmed, what with all the evidence that accumulated recently, but Sony has yet to issue any sort of comment.
Even so, company executives have been caught slipping on a few words since that time. Even though they still won't issue any sort of public confirmation or denial, various Sony representatives have provided journalists with plenty of open-ended ammunition. For instance, here's what Sony Ericsson Chief Executive Bert Nordberg told the Wall Street Journal :
"There's a lot of smoke, and I tell you there must be a fire somewhere. Sony has an extremely strong offering in the gaming market, and that's very interesting."
We still know very little about the product in question, and even if there is a new Sony phone, it might not actually be called the "PlayStation Phone." Another source has claimed that such an item will hold Sony Ericsson's Xper ia brand name. Again, though, nobody seems to be willing to step up and say something definitive. But Nordberg elaborated-
"Sony is of course a very strong brand, and why shouldn't we use that? Gaming, including content, is a very interesting proposition."
He finished by saying Sony Ericsson intends to make a big splash at the Mobile Word Congress in Barcelona in February, so maybe that's when this mystery phone will finally see the light of day. In the meantime, we'll just have to keep waiting…
It's gonna be hard for this to be successful when iPhone is on the market.
I for one am tired of how every time they release a new iphone everybody buys one, then they release another one.
i have a buddy that is always selling his last iphone for the newest iphone they put out. its pretty bs. he dumps so much money down the drain on always needing the new one.
Screw the iphone, HTC Sprint EVO is the real beast of smartphones, but the masses are too ignorant to realize it. Anything your iphone can do, my sprint 4G can do better, plus more.
NORDBERG!!! I think if they make this it will play PSP games, but probably not PSP2 games.
I have more interest in a black berry at the moment… Unless the Sony Playstation Ericson (Or Whatever) features a Droid OS, I'm not buying it… I either Want a Black berry as a phone or a PSP2 as a portable…
dude is that house in your avatar?
yes it is… Hense my username…
Gregory house + Gordon Freeman = Gregory Freeman
(Just feeling a little nostalgic here)
Switchboard operator lady…..
One ringydingy, two ringydingy, snort….
…Is this the party…snort…to whom I am speaking????
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/22/2010 11:12:06 PM
whats the point?
the Iphone is going to kick the royal sh*t out of this!
everyone already has a iphone, so why sell that to get a inferior machine?
hope its not shaped like the GO, otherwise no one will buy it!
after using it for half a hour my hands go numb, not exactly a symptom you want from a device you paid 450 bucks for!
sonys Q&A is seriously lacking lately!
whats next, a phone that slices your arms off?
Last edited by ___________ on 11/23/2010 1:00:54 AM
If the image serves as an indicator it will run the Android OS. I think its a great choice, it can offer some very interesting things once its "jailbroke". I hope it will run PSP games, and not some new market for Android games.
Wow, they really know how to come out with products I have no interest in. Are they just trying to find a use for all those unsold PSP Go's by modifying them into phones?
I'll stick with my tiny cell phone and my PS3 on my 32" HDTV.
This is a Day 1 purchase for me. A phone is the only thing the PSP product lacked. Imagine the power of the PSP2 with a phone included. Insane when you consider the connectivity to the PS3. This will be a superpowered device. As far as I'm concerned, they could slap a phone on the PSP Go. I'll roll with the annoying all digital download only if I get a phone on it in return. No prob. For those of you who do not recognize the potentially great gadget that this could be, you are technology ignorant in a forward thinking industry. Sony is right on target with this if they do it right.
100% agree
Yeah i think this would be pretty cool. Iphone is over rated totally. It's a cool phone but it's really no better than any other elite phone. Its "Apple". They could put an "Apple" logo on a piece of crap and sell it for $500 dollars. Not everyone wants a damn iphone first of all. It would be nice if it had an actual contender for a mobile gaming device/phone. The main appeal of the iphone is Itunes/store. It's an easy interface that most people can use. It's also pretty crappy in my opinion. It's got just as much shovelware as the wii. And it always seems to put the most expensive apps/games in your face first. I hope sony comes out with something that dethrones the iphone. Wishful thinking… I know…
In my opinion they already have, with the Xperia phones running Android.
The Android platform is superior to the iphone by the fact alone that it's open while iPhone is as closed as a jail. Anyone can develop android apps and the android app market is accessible for all. With the available free tools it's easy to create apps too.
Plus, Android is maintained by Google. You may think what you like about Google, but those guys know what they are doing.
Sounds expensive and looks ugly.
Still, adding Playstation to your cell is a very interesting proposition.
If those little sensor thingies in the center of the phone are supposed to be the dual analog sticks, I hate it already. I hate iPhone games for the same reason. I need the tactile feedback of actual buttons, or analog sticks in this case. Harumph!