It's not just about tearing clothes, you know. There's definitely an action/RPG setting, as the character advancement process indicates.
Famitsu has revealed the customization system in Square-Enix's promising handheld title, The 3rd Birthday : it's called Over Energy. These OEs are special abilities for Aya; they're obtained by infusing "OE Chips" directly into her DNA, and this can result in attack and defense modifiers as well as recovery skills. You collect those Chips from fallen enemies and they can be found in other locations as well. Once you've collected a few, you can insert them into Aya's DNA board, which is a 3×3 panel of chip slots. Each Chip is different, as they're classified in a certain way (i.e., "Normal DNA") and they'll take up a certain number of slots, too. Before equipping, the game will tell you what sort of Over Energy ability you'll achieve with the current Chip selection.
The example provided by Famitsu was as follows: a Level 1 Normal DNA Chip takes up two slots on the board. Each slot gives Aya a Level 1 Antibody OE, so when the two Lv. 1 Antibody OEs are combined, that results in a Level 2 Antibody. Get it? Sometimes, you'll even be able to fuse Chips together, which will allow the corresponding OE level to rise. Chips can also be linked for cumulative effects. Lastly, the magazine tells us Aya will have levels of her own – gained by getting regular EXP – and foes will also give her BP, which may or may not be the same BP we had in the first two Parasite Eve titles.
Really, it's not just about some cute girl getting her clothes torn off, as many headlines may indicate.
Related Game(s): The 3rd Birthday
Horny bastard.
uh…. eat some bad cantaloupe with your brunch this morning?
What an odd comment to make…
Well, this is a tad awkward..
That was a bad attempt at a joke.
Well time to get the noose out.
Another bad attempt at a joke. Or did I miss the memo about suicide being funny?
"Really, it's not just about some cute girl getting her clothes torn off, as many headlines may indicate."
ROTFLMAO! No, it's never just about some cute girl (39 is a girl??) getting her clothes torn off….ever. That's not at all what Soul Calibur 4 was about, not at all….LOL! And some people worry that games are becoming too PC…
* note the cute girl in maid outfit used as avatar in tribute to all the hand-wringing about Eve as a maid.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 11/18/2010 10:54:06 AM
Eve? I mean Aya. Oh boy, my brain needs a jump start today…
Oh, all right. There was some hidden sarcasm in the article. 😉
LOL I know.
I was adding my own mock shock about it all…
Gotta love that mock shock
Is that from Hand Maid May that you recommended Highlander? I haven't checked it out yet, I think I'm gonna go with Love Hina first.
Yep, that's the one. I've heard lots of good things about Love Hina. Please Teacher is also very good.
Yeah I've got Please Teacher, makes me wanna get Please Twins to follow up on Ichigo. She was an interesting character.
That certainly sounds interesting. And Ghost of Sparta reminded me of just how awesome the PSP can be… Now if only I could get through VC2… The 3rd Birthday is sounding great. And of course, the voyeurs will love it.
If you haven't played Peace Walker, that's another great one to get for the PSP.
Got it, haven't played it yet… I want to play the entire series in a mindblowing marathon of awesomeness over a two month period (or however long it takes). I only need to get the first and I'll be good to go.
That clothes shredding thing is just a feature. PE was amazing over a decade ago, I'm sure it'll be amazing now.
I hope so. I was really disappointed with Parasite Eve 2. The first one was brilliant.
Oh i know, the first one was one of the most memorable PS1 experiences I've ever had!
HaHa, talking about your OWN headlines a bit there Ben? Anyway it's good to hear there will be some RPG elements and that Aya will be getting PLASMIDS!!!!
Miss Brea… Would you kindly?
Gotta say Ben,
that's certainly one beautiful pic of Aya!
I have more. 🙂
It's finally starting to sound like a game. Some strategic choices in relation to abilities… very nice.
Woo my first Parasite Eve kinda game…!, Playstation store beckons for the classics!!
So I just bought the first Parasite Eve from Goodwill for $5, nice shape, no discs missing (not even the bonus demo disc!) Since I'm currently borrowing Xenogears from a friend, this one will have to wait a while. What can I expect out of it?